First Cycle

rookie03 said:
is it ok to inject in the shower? i have read a couple logs of guys that do it while inthe shower since they can put the needle under the warm water... any insight to this jt?

No, I would not do this b/c the water coming out of the shower head is absolutely not sterile, it's passing over all that grime in the pipes and shower head. That's an abcess waiting to happen.
rookie03 said:
fair enough... how do you heat up your gear b4 you take it?

I don't heat it up. If I did, I would hold it under the sink and just let the hot water run over the syringe while keeping the cover on the needle.
haha i think i would try jt's way...only because i dont have a lava lamp...i would like one definately...arent they responsible for burning a couple of peoples houses down?
Day 8, Tuesday

Wasn't feeling so good, sleep was off too. I woke up at like 3pm today! I missed school and everything. I woke up and ate right away and stuck to my diet for the rest of the day. I changed a meal for a 12'' sub with double meat though (I think that's within the realms of my diet, it has like 65g of protein w/ double meat!) I injected today was well, this time in my left quad. I remembered everything this time, including aspiration. It's a tad sore, but nothing compared to what my ass was feeling (it doesn't hurt anymore, BTW). The injection went well, nice and slow with the 25g (which I am best friends with after using the 23!). My next injection will be with a 23g again, in my left glute. The next one I will go slower, just to see how it feels.

I'm thinking bout hitting delts after that, anything I should be overly cautious about? I guess a 1'' 25 gauge will do fine there right? That way I hit every muslce 1 time every three weeks. Not bad at all. Plus, I should get used to injecting in different places if I ever go on prop or anytying short ester (man...i'm already planning for future cycles!)

Workout was okay...I was deadlifting 315lbs and wanted to go more, but my frigging wrist strap broke! They were POS, I gotta get some new ones. I came to realize that I rely WAY too much on them, I couldn't barely lift shit without them! I have to work on grip strength pronto. I will need them for deadlifting no matter what, cuz there's no chalk at my gym. After my workout, came home and had my PWO shake and i'm about to go eat some more.

BTW, I will move my leg workout to friday, so that Deads and Squats are 3 days apart. I ALWAYS had this problem w/ the lower back and having them too close together. But the thing was, when I wasn't training seriously, if my leg day was on friday I would skip it (friends would call, girlfriend would call and ask to go out and shit) but I knew that I would never miss a whole shoulder/tri/bi that's how I made my schedule. But now that i'm on cycle, i'm a lot more serious bout it so it's okay for me to move it to friday.
I have to admit, it has been a little hard not being able to go out. If you knew my friends, you'd know there isn't a night weekend without drugs! Luckily, the only drug I do is alcohol (and now testosterone, if you coun't it) but that's even hard not to do. Anytime I go out it revolves around alcohol (bars, clubs, chilling) anyone have any advice on how to go out to all the cool places without drinking?

BTW, get ready for the big weigh on on Friday. I won't weigh myself more than once a week, cuz I think people get to caught up in weight. So from now on, every friday I will be weighing in. I better have put on 25lbs or i'm gonna be pissed! lol.
yea...quit careing what people think, and have fun without alcohol... or you could drink kavaa juice... i will walk around with a rtd protein shake and say fuck everyone...haha it usually makes people at partys feel guilty that their drinking and eating like shit.
Take it from someone who had seen thier gains dwindle down the drain due to alcohol, stay away from it. I would be at least 15lbs heavier and stronger if I hadn't partied so much. It has to come from within, a desire to excel in the weightroom and realize you don't need any of that shit in your body. It's tough but it'll pay off.

Be careful with the delt inject and don't go too deep and end up shooting the oil behind the muscle. It depends on how thick your delts are, just eyeball it and go about 3/4 of the way in or a little more. I don't do delts b/c the only 2 times I did, I had issues.
outlawtas2 said:
I'm thinking bout hitting delts after that, anything I should be overly cautious about? I guess a 1'' 25 gauge will do fine there right?

Yeah, that would be fine for delts. Good journal man. Keep it up.
Thanks for the advice guys, I'll probably give it a try next week, so I can get comfortable with the whole idea. I'll watch out not to go too deep.
Wednesday, Day 9

Ouch! My leg hurts! Really sore today, i'm limping a little bit and I can't really flex it or it cramps up right away. No bad signs other than soreness though, so all should be fine. I think I didn't massage it as much as I should have. From now own, I'm massaging for 5 min straight after all injections. It really made a big difference for me.

Besides that, it's my day off the gym. All I have to do i stick to my diet and go to work. I also went to a movie today and had popcorn, but that's no biggie imo. I figure as long as I'm getting in enough calories, the rest are going to just be a little extra, though I have to control it so I don't get too fat!

Check in tommorow, peace.
Thursday, Day 10

Day 10, and I think some things are starting to kick in a bit (mainly libido). Luckily the ex slept over last night :). Otherwise, a regular day so far. I did my Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) injection lunch time today, all went well. I'm taking 300iu x 2 a week, with no noticiable atrophy so far. Also, I am starting to get acne on my back, and I shower 2-3 times a day. I use soap and a scrubber and make sure my back is spic and span. I have no acne, or sign of acne, on my face at all. JT190 reccomended something that I think i'm going to try, supposedly it works great all natural - not cheap though.

Stuck to my diet so far, but haven't worked out yet. It's shoulders / arms today and i'm going to try a new routine reccomended to me in the training forum. Looks promising. I'll report in shortly after my workout again. I know what your thinking, and the answer is yes, I have no life. lol.

Something funny actually happened to me today... I was walking in front of my school when I saw a guy I talk to every now and then. First thing he says is "You get bigger every time I see you, stay away from the roids(jokingly)!" I thought it was halarious, cuz I just started my first cycle.

Other than that, the big weigh in is tommorow, 10 days into the cycle while bulking lets see what's doin. Later guys.
outlawtas2 said:
Thursday, Day 10
. It's shoulders / arms today and i'm going to try a new routine reccomended to me in the training forum. Looks promising. I'll report in shortly after my workout again. I know what your thinking, and the answer is yes, I have no life. lol.

Other than that, the big weigh in is tommorow, 10 days into the cycle while bulking lets see what's doin. Later guys.
tell me how that routien works out man. journal looks nice.
GL with the new routine outlaw, and just remain patient. It's gonna kick in soon and you'll forget the first 2-3 weeks you had to wait for the gains. Just continue to eat a lot of quality calories and hit it hard bro. And no, none of us have a I'm on here probably 3-4 hours a day, my wife gets
rookie03 said:
haha i think i would try jt's way...only because i dont have a lava lamp...i would like one definately...arent they responsible for burning a couple of peoples houses down?

I am insured
JT190 said:
GL with the new routine outlaw, and just remain patient. It's gonna kick in soon and you'll forget the first 2-3 weeks you had to wait for the gains. Just continue to eat a lot of quality calories and hit it hard bro. And no, none of us have a I'm on here probably 3-4 hours a day, my wife gets
3-4 hrs i do upto and over 6 what a loser i am.
adidamps2 said:
3-4 hrs i do upto and over 6 what a loser i am.

Well, let me just say i'm on all day, just jumping around and surfing here and there, so i'm right up there with you:)
guilty as well...girlfriend calls me a dork and gets pissed cause the first thing i do when i get home from school and work is go straight to ology.