First Cycle

Day 54, Wednesday

Wow, what a workout. Probably the best I've ever had. I started off with deadlifting, and steadily increased the weight till i managed to pull 405x1.5 (yeah, I went for the second rep but I only got about half way before I failed). Felt great to hit a record like that, it's a big step for me, though not much compared to some guys on this board. I went and did 3 sets of chins after. From there I rowed with 120lbs, 8 reps for 3 sets. To end my back portion of the workout, I did 2 sets of machine T-Bar rows with 3 plates using a superset on the final set with 2 plates. Reps were between 6-10.

My bi workout started with 2 sets of straight bar curls w/ 100lbs, and 1 set of 80lbs and 12 reps. I then proceeded to to dbell curls and managed 3 sets of 8 w/ 45lbs. Finally, I concluded with machine baseball curls starting with 60lbs a side, then down to 50 and for the final set 50lbs with a 30lb superset.

The back half of my and my bi's were totally rocked. I definately feel it today, my lower back is sore - but in a good way. Bi's are good too. My chest and tri's are still pretty sore from their workout as well.

My diet has been strong, and I have incorportated lean ground beef in a big way. I also added another gainer shake so I am expected good gains by tomorrow. If my back is sore tomorrow, I will postpone my leg workout until saturday in order maximise that. If all is will, i'll go for a record squat of 355lbs, hopefully there will be someone there to spot me, as the added confidence usually allows me to hit my weight objectives. I also have shoulders to work.

I think for my next cycle everything I will keep my dose the exact same (I see no need to increase) with the exception that I may frontload or add dbol in for the first 4 or 5 weeks in order to jump start it. I would really like to see the strength gains from the dbol too, so I think that might just be my choice.

Other than that, my acne is still minimal but is there. I think my legs have gotten a lot bigger. I'm not going to take any pics until the cycle is finished, when I'll try to get some good ones and post em up to compare. I'm still hoping for the 15 more lbs, to make a total of 25lbs gained (i'm sure I won't retain all of that, unless i'm really lucky!).

Day 55, Thursday

I have my injects today. I have been keeping up with the liquidex and have noticed my sore nips are no longer sore. I am also still horny as hell. I've managed to get a good amount of sleep lately, 6 or 7 hours which is decent considering my work / gym schedule. It makes me wonder how much better I will do on my next cycle when all I have to worry about is school and my part time job. My school schedule is much easier than my current one, all I have to do is keep up with assigned work on the weekends. No workout today. The day was a bit long, but okay overall. Feeling good, diet was on. Not much else to say.
LiftTillIDie said:
I thought you were done working construction?

I'm in a construction management program and this is part of my co-op. So for the first 2 weeks they had us work with the labourers just to get used to the site and to learn what everyones roll was. Now i'm not doing anymore labour, mostly organizing people and materials/cashflow etc. So I'm still working construction, just not doing physical work anymore.
JT190 said:
Great progress outlaw, congrats on the DL PR!!!!

Thanks man, hopefully i'll be able to pull a few more reps out next week. I definately have to admit that it feels amazing lifting 4 plates a side. It gives you a lot of confidence.
day 56, Friday

Leg day, workout was good. My back was still sore so I didn't go all out. Diet was good.

day 57 Saturday

Took it easy, no injects or anything. Just relaxed

Day 58, Sunday

Same as above.

Day 59 Monday

Long weekend and the gym was closed so I took another day off. Delt inject, all went well. HCG and liquidex as well.

Day 60 Tuesday

Really hard and long day at work. I planned to work chest and tri's today, but I fell asleep as soon as I sat down at home. I didn't wake up till the next morning. I was pretty pissed about it, it ruined my whole next day.
Day 61, Wednesday

Finally got to the gym today. I was refreshed after getting a good nights sleep and diet was good today. Benched 275x2, but I think I didn't have much help from the spotter. It felt good. the rest of the workout went well, finishing up with tri's. it's going to be a harder week because of the missed workouts, forcing me to have 4 straight days of workouts. I'll deal with it though and all will be back to normal next week.

I also ran out of food and got some more. This week steak is on the menu, and later on lean ground turkey breast and lean ground beef, as well as potatoes and gainer shakes. Should be good.

I have decided not to increase the length of my cycle. Because of my schedule right now I think I would be better of gaining the ability to start my 2nd cycle 2 weeks earlier when I'm in school and have less priorities. Obviously I'd love to stay on, but I don't think that would be the mature decision. I mean, the cycle has been great for strength (50 lbs on my bench, 100lbs on my dlift and more than 50lbs on my squat - and I still have 4 weeks left!) but my size gains seem to be stagnent for now, as I continue to sit around 200lbs. This is probably due to my hectic schedule and sometimes infruquent diet. I'm sure I will put on 5 more lbs or so before it's over, but I did expect more weight.

I can only blame myself for not realizing what I was getting into with my work schedule, but it's a lesson learned. I wouldn't call my cycle a failure at all, it's just that I think it could have been more successful.

