First H-drol Cycle


New member
Starting my first cycle of H-Drol in a week or so, looking for some advice.

Current Stats: 6 ft 215 lbs
Max Bench: 290
Max Deadlift: 405
Max Squat: 315 (shitty, I know)

Hoping to add about 8 good pounds when all is said and done.
Take in ample calories: a gallon of whole milk every day, burgers, sausage, beans, eggs, protein shakes.
Drink a gallon of water daily.
Am taking Animal Flex Joint Supp.
Multi- Vitamin.

Im planning on going 50/ 50/ 75/ 75/ 75/ 75

and then begin post cycle therapy (pct) (novadex)

any suggestions, or personal experiences with H-drol would be much appreciated.!!!!
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h-drol alone is not enough. Stack it with propadrol EP if it is still available. Ive done both and only when I stacked it did I really see results. Plus the EP is not methylated....
Props if you can stomach a gallon of milk a day. I take in about 24oz a day and I'll have the worst gas ever lol.
I liked hdrol when I ran it. If you see results at 50/75 that's good, but consider upping to 100 your last week, that's when I really started seeing my gains, and sides were minimal.

When you say novadex for PCT, you're hopefully referring to Nolva, right? Novadex by Gaspari Nutrition isnot a sufficient PCT for a 6 week cycle. What else are you running for support on cycle and PCT? Do you have hawthorn berry to regulate blood pressure? Any antioxidants? Look into Cycle Assist and CEL's new PCT Assist, and don't forget to add creatine in your pct.