First Injection Cycle

lol which in this case is a paint-covered naked woman

U love me!!!!!!!!!!

OMFG gald u chimed in Dahurt! Hey OP look at what this fucker did! He won a best achievement contest on this site! Fuckin impressive to say the least! Thats a huge accomplishment!
U love me!!!!!!!!!!

OMFG gald u chimed in Dahurt! Hey OP look at what this fucker did! He won a best achievement contest on this site! Fuckin impressive to say the least! Thats a huge accomplishment!

I think the most impressive thing he did is get me as his friend
U love me!!!!!!!!!!

OMFG gald u chimed in Dahurt! Hey OP look at what this fucker did! He won a best achievement contest on this site! Fuckin impressive to say the least! Thats a huge accomplishment!

Thx PB. ANNNNND how did I win?? I ATE until I couldn't EAT anymore...then I ATE some more!
the name of our site brings newbs period we get so much traffic

When a thread goes up here, within minutes it will be at the top of a google search and I think that brings in the mass new traffic we see daily here.

It's a good thing for our sponsors and keeps things interesting for us members.
I think I might know who PhatBastard really is. PhatBastard did we meet in Mexico about 18 years ago? some of the things you say etc
Phat ya need to add DA hurt to list boy never gives bad info and is getting rip upped up hes a straight up honest bud

Done but I think I made up for that mistake already. Revised my origian comment! Look again. Dahurt has brains and will power to go up against anyone on the net! Fricken Fantastic Brother
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Bro Me Zeek,Dawg,Iron, 200, Boa, Herm, stone cold, User, Pirate,Dahurt and many more know what the fuck were talkin about! I don't post out as much as others but one should never judge a book by its cover!

Special Note to Dahurt This guy threw his shit up there on the world wide web against everyone out there and was chosen top notch from his peers! Great Job Dahurt

Aw hell now I'm blushing!
I think I might know who PhatBastard really is. PhatBastard did we meet in Mexico about 18 years ago? some of the things you say etc

was that back in your WAXING cross dressing days? cause I may be Guilty! Just sayin