First Cycle Worked Out... and two BIG questions


New member
I've spent alot of time over the past few months reading posts on this board to figure out how to go about cycling properly. I appreciate all the awesome info that everyone posts on here.

This is what I've figured out so far...

Body: 29 yrs, 170lb 18%bf

Diet: I've been keeping track of what I eat usually get pretty close to 3000 calories with a 45/30/25 protein/carb/fat (it varies) breakdown. I know the fat is kinda high, but thats generally from the poly/mono fats in salmon that I eat to offset my saturated fat intake. Other sources of protein are: chicken, beef, whey, milk. Primary carbs are: oatmeal, ramen, pizza (I love pizza). Primary veggie: green beans (I know.. I need to eat more veggies).

Workout: I've been lifting for about a month (3 days a week) to get the feel for weights back and find out what exercises work best for me. I'm also working with a personal trainer (1 day a week) help me with my form and be a consistent spotter. With each exercise I've been doing an 8 rep set for warmup with the goal of going 6 reps in the next set (forced reps if needed) with more weight. If I make 6 reps in the second set, then I'll do a third and try 6 more reps. I've been thinking about holding for a static contraction and adding negative reps.

here's my workout with current last set... (don't laugh, I know my legs are disproportionately stronger than my arms)

dumbbell chest flys 6x40
incline bench press 6x115
dumbbell lat raises 6x25
triceps pulldown 6x level 9
decline situps 40

leg extensions 6x170
barbell squats 6x235
lying leg curls 6x level 9
calf raises 6x220

wide grip pulldown 5x125
dumbbell rows 6x45
dumbbell preacher curls 6x25
incline leg raises 20

Sust and HCG is split in half (Sun/Thurs)
Arimidex is every other day
Nolva is every day

W1: 750mg Sust, 1000 IU Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), 0.5mg Arimidex
W2-9: 500mg Sust, 1000 IU Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), 0.5mg Arimidex
W10: 250mg Sust, 1000 IU Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), 0.5mg Arimidex
W11: 1000 IU Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), 0.5 Arimidex
W12: 1000 IU Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), 40mg Nolva
W13: 20mg Nolva
W14: 20mg Nolva
W15: 20mg Nolva
W16: 10mg Nolva
W17: 10mg Nolva
W18: 5mg Nolva

Goals: One cycle. Bulk up.. then cut the fat off. I don't want to get huge, just close to what my genetic potential is. I've found that I really like the gym and enjoy working out and will continue to do so for the long term. My ideal look... Achilles.

After writing most of this post I realize now that I should probably have split this up into different forums with maybe 15 different threads for everything... but I thought posting this way would give a better total picture of what I've learned and what I'm trying to accomplish. I'd appreciate any general observations or comments on diet, workout, whatever... even if you're going to just rip on me. I'm new, but I'm here to learn and willing to listen to what you have to say.

Here are two of my BIG questions that I haven't been able to figure out:

1. Should I stay with the same workout schedule when on Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) or can I work the same muscle groups twice in a single week? Because of the enhanced anabolism going on... it shouldn't take a full week to repair the muscle fibers from each workout or does it?

2. I am totally confused about the whole HCG mixing thing and what I need to order. I'm ordering a vial of HCG (mixing needle included). What else do I need to order?? Another vial? What am I supposed to mix with it. Also, everything that I've read on here says subcutaneous shots but the info sheet says intramuscular. Where do I inject it?

1. Yes, you can increase the intensity and frequency on cycle. But before I go any further I must say that you need to be back in the mix of things much longer than a month before hopping on the juice. The shock of starting back up again should be enough to make dramatic improvements in your body. Wait till you peak and then hop on a cycle. Otherwise it's just a waste of gear.

2. The hcg will come with an amp full of powder and and amp full of bacteriostatic water. Crack open the powder amp, crack open the water amp, draw up the water with a syringe, squirt the water into the powder amp, draw up the reconstituted hcg and inject however much you want (I recommend no more than 500iu's at a time). If it's a 1500iu amp, shoot one third of what you drew up and save the rest in the fridge. Simple math will help you with any other sizes. You can shoot this IM or Subq, it doesn't matter. If you shoot it IM, shoot it just like gear in the normal gear spots. If you shoot it Subq, use a slin pin and put it anywhere as long as you get it beneath the skin.
I throw my opinion in here:

1.) I don't think you are ready to start using anabolics. and i'll explain.

A.) You have plenty of room to improve natually as you are NOT very strong. In fact (and i'm not doing this to degrade you) my girlfriend uses at least the same weights as you. So you have plenty of room to improve. I mean you've only been working out 3 months

B.) Just by looking at your cycle you have no clue on what your doing with Anabolics. I would spend the next YEAR researching until you FULLY understand them.

2.) I would spend the next Year naturally trying to get your bodyfat down to an acceptable range 10 - 12%. Trying to bulk when your already at 18% is not a smart move.

