First Cycle


First timer....Gonna do cycle of Deca 200 for 12 weeks. Thats all i could get. So should i take creatine, zma, dopatech hgh and hydro whey.? I worked out for years on and off, im 27, 200lbs like my weight, just want strength and definition.
"thats all i could get"

that says it all. you're not ready for AAS. sorry. should have opted for test as your first cycle
I wouldn't do deca alone stack it with some Test E stop deca 2 weeks before the test soo Test e for 12-14 and deca 10-12
Ya, run some kind of test with it. I took deca alone and 6 week in my metal state was fucked. It was a mindfuck. I had no deca dick issues, sex was great.
just save yourself the trouble and run test with it bro
woah woah woah read some damn rules man!

1 no deca alone
2 no open source checking

edit those names outta there or someones gonna boot your ass