I have a 10ml 300mg deca bottle and 100 dbol tabs,I,m thinking of adding 250mg of sustanon a week. I'm 6 foot 220 solid. Could y bros help me out with a simple cycle with moderate gains.
I would skip the deca and run the test at 500 a week for 10 weeks and use the dbol at 20-25mg a day for 4 weeks... Its your first cycle...don't get complicated...
i dont like deca....anyhow, if you are going to cycle, i know someone will reply it, but make sure you have you clomid, ara, nolva or proviron etc...or its all for not....
Someone else will better be able to give you the scoop on that...all i have ever ran during a cycle is proviron...generally 25 mg a day...i have however, if frontloading and running what i consider a high dose of dbol in the cycle, i bump it to 50mg...but i do run it all the way through the cycle...
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