First Cycle

Day 10 - Thursday pt2

Workout Shoulders/arms today. Adidamps2 reccomended the new routine to me, definately an improvement over what I originally had. The pump was greater. Only problem was that my shoulder started acting up. I couldn't really finish my workout for shoulders and decided not to work triceps in order not to add to it.

I started with straight barbell curls, and followed with incline dumbell curls, supersetted. I finished up with cable curls which gave me an incredible pump! I loved it, i haven't hit bi's like that in a long time. It was great.

Other than that, had my PWO shake, eat another meal or two and went to sleep. Lates.
Day 11, Friday - Weigh IN!

First, the good news. The Cyp has officially kicked in. First of all, I was at my Ex's house, and I "did the do" a couple times. Pretty cool stuff. I also had a killer pump at the gym and strength was certainly up! I squatted 295 for 6 np, and wanted to throw on 315 (which would have been a personal record) but I didn't have a spot and didn't wanna fuck something up at the beggining of the cycle. I completed my regular leg workout, with much more strength and a greater pump than usual. Then calves came - wow. I was stronger than I've ever been and much more pumped. I couldn't walk when I got outta the gym.

Now, the better news. I officially weigh 196.5, up 4.5 lbs since started my cycle. Now, the bulk of this weight was gained before the Cyp kicked it, so I think I can deduce that I could have added more mass naturally (or I have bloat?)..but Its just a lesson for those impatient naturals who want to cycle already. I was 192 lbs and still had a good amount of natural growing to do, though I think my starting stats were decent.

Anyways, I'm going to be taking Liquidex ED @ .5mg so as to keep gyno from comin and to prevent some bloat. All is good in my world right now!

Be back soon.

PS - can't wait for Chest on monday, I have another injection on Sat and i'm hoping strength and pump are gonna be wicked. I just have to be very cautious about my shoulder, warming up extensively and keeping perfect form.
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Hey outlaw, it may be time to add some MSM, Chondroiton and Glucosamine. They are relatively cheap and aid in collagen resynthesis thus supporting healthy joint function. I've been taking it for a couple of years to help with my joint pain from caused by heavy lifting.
Thanks JT, any reccomended doses? I'll pick some up this weekend...I really don't want to risk any injury, especially this early on in the cycle.
yea good idea jt... haha if i wasnt so broke right now that would be the first thing id buy! hell im even outta protein powder! i work at a vitamin store so im gonna be buying shark cartilage, msm, chrondritin, and glucosomine! I love reading peoples logs on their first always gets me excited to do my first cycle!
Here's a good article on joint health, there are some doses near the bottom. I buy the Gluco/Chondroiton combo and MSM and take one pill of each in the morning and at night, I think that's 1000mg of each twice daily. The NOW brand is pretty good and can be found pretty cheap, it'll last 2-3 months depending on the bottle size. Just be prepared to wait a while to notice the effects, could take up to a month. Nice progress on the cycle :)
Day 12, Saturday

It's the weekend so no training and not too much to talk about really. Just kep to my diet pretty much, I did have one cheat meal. I also injected today. Left glute injection, went well, except I had some trouble aspirating...very hard to do for me on this side. I'm not sure if I'll do glute injections on the left anymore, it was very awkward. I plan to hit delts for my next shot, i'm a little nervous...but should be okay.

I'm going to practice aspirating with one hand, to get it down pat. Besides that, all is good.
Day 13, Sunday

Nothing really to report...didn't do ANYTHING today. Stayed in my room pretty much all day. Just kinda tired and lazy today. I did stick to my diet...probably a lot of excess calories today since I burned virtually zero! lol. All around boring day...libido is up.

I'm anticipating tommorow's workout, and playing around with my shoulder to kinda find a way that won't hurt (or injure) my shoulder when i'm benching or pressing something. I mean, it's not really bad now - but i definately don't want it to get worse.

I also have my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) injection tommorow. Man, I really get excited injecting! Anything, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or gear, i miss it when i'm not doing it! It's kinda weird, I guess some people just like the rush. Anyways...boring day.

Day 14, Monday, Start of Week 3

Today is chest day. I injected Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) earlier with no problems, these are really easy injects. I still have no trace of testicualr atrophy. My acne has actually reduced a little bit. I actually broke out about a week or two before I started the cycle. I will usually take 3 showers a day, never less than two and always have 1 after the workout cuz that's what i think makes me break out - if I sweat and don't wash it off.

