First Cycle


New member
What's up guys? Posting my first cycle. Here goes:

Age: 20
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 192 lbs
Bodyfat: 14%

Arms: 16"
Legs: 25" - I made a typo in my picture thread, I said they were 28 - I wish!
Chest: 43.5"
All Cold.

Picture Thread:

Bench: 225 x 6-8 (think i can do more, no good spotter though!)
Deadlift: 315 x 6 - can do more for sure, but nursing a bad lower back, back into health.
Squat: 275 x 8 - again, i can do more but my back's not so good.

Incline dumbells -85 x 6
BiCurls dumbells - 50 x 8
Leg Presses - 16 plates x 8


1-12 500mg Test Cyp a week (Herc Pharms, 300mg/ml)
1-13 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) 250 iu / week
1-13 .5mg Liquidex EOD
14-15 40 mg Nolva ED
16-17 20 mg Nolva ED
18-? More nolva if Nec.

I have Cialis on hand as well, just in case.


About 4-5k calories a day.

*Changed drastically, will update later

I will add or subtract food as needed by watching how my body looks.


4 days a week


Incline bench (1 warmup, 4 sets)
Incline dumbell press (3-4 sets)
Weighted dips (3 sets)
Flys using machine (3 sets)
Incline press machine (2 sets, just to finish off)


Deadlifts (1 warmup, 4 sets)
Chins (4 sets, some weighted)
Bent over Rows (3 sets)
Close grip rows on machine (3 sets)
Lat pulldowns machine, (3 sets)

Wed - OFF!


Squats (1 warmup, 4 sets)
Leg Presses (3 sets)
Quad Extensions (3 sets)
Ham Curls (3 sets)
Seated Calf raises (4 sets, 1 extra for right calf laggin bigtime)
Standing Calf raises (3 sets, 1 extra for right calf Fiagain)

Arms, Shoulders

Military press, in front (1 warmup, 3 sets)
Seated shoulder press, dumbells (3 sets)
Lateral raises (3 sets)
Rear delts (3 sets)
Dumbell Curls (1 warmup, 3 sets)
Barbell curl (3 sets)
Machine curls (3 sets)
Tricep press, dumbell behind the head (3 sets)
Tricep pushdown, cable (3 sets)

That's it.
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Day 1, Monday

7:30 pm - Worked chest today, as usual. My diet officialy started Post workout. I took my PWO weight gainer.

11:05 pm - First injection. Pretty nervous, but excited as well. Took me 5 needles to draw properly, as I've never done it before. Injected properly, went in pretty smooth. Hands were shaky! It feels a tiny bit sore, but thats it. It was a quad injection.

Going to sleep around 12:30, I don't have class untill 12pm tommorow, so I don't have to wake up so early. Can't wait for breakfast. Tuna shakes! MMMMM. lol.
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Looks like you have your ducks in a row. Im sure you will hear the obligatory "your too young" or "you havent reached your natural potential." and the like and they are probably right, but who am I to tell you what to do.

A half a gram of test EW for a first cycle is plenty.

Oh and that first shot took me a while too.
Yeah, I know i'm too young and probably could have put on 15 or so more lbs naturally. The thing is, i know i'm going to cycle in the future anyways, and I know all about how my body reacts to dieting and training, so I figured I might as well get a jump start. I'd like to compete some day too. At least i'm doing it right though, I know plenty of people who have much worse stats than myslef and are doing complete bullshit cylcles, like dbol only or something. I know a guy who's a fat ass and is about to start HGH!

I dosed Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) that way because, from reccomendations on the board, that was enough to maintain testicular form as much as possible with as little chemicals as possible. I will adjust that as well if I need to throughout the cycle.
Day 2, Tuesday

Had school today. Slept decently last night. My leg is a little bit sore, but it's really nothing. My diest was fully in check today...thouhg I might have to revise that tuna shake in the morning. It's a little much to get down first thing...there was a little bit of gagging, lol! Maybe i'll get used to it. I want to throw some oatmeal in the shake, do I have to cook it or is it okay to eat raw? Gonna go workout around 5 or 6. I hate it when the gym is busy though, the only upside is the pretty ladies!

I'm a little bit concerned that my needles haven't come from ology yet, but it hasn't been 7 days. Last night I went and bought some from the drug store. If my package doesn't come by friday, i'll buy a large bundle. I also haven't gotten my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) yet, and that's worrying me too! I know I can get some locally, but it's more than 4 times the price!

I can't wait for this stuff to kick in! I'll post again later tonight after my workout.
Too late now for this bit of advice, but in the future you should never start a cycle till you have EVERYTHING for the cycle and I mean everything.

Good luck.
Yeah, i know I should't have started. The needles I can get locally, just a little more expensive. And the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) I can get as well, just price again. I plan to start Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) next week, whether it comes or I just have to get it from around here. I only started the cycle because you dont really need to start Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) right away. I have everything for post cycle therapy (pct) in order, and I think that is the most important. I just had everything planned to start mondayt, I was all psyched and stuff, I didn't really wanna delay it. We'll see how it pans out though, there's a good chance I'm still going to get all my stuff.
5:30pm Day 2, Tuesday

Wow, what a workout! It was back day, and I was pretty excited to get in there. I banged out 6 deadlifts @ 315lbs, and then did 3 @ 335lbs. I'll up it again next week. I didn't do bent over rows, and did dumbells rows instead. Used 110lbs for 8-10 for 3 sets. I missed them and am going to make them part of my regular routine, they really help put mass on my back.

6:45 - PWO shake. Man, these are delecious, I could drink them no problem even if it wasn't on any diet. Probably a little too high in sugar, but who cares really, it's get big time. Did a couple other things.

