First cycle


New member
Hello guys, I'm new here and I have some questions about my first cycle.

I've been lifting weights for approx 6 years. I've got the size I want but no matter how hard I try I can't get that "shredded" look.

So I bought a 30ML bottle of Winstrol by Winthrop.

I chose Winstrol (winny) because I heard it is the best "cutter" steroid.
I planned on taking the Winstrol (winny) by itself, I didn't want to stack it with anything because I don't necessarily want to gain more mass.

From what i've read:

I should inject about 3-5 cc or (50mg) daily OR 2-3 mL twice a week.

Is this too much? Is it ok to inject Winstrol (winny) w/ out stacking it with another steroid? I also bought some Clen (tablets). Is it ok to take a cycle of Clen while also using Winny??

These are my stats:

205 lb - Mesomorph, trying to get leaner

Arms 17"
Legs 26"

Any input will be very greatly appreciated. I read so much stuff on Winstrol (winny), now i'm really confused. Please help. Thanks guys.
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Personally i would run some test with it. maybe 100mg of prop eod and 1cc of Winstrol (winny) eod.
Thanks for the reply.

I know I'm gonna sound stupid but there's never a stupid question right? :p

Wut does "EOD" and "Prop" stand for?
every other day, and test propionate. It is a fast acting prop with a halflife of 4.5 days, if you are looking to cut and are shooting that frequently i would go with it.
You should have a look at this thread on Winstrol (winny) Only Cycle, lots of good info there;

Personally I think you should hang aroung here and do lots of reading & learning. You realize that you are going to need a post-cycle regime as well.

What you say you have read "I should inject about 3-5 cc or (50mg) daily OR 2-3 mL twice a week." is way off the mark bro.
I don't even know where to start with that ..............except you really got to do some more research into this.

Winny should be taken every day (ED) @ 50 mg which is 1 cc or 1 ml. (ml=cc), providing your Winstrol (winny) is 50 mg/ml.

For now just check out that thread I linked to above, then hang around and start your education.

btw, Welcome to the board bro !!
I just checked out that link you provided me. Thanks!!
I think I'm going to try ED injections @ 50 mg.

Now I must decide on a Post Cycle Regimen, more research, more research. Then the hardest part of all. The needle!! ACK! lol

Oh yeah, Is there a way to search for Forum topics on this site. Call me a moron but for the life of me. I still can't find it.

Thanks again guys. I'm already feeling at home here.
Welcome to the board bro, you may be ready from a training stand point, but by now way are your ready as far as knowledge on anabolics go bro, do your reading, ask questions and stick around the board, modify your diet and training to get your goals right now. I spent 3 yrs reading before I hit my first cycle. I am not saying to read for that long, but ttake the time to gather info and see whats best for your goals.