I've said my peace
I agree with both of these guys and would give my opinions on your cycle but that might persuade you to start it.

btw, how long have you been training before you stopped or is this your first time working out?
if your going to cycle...this is my 2 cents

b4 you cycle i would drop your body fat to atleast 12%....
i will bet you will see better results from that...

2nd keep it simple 1-8wks 500mg test (you can extend cycle )

keep nolva,hcg on hand
I have to disagree I started AS when I was 175lbs with 19% body fat. I started with 25mg dbol along with 500mg test. I ate everything in sight went to the gym 5days a week in 8 weeks I was up to 200lbs and down to 10% body fat. Its all in how you lift and your time spent wisely at the gym. I'm on my 2nd cycle now and gaining even more wieght and downn to 8% body fat. Keep it going see what will work for you who cares how much you lift as long as you push yourself and work hard. Just keep researching and learning as you go take plenty of vitamens. you'll be ok.
Sorry, but there is NO WAY you should be even thinking of starting a cycle.

You have only been lifting for ONE MONTH.

Anabolics have poor effect, or transitory effect, on athletes in mediocre condition; in addition, their tendency to boost muscle strength ahead of the strength of supporting tendons and ligaments can lead to debilitating injury in athletes without substantial prior training. Therefore, the athlete should have accumulated a significant amount of mature muscle mass and tendon strength through a dedicated program of resistance training prior to beginning anabolic use. Recognizing that there is substantial individual variability in training efficiency and effects, a minimum of 3 years, perhaps as many as 7, of dedicated weight training is required to achieve this necessary physical foundation, on which anabolics can be used safely and to best effect.
juice4fun said:
I have to disagree I started AS when I was 175lbs with 19% body fat. I started with 25mg dbol along with 500mg test. I ate everything in sight went to the gym 5days a week in 8 weeks I was up to 200lbs and down to 10% body fat. Its all in how you lift and your time spent wisely at the gym. I'm on my 2nd cycle now and gaining even more wieght and downn to 8% body fat. Keep it going see what will work for you who cares how much you lift as long as you push yourself and work hard. Just keep researching and learning as you go take plenty of vitamens. you'll be ok.

If you had been lifting for awhile and that was your peak, then fine. But the point is, this guy has just started working out again. He should see dramatic improvement during this time without any chemical help. It's just plain not necessary at this point.
bleachcola said:
But the point is, this guy has just started working out again.

No, not "again"....he has just started period. Which makes an even stronger case for our
correct me if i am wrong but wouldn't work for aleast 6 months before starting gear if you are just coming back and you used to workout
Man i was first to point all this out.......I want my credit to, ha ha

Also to the guy that claimed to go from

175 @ 19% to 200 @ 10% in 8 weeks....Cough Cough Bullshit

You think any of us to actually believe you added 38 lb of Muscle and lost 13 lb of Fat in 8 weeks.......

I might need some more of grandpa's cough syrup for that one.
DirkMoneyshot said:
Also to the guy that claimed to go from

175 @ 19% to 200 @ 10% in 8 weeks....Cough Cough Bullshit

You think any of us to actually believe you added 38 lb of Muscle and lost 13 lb of Fat in 8 weeks.......

I might need some more of grandpa's cough syrup for that one.

No shit.....I calculated that out at work this afternoon. Pretty damn unbelievable !!
I'd like to thank everyone for their input. Just for clarification, I used to lift weights for football in highschool. I never gained any weight or strength from it. I realize now it was because my diet sucked. Now... it's really cool to go to the gym each week, easily do the set that I couldn't finish the week before and put on some more weight. I'm not sure how it is when you get big, but it is very cool to visually see on an almost daily basis how my muscles are growing.

I have the stuff and I'm ready to go, but not necessarily tomorrow or next week. Maybe I'll even wait until January. Who knows, maybe by the time I actually get around to it.. I'll have gained enough naturally that I won't even do it. I should at least get points for working on my diet and lifting before starting the juice.

Here are a few more questions...

bleachcola: The hcg that I put in the fridge, what do I cover it with or how do I seal it? Saranwrap? It'll be interesting trying to disguise it so that my roommate doesn't start asking questions. Maybe I'll tell him not to fuck with it because it's my allergy medication.

DirkMoneyshot: I realize that I am new to all of this, but what's wrong with my cycle? Pretty much every post that I've read on first cycles say go with 500mg T only for 10 to 12 weeks. I fully understand the concept of half life and I like the somewhat steady concentration profile that two shots of sust a week will give. The Arimidex is to reduce my E and reduce the possibility of bitch tits and 500 IU twice per week of HCG is there to keep my balls big. I'll have plenty Nolva on hand in case my nipples hurt or get hard. How can I improve this cycle?

RJH8541: I'd like to hear your opinion on my cycle. I haven't started it yet, so I'm still open to suggestions.

moresize2: Will my muscles grow faster if I drop to 12% bf first? Also, the suggestion about only 8 weeks was a good one. If I see good results from 6 to 8 weeks... I'll stop early. I'm just trying to get a little help reaching my genetic potential, not going way past it.

juice4fun: What was your diet like... did you really just eat whatever you felt like? Were you doing cardio during this? How did you lose that bf? Since we have similar starting bodymass, I'd like to see any before and after pics if you have any.