9:00 - Lied down to watch tv for a bit, before I went to work (I work for my parents, and work by units, not hours, so I can go almost any time) but I ended up passing out until 11:00pm! I dunno what it was! I'm thinking the extra hard workout today, but I was out.

11:00 - Woke up from nap, little bit pissed off that I missed a meal, but I guess sleeping is good to. My leg is pretty sore now. I'm a little bit concerned, I mean, i have absolutely no signs of an abscess, but just the thought of one makes me a little bit worried. I gotta go to work, hopefully I won't be too late. I'm gonna eat, come back from work, eat a little more protein before bed and sleeeeeep. Night.
Dont worry it'll quit hurting when the pain goes away. LOL

Seriously, the site pain is normal. You wont even notice it in a couple of days.
Wednesday, Day 3 of cycle

8:00 am - woke up had breakfast, tuna shake wasn't so bad this morning. Went to school and stuck to my diet. Today is my day off the gym, so i'm takin it easy. I lied down for a minute and passed out again! I dunno why i'm so tired the past few days, it weird.

Stuck to my diet after shool no injection or anything today, so not much to talk about really. The soreness in my leg is going away, and i'm anticipating the next injection.

If I don't get my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) by friday, i'm getting it from a local source. I dunno why my needles haven't come from ology yet, it has me a little bit freaked...but i didn't order anything illegal to my knowledge. I can get those locally as well, they are only 50 cents a pop with syringes too, so it's not a big deal.
Woke up today, replaced tuna shake w/ a weight gainer. I also decided to throw in another meal of chicken breast and potatoes. I got my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), solvent, and pokers in the mail 2day! What a relief! I was getting worried there for a sec.

It was leg day today. I squatted 245x8 and 295x3 and took it easy. My lower back was a little sore from Tuesday, so I didn't wanna push it too far. Leg pressed 10 plates a side, for 2 sets, and the first one was 6 plates. I think I might have pulled a muslce in my hip or something, but it wasn't bad. I decided to leave my quads and hams alone and head over to calves. 5 sets of standing calf raises and 2 sets of seated. Heavy as I could or both.

Soreness in my leg is going away. I don't feel any results yet, but of course I wasn't expected to yet. I'm going to poke myeslf w/ Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) tonight, 250-300 Iu. I have decided to keep Arimidex outta my cycle for now. If I feel any gyno or anything, i'll throw it in, or if I bloat too much. We'll see how it goes.



Can't wait for the injection tommorow!!
Day 5, Friday

Stuck to my diet today. It is also injection day. I went to a local pharmacy and got all the needles i needed. I went for a glute shot. I drew with a 22 g (that's all they had) and injected w/ a 23. It pinched a little, but was nothing serious. Once I started injecting, I almost shit myself, cuz I forgot to aspirate! Fortunately, I didn't hit anything I shouldn't have, there was just a bit of blood and I wiped it away. I will definately remember next time!

I mixed my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) as well. I put 1ml of Bac. Water into 5000iu of pregnyl, then put it in a sterile vial and added another 4ml of Bac. I was told this would give me a concentration of 1000iu/ I injected 0.3ml (300iu). I will do this 2 times week and watch how the boys act. If i need to, i'll change it to 250 iu 3 times a week. I injected into around my stomach, and it's a little bit painful now..not sure why but I'll keep an eye on it. I can't figure out how to inject it into the back of my own arm...i just picture myself break the needle off inside me! Maybe I'll throw it in w/ some gear next time and shoot it IM.

Other than that I pretty much feel the same as I always did, nothing kicking yet...I mean, I am definately hyped up and my workouts are more intense because I am anticipating the gear kicking in, but there is no actual effect yet. I really feel nervous after the injections...I pretty much follow protocol (except today) but i'm really scared of getting an abscess, i dunno why, but a few pictures really freaked me out. As long as i'm sterile i should be fine though.

It's shoulders and arms day i'll workout, come home, eat and probably go to or watch a movie. Later!
Day 5, Friday, Continuation

Workout was good, hit everything pretty hard. Got home, had my PWO shake. I went and bought some more chicken and cooked it up. Followed my diet for the rest of the night. Later!
Day 6, Saturday

Woke up with a pretty sore ass...that 23g is a lot bigger than the 25g. Maybe it's the depth, but my ass is hurtin! No biggie though. Stickin to the diet today, besides that just usual saturday stuff, shopping, running around doing stuff....

Still waitin for the kick! Hopefully i'll feel it in the next 2 weeks....Later!
Day 7, Sunday

My ass is killing me! I have been keeping a good watch on it, in case of abscess - again, i'm really nervous. Hopefully some pain will subside tommorow...I'm actually having a little bit of trouble sitting. Other than that, everything is good. Diet is going well, and i'm getting some good rest this weekend.

For some reason I feel like my right testicle has shrunken a little...but i'm almost certain it's my mind playing tricks on me. Tommorow is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) day again, and from now on it will be on Monday and Thursday. My next injection is set for wednesday. I look forward to see some results the week after next.

I will start Arimidex(0.5mg/EOD to start) next week to keep the gyno from showing up, and aybe it will help keep some bloat away too. I plan to weigh myself next friday, seeing as after that is when the Cyp will start to really kick in (3rd and 4th week).

I'll keep postin, later!
Nice log outlaw, you might want to arrange your split to where you have 3 days in between deads and squats. The cyp should start kicking in by the end of week 2 and come on strong by weeks 3-4. Keep at it bro, and pound down those calories. Also, a good quick breakfast is 50g whey, 1 cup oats, and 1 banana blended up in 10oz of water or skim milk. Try massaging the injection site for a good 5 minutes after you inject, this will help alleviate most soreness that may occurr.
is it ok to inject in the shower? i have read a couple logs of guys that do it while inthe shower since they can put the needle under the warm water... any insight to this jt?