First Cycle

Sorry - I was talking about Lift's First Cycle :) But any way, keep it up. Ha ha - 100lb gain - now that would be something!
Yeah, i'll post them up as soon as I can get my digi cam back. I have noticed some change in my physique, but the pics will tell the truth.

I guess the test has no been out of my system for 2 days, and I have no feelings of being "shut down" yet. Still have sex drive and no problems getting it up. Feeling good all around, workouts are still good though definately not quite as intense as the were a few weeks ago.
Good to hear that you're not having problems yet. If they do develop just don't get discouraged. It's all part of the process.
Well I've been clean for 4 days and have no side effects yet. Worked back today and managed to DL 365 for 3 reps. I wasn't feeling to strong today so I didn't push the workout so hard. The acne on my back is starting to clear up and I'm guessing that if I don't break out by the end of the week I won't react badly to my post cycle therapy (pct). I am taking good care of my hygiene though.
Aboot said:
Good to hear that you're not having problems yet. If they do develop just don't get discouraged. It's all part of the process.

yeah, I know if I get down i'll bounce back. When do typically start feeling "shut down" after a cycle? I'm thinking I might not get shut down since it was a pretty basic and lower-dose cycle.
I'm guessing that is a large part of why i'm not shut down. I literally had no atrophy after a shot of HCG. There was a couple times where I noticed some, but as soon as I took HCG everything was back to normal.
Well, just about 7 days off the "roids" lol. Still feeling great, in fact i was pretty fuckin horny and in really good spirits all day long. I'm hopin I might meet a lady tonight, so I took some "special" Researchology chemicals just in case. Wish me luck.

I'm hoping to get to the gym tomorrow, but I dunno if it's open being Canada day and all. Stupid holidays. Anyways, all else is fine.

Sides: Acne going away, no depression, no erectile problems, no libido problems, strength down a bit, mood is good. No serious sides at all.

BTW, I would like to go get a blood test now just to see where I stand.

What exactly do I ask the doc for? Just a blood test and that will give me all the information that I need to know? What about test levels, should I get those tested? Anything else I should get? Thanks.

I've been off for 2 weeks exactly now. I've dropped my nolva from 40 to 20 now. I feel fine. I've noticed that i'm still horny, however, i'm not very interested in girls. I think that's just because they are all retarted skanks, I don't think it has anything to do with coming off. lol.

Acne is pretty much cleared right up, and I have kept a lot of the strength I gained. For instance, i put up 265 for 4 or 5 the other day and that was with a mediocre diet at best. When my diet is on check and i'm eating enough carbs I can almost match what I was on cycle.

My size gains were minimal on the cycle and that was due to my illnesses. I think I have leaned out though (I guess 3 days of absolutely no food or water will do that to you?) and I have a better shape IMO. The pics will tell. I'll wait till I'm done post cycle therapy (pct) to take em though, so you can have the real results of the cycle, not the ones I can't maintain.

Overall, learned a shitload about my training, gained a lot of strength and felt generally good throughout the cycle. I feel positive about it even though there were some battles to overcome.
Thanks lift. Well today I workout back/bi's and wow. I have to say that this was the best workout I have ever had, on or off gear. My diet has been fully in check this week (bulking) and I a shitload of strength today, even after a full day of work and only 5.5 hours of sleep. I pumped out 405 for DL's and made some personal records on other exercises (chins, cable rows).

Also, i'm feeling great overall. I'll be done post cycle therapy (pct) in one more week.
I've been off for just about 3 months now, and had no negative side effects. I've been bulking naturally w/ creatine for the last 8 weeks and managed to put on 10lbs, so I'm sitting at 200 right now. My strength is right where it was at the peak of my cycle (before all the problems). Workouts have been great and diet is going pretty good right now. I'm 1 week away from my second cycle...test & drol. I'll post a new thread sometime this week with before and after pics.