The workout was great, there was no noticable pain in my shoulder. I warmed up by stretching and getting a little bit of blood flow to the shoulders. All 3 incline benches were taken, so I decided to just flat press today. Started out with no weight, just the bar for 25. Then 25lbs each side for 20. Then 1 plate a side for 15. Then 185 for 10 or 12. After, I bumped it up to 225 for 10 and finally 235 for 5. This was the most i have benched in a long time, since I was up in weight (i weighed in at 210 at one point, but I thought I had too much fat gain, all natty bulking sucks). Everything else went orderly. Had a really good pump. I took out weighted dips, because i thought it was going to put too much stress on my shoulder and opted for machine presses.

Stuck to my diet, and that was that. My plan is to add 5lbs to my bench every week, possibly adding 10lbs on a day where I feel really strong. I expect to be benching at least 275 for 5 or 6 by the time I'm done my cycle. I also think I might break 200lbs this week, i dunno why, i just feel it. I am trying not to get caught up in numbers though. I'm aiming for bodybuilder, not powerlifter so it really doesn't matter how much I weigh or how much weight I lift as long as my muslces are growing. People already seemed to be noticing my getting bigger, my mom was like, "ur getting big, how much do you weigh now?" and some guy at school was like, "looka the shoulders on this guy"...I know i'm not much right now, but still, a little motivation goes a long way. Just gets me more focused on my training and diet.

That's it. Later.

BTW, Tommorow is back day. I posted my routine, but i really want to add some thickness (not width, depth) to my back. Anyone have any good exercises? I right now, I threw in dumbell rows. I think that will get me the width, but what can I do for depth? Throw some tips at me if you get a chance. Thanks.
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LiftTillIDie said:
Barbell rows, T-bar rows with a barbell, and most importantly deadlifts are excellent for back thickness.

Yeah outlaw, lift is right on the money. Your back day should revolve around deads. Do them first and then add 2-3 secondary excercises like pull-ups or lat pulldowns and T-bar or Barbell rows.
Well i guess i'm on the right track then. I start out with deads, as heavy as I can. then I go to pullups, 3 sets, as many as i can, sometimes I add weight. Then I do dumbell rows, which I'll change for T-bar rows. I follow that up with close grip cable rows, to hit the middle of the back. Sound okay?
Day 15, Tuesday

So it was back day today. No injections today at all, I have one tommorow. Besides that, i stuck to my diet. My back workout was pretty intense. Started out with deadlifts. I hit a personal record of 345x5 (though I never tried these when I weighed 210 naturally, I'm pretty sure i could have done them then, never the less, a personal record). I followed that up with chins, 3x10-14. Then dumbell rows, 3x10 @ 110lbs. I followed that up with lat pull downs (can't remember the weight) and finally finsihed with 2 sets of close grip cable rows. It was pretty tough today, espicially after deadlifting first, my lower back was completely shot afterwords - but in a good way, no injuries or anything. Other than that looking forward to my inject and day off tommorow.
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Oh yeah, I think i might have jumped the gun a little about the Cyp kicking in. I definately feel stronger, but I don't think it has fully kicked in yet. I'll see how I feel after this week and next, by then it should be in full effect.
Day 16, Wednesday

After I posted last night I got pretty sick outta nowhere. I'm not sure what it was, but I couldn't eat or anthing at all. This continued into mid day today, when I finally had a shake cuz that's all i could really get down. I'm going to try to have at least 2 more solid meals today. 1.5 days of not eating is definately not going to help me hit my goal of 200lbs this week, but you cant control everything. Other than that, it's my day of the gym (luckily!) and I have an injection to do today. I think i'll be fine with that.

I'll check in tommorow, hopefully feeling better.
Day 17, Thursday

Well I certainly felt better today. Got all my meals in so far, 2 more to go. I just got back from the gym after training shoulders and arms. I can't really go all out on the shoulder cuz i'm worried i might injure something. Triceps were good, and strength is up on those exercises. Biceps are getting stronger as well, and I am finally starting to get a really good pump outta them. I weighed myself at the gym today, just to see what I was at. I'm now sitting at 198 exactly, which is up 1.5 lbs from last friday. Interesting considering I didn't eat for a day and half. I guess I have to chalk it up to water weight. I did stop taking the liquidex. I plan to take it the last 2 weeks of my cycle and into post cycle therapy (pct) (I don't have enough $ for more, any comments on this?). Besides that, i'm feeling a lot thicker, stronger and definately hornier. I wanted to bend some of the girls at the gym over a bench and go at it! lol. Women just look like meat to me. I have an Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) inject today and that's pretty much it. Check in later.
Just keep an eye on your blood pressure and possible gyno symptoms. Some people don't need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), but some do like me. I get sensitive nips on 400mg of test so I have to run it.
It's a good start but a little on the low side. Try it and see, but try not to run out if you don't have $ for more. Save it for week 4-5 when you may really need it.
Thanks JT. I think I'll just try to come up with some money so I have enough for now and for post cycle therapy (pct). BTW, Do I just run it right through the entire cycle and pct?