StoneColdNTO: Thanks for the info on tendons and ligaments. Now that I know when using Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) that they don't form as quickly or with the same structure as they otherwise would... I'll pay closer attention to what my body is telling me when I lift and I'll make sure that my form is excellent and everything is well under control before throwing on the next few pounds.

Auburn_Jason said:
bleachcola: The hcg that I put in the fridge, what do I cover it with or how do I seal it? Saranwrap? It'll be interesting trying to disguise it so that my roommate doesn't start asking questions. Maybe I'll tell him not to fuck with it because it's my allergy medication.

The hcg I get from my source comes in 1500iu amps. After reconstituting, I have 1mL so I inject 1/3mL each time. I recap the needle and place it in the fridge door where there's a little compartment for butter. When it's time for the next injection, I take off the old used needle, put on a fresh one and do another 1/3mL injection. I don't cover it up with anything, my roommates know I juice. The allergy med thing would work I guess.
Auburn_Jason said:
I'd like to thank everyone for their input. Just for clarification, I used to lift weights for football in highschool. I never gained any weight or strength from it. I realize now it was because my diet sucked. Now... it's really cool to go to the gym each week, easily do the set that I couldn't finish the week before and put on some more weight. I'm not sure how it is when you get big, but it is very cool to visually see on an almost daily basis how my muscles are growing.

I have the stuff and I'm ready to go, but not necessarily tomorrow or next week. Maybe I'll even wait until January. Who knows, maybe by the time I actually get around to it.. I'll have gained enough naturally that I won't even do it. I should at least get points for working on my diet and lifting before starting the juice.

Here are a few more questions...

bleachcola: The hcg that I put in the fridge, what do I cover it with or how do I seal it? Saranwrap? It'll be interesting trying to disguise it so that my roommate doesn't start asking questions. Maybe I'll tell him not to fuck with it because it's my allergy medication.

DirkMoneyshot: I realize that I am new to all of this, but what's wrong with my cycle? Pretty much every post that I've read on first cycles say go with 500mg T only for 10 to 12 weeks. I fully understand the concept of half life and I like the somewhat steady concentration profile that two shots of sust a week will give. The Arimidex is to reduce my E and reduce the possibility of bitch tits and 500 IU twice per week of HCG is there to keep my balls big. I'll have plenty Nolva on hand in case my nipples hurt or get hard. How can I improve this cycle?

RJH8541: I'd like to hear your opinion on my cycle. I haven't started it yet, so I'm still open to suggestions.

moresize2: Will my muscles grow faster if I drop to 12% bf first? Also, the suggestion about only 8 weeks was a good one. If I see good results from 6 to 8 weeks... I'll stop early. I'm just trying to get a little help reaching my genetic potential, not going way past it.

juice4fun: What was your diet like... did you really just eat whatever you felt like? Were you doing cardio during this? How did you lose that bf? Since we have similar starting bodymass, I'd like to see any before and after pics if you have any.

StoneColdNTO: Thanks for the info on tendons and ligaments. Now that I know when using Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) that they don't form as quickly or with the same structure as they otherwise would... I'll pay closer attention to what my body is telling me when I lift and I'll make sure that my form is excellent and everything is well under control before throwing on the next few pounds.


You understand half-lives? Tell me what the shortest half life is in Sustanon (sust). Its a blend of different ester tests. You want even blood levels your going to be shooting at least eod.

You want the benefits of estrogen, I wouldnt bother taking adex during that cycle unless u run into problems. Have extra nolva on hand for that.

Dont taper your dose at the end, the esters will take care of that for you (for better or worse)

I see guys at my gym all the time who start juicing the day they buy thier first gym membership...its pitiful. These guys are laughed at. To think that we have a "juicer" over there hogging the cage squatting anything that starts with a 2 is rediculous. To each his own however, you got some good advice from everyone and your not gonna listen anyways. Have fun with it.
juice4fun: What was your diet like... did you really just eat whatever you felt like? Were you doing cardio during this? How did you lose that bf? Since we have similar starting bodymass, I'd like to see any before and after pics if you have any.

First to those who call bullshit heres a middle finger for you. Don't give a shit what they think or say. I didn't eat shit food like fast food or any take out. I mostly ate alot of steak, seafood , and had the good old protien shake twice a day. I did alot of cardio first before I lifted to warm up and spent on full day aweek to do a very heavy cardio workout. I have always went to the gym but never got to serious and when I did I had a guy by the name of Roger Neff help me on what I need to do to accomplish what I wanted. I will try to post some pics. if I can get my camera to work to shut some of the people that call bullshit.
"I've spent alot of time over the past few months reading posts on this board to figure out how to go about cycling"

"I've been lifting for about a month (3 days a week) to get the feel for weights back and find out what exercises work best for me."

this is just unreal, and then check out this:
"I should at least get points for working on my diet and lifting before starting the juice."
this is just insanity LOL