That's it.
I'm not givin up at all man, i'm going for all I can the last for weeks. It's still possible to put on 10lbs maybe, so i'm going for the gold. I think I could still hit some good lifting records as well.
Well it's been a while since I last posted. I have not internet at home, and can't really go on forums during the day since i'm too busy working, lol. Things have definately picked up, I was sick for about another week after I last posted. Once I got better, my training and diet were finally back to where they were. Of course, as all bad things seem to happen at once, my grandmother passed last week.

Although it seems that I am riddled with many problems on this cycle, I think it's going okay. To put it best, if I can pull of decent gains with this cycle than I can go leaps and bounds on others. I have learned a lot about my body, diet and training while on cycle and I think I will apply this very effectively for my next cycle (coming October hopefully).

I probably won't be able to post very often (at least till my damn internet is fixed at home, it's "kind of" illegal so i'm waiting for the right guy) but I will definately post after pictures once I'm finished and stats as well. Hopefully post cycle therapy (pct) will go fine and I will recover quickly (I think I will since I have minimal test. atrophy and no sides minus a some back acne that's not really much).


Oh, I worked chest monday, benched 275 and had an all around amazing chest and tri workout. I did back today and pulled 405 for just 1 DL, and again had an amazing back/bi workout. I'm pullin some pretty decent weights all around at the gym. I can't fathom what i'll be doing on my next cycle. I think it'll be pretty crazy.

I have found that I'm really stimulated by dropsets and have now been applying them to most of my exercises. I will usually do something like this:

3 sets
1 set heavy, 4-6 reps
2 sets heavy 4-7 reps, dropset with 8-12 reps.

I get the benefit of lifing really heavy and then get to really pump it out after. I can tell it's working, I really feel swole in the gym.

Anyways, I'll try to keep posting as much as possible, but like I said it's gonna be hard until my internet at home is fixed.

Well, i've officially taken my last inject 1 week ago. It has been a pretty bad week. Remember that last sinus infection I had? Well it came back - and 3x worse. My throat was so swollen that I could not eat or drink anything for more than 3 days. The only thing I consumed was my antibiotics and the small sip of water that accompanied it down my throat. That alone took me about 4 minutes per pill because of the pain.

On the third day, I went back to a different walk in clinic where they told me I need to visit the emergency room asap. After waiting a while for the doctor, I was told I needed to have immediate "mini" surgery. So the Ear, nose and throat specialist came in, froze me, cut open my palet and drained a shitload of puss from out of my mouth. BTW, I don't reccomend having puss in your mouth, it was one of the worst experiences of my life (the texture, odour, colour - everything is just nasty).

I definately dropped some poundage after that one. However, I have no one to blame but myself. This is because I didn't properly follow the instructions for medication on my original infection. I'm pretty sure I can chalk this cycle up to bad luck, though for my next cycle I will definately pay more attention to staying healthy.

I start standard nolva post cycle therapy (pct) in 1 week, along with the adex. I will post some before and after pics sometime this week. Maybe I'll grab some of those lost pounds back.
Also, I'll be hitting the gym as usual this week and I think I will start to eat heavily again. I would still like to put on some pounds for september.
Hit up the gym today. Back/bi day. Went suprisingly well. Once again I managed to pull 405 for 1 rep on my dl, not bad considering the sickness and shit. Overall a great workout. Still feeling the libido and strength as of now. I'll keep up and tell you if/when it drops off.
It's been 12 days since my last injection and I'm still feeling what I used to. Still horny as a goat, still getting the amazing pumps in the gym. Testicles are still at their normal size. I'm not expected to get shut down hard over the next week or so, I just don't see it happening. However, I do have very limited experience with this so there's no telling quite yet. It was a pretty by the book and dosage controlled cycle, so i'm pretty confident.

After looking at myself in the mirror, I think I can conclude that, although I wanted this to be a bulker, it has turned out to be more of a lean mass/strength cycle. I do see a change, I would say more so in shape than size. I do have to say that I am happy with the results, though I expect much more in my coming cycle.

I plan to keep everything the same, except for the throwing in an oral in the first 4-5 weeks, as opposed to frontloading the test. I think I'll get great gains from this.

Pics comin soon, hopefully by the end of the weekend.

Oh yeah, the only side effect thus far is mild acne on my shoulders and back still. No crazy roid rages where I kill my parents, no shrunken penis, no heart attacks or any other insane things to report.
Shame to hear you got sick. Hope you can still keep up the the training. Sometimes, if you feel sick, you can still do some kind of training that you ordinarily would not do (eg some smaller muscle groups) and still get some gains while providing a rest to the parts that you would have trained if you were feeling 100%.

So what's your bodyweight now? Will you make 300 pounds?

Look fwd to the pics...
If I make 300 lbs i will bigger than ronnie coleman! LOL I think your talking about Lifts Cycle, I'm outlawtas...only 5"10 200lbs lol. Though I would be pretty happy with a 100lb gain on my first cycle. I don't wanna think about the stretch marks though...

I've managed to keep my training pretty consistent but my diet has obviously been sacrificed. I'm getting back on track now and right now my goal is to maintain my size and strength gains from the cycle. I am still going to continue to bulk throughout the summer and am preparing for my next bulk while on cycle.