First Cycle - Winny Only

After reading this now, I know why us noobs get such a bad rep. Sorry dude but you need to stop posting ans start reading. Just by your questions it's clear you have'n t researchrd one bit. Good luck to you and listen, read and take your time it's not a race bud.

PS: you guys are aswesome REALLY!!!!!!

I want to thank you guys for caring\helping me. I am grateful. I've been through the shitter lately. Worst time of my life. Stats...

31 yrs old
210 lbs
lifting hard 4 days a week 2-3 hrs a day for almost 3 yrs
bench 315x3 w/ good form :vampire:

Funny thing, you guys'll laugh. I was about to pay a dude $1000 for a 3 months supply of Tren and Prop plus all the Clomid I'd need. Then the guy who supplied that guy said that guy was an idiot and gave me 60 50mg tabs of Winstrol (winny) for $90. Said I'd need no PCT.

Still a terrible deal
I wanted to finish what I started. Too bad I didn't do it right from the beginning. I'm on a good diet and working my ass off. Strength is back up to what it was before I lost 20lbs. I can't wait to get started on the next one. My joints feel better since I've been taking fish oil. Taking milk thistle too.

So...let me get this right. I SHOULD do a PCT after the winstol cycle of clomin? (thanks porkchop) And cycle 2 should be test only? Why not add a bulking steroid with the test? I'm so hungry btw all the time...

Test is one of the greatest bulking steroids ever
Halfway there. Below is a picture from last night, week 3 of 6. HUGE difference right?

View attachment 545666

So the Winstrol (winny) caused you to shave and get a tan/change the lighting? Congratulations, you think you are doing something constructive. But, instead you are fucking up your liver for no good reason.

Here's an idea.... get a GOAL! or several. It pisses me off when people treat this shit like it's no big deal. If it's no big deal to you then you're gonna get hurt or never make any good gains. Listen to these people on here! You've wasted weeks already...
Yes you need to run PCT of clomid 50/50/50/50. cycle number 2 should be test only and if your looking to cut you should look into a cutting diet if you havn't already. I would wait a few months before you start this though.

4 weeks of clomid for a 4 week Winstrol (winny) only cycle? That's not necessary bro...

And if he's looking to cut why couldn't he just continue what he was alrady doing? He said he lost 20 lbs in a month...

Really I think the only thing he lost was his sense of reason when starting this "cycle". He would have been much better off running a clomid only cycle for 4 weeks or so to raise his natty test levels. You can tell by his responses that he is clearly not ready
4 weeks of clomid for a 4 week Winstrol (winny) only cycle? That's not necessary bro...
Necessary or not he should still run clomid for 4 weeks at 50 mg per day. this is not paracetamol where talking about here, it will do more good than harm if he over done the clomid than if he undershot it. because like you said clomid will raise his natty test anyway. You seem like an expert on oral only post cycle therapy (pct) but you didn't tell him what is a necessary time to run it????????

and if no1 can see a difference after 6 weeks of Winstrol (winny) then your fucking blind or ignorant because he was a dumbass and ran this shit in the first place...
Whoa cool thanks guys...

whats 50/50/50/50 mean, and what kind of test, and why test only?

it means 50mg ed for 4 weeks.
the test ester doesnt matter but id go for a longer ester test such as test e or c just because its only 2 shots a week. And test only for your first so you see how your body reacts to the compound. And yes, test only will shut your natty test down but you are replacing it with exogenous test so youre g2g. good luck with whatever you choose.
it means 50mg ed for 4 weeks.
the test ester doesnt matter but id go for a longer ester test such as test e or c just because its only 2 shots a week. And test only for your first so you see how your body reacts to the compound. And yes, test only will shut your natty test down but you are replacing it with exogenous test so youre g2g. good luck with whatever you choose.

Thanks bro, much appreciated.
Whoa cool thanks guys...

whats 50/50/50/50 mean, and what kind of test, and why test only?

WTF is wrong with you? You just asked this question. The answer is in the stickys, READ THEM FOR FUCK SAKE... LAAAZZZY.... If you don't want to spend 2hrs reading the stickys then just type in "first cycle options" in whichever search engine you use. It will bring up the same answer. My god..... you truly do suffer from BIG DUMMY syndrone don't you.

All the answers right in front of you, the best advice given to you, and you still go through with a pointless cycle. Whatever...finish this ridiculous shit and be done with it then. You'll see shortly after why this is pointless. Looks like your prone to gaining water/fat easily, the point is once your cycle is complete, chances are is that your going to easily put that weight back on. Winnie is potent shit, and the results you posted look like a low-carb 3 week diet inwhich you lose alot of water around the mid-section for starters.
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Bro, Winstrol (winny) doesn't aromatize... in fact it has some powers to limit the activity of lingering estrogen. Really if all he used was Winstrol (winny) he doesn't need a post cycle therapy (pct). It's not gonna kill him man. If it was dbol, drol, etc then I would say do it for a couple weeks. You're right that it may help raise his natty test levels, but look at what this guy has been doing so far, he's bound to fuck something up.

And no I'm not an expert on oral only PCT, I'm an expert at telling people not to do oral only cycles unless it's clomid or an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) ;)

Oh, btw, your last sentence does not make any sense whatsoever. You build it up like you are going to defend him actually making gains and then you call him a dumbass for using in the first place. I would have understood you better if you said, "He's just like a toaster, on Saturdays he walks on the sidewalk in the Himalayas"... I can at least picture that

Necessary or not he should still run clomid for 4 weeks at 50 mg per day. this is not paracetamol where talking about here, it will do more good than harm if he over done the clomid than if he undershot it. because like you said clomid will raise his natty test anyway. You seem like an expert on oral only PCT but you didn't tell him what is a necessary time to run it????????

and if no1 can see a difference after 6 weeks of Winstrol (winny) then your fucking blind or ignorant because he was a dumbass and ran this shit in the first place...
HAHAHA I never said he made gains!!! Winstrol (winny) is used when your on a cutting cycle is it not??????? when have you ever heard of Winstrol (winny) on a bulk??? Regarding my last sentence if you took the time to go through all my previous posts you will see that I think he was a dumbass for running Winstrol (winny) only. I think he gets the point now thats why i've been trying to help him.

I'm no expert on oral only cycle but in suggesting to him clomid 50/50/50/50 atleast he might benefit to that added boost, but now you chimed in so he's going to question the need for it now instead of reaping the benefits...

p.s funny shit on the toaster walking in the himalayas
HAHAHA c'mon amuse me some more...

ok, to be perfectly honest.... what you need to do that is going to set you up the best is T3. It's pretty much the best thing you can use to recover your natural test. You only need to use about 150mcg per day to get great results. It preserves muscle very well and you'll even lose some fat. It's a win-win situation really.

I probably shouldn't even be giving you this advice....but hey, what can I say, I have a soft spot for dumb fucks
Thanks pal. I'm thrilled to collect so many pieces of shit in my thread. Say something else I could care less about fag.