First Peptide Cycle!


New member
Been lurking on the forums awhile trying to get an intimate knowledge down before trying anything or asking stupid questions.

Going to be running Juiced Porkchops suggestion below:

Wk1-8 40mcg ed igf-1LR3
Wk1-8 100mcg 2-3X ed CJC-1293 (CJC w/o Dac)
Wk1-8 100mcg 2-3X ed Ghrp-6

I should be getting everything in necessary on Saturday and then start Sunday. I only have 8 weeks to run this and have read everywhere that less is more or 12 is good since it takes some time to see peptide effects but figured I would try it out with 8 since I will be leaving the country for two weeks at the end of 8 weeks.

First cycle of anything. Just curious what others have tried diet and lifting routine wise with this setup before??

Any critique is welcome. Can't wait to post results. Thanks!
With the mod grf and ghrp you can run those way longer then 12 weeks the igf-1 only run for 8 weeks.

looks solid I'd start the mod grf/ghrp at 2x a day for a while. To make sure its not to much. Personally if I run it more then twice a day my fingers go numb. GH side effect.
Looks good bud.

MY diet usually notices an increase in calories with the GHRP-2+CJC
Also IGF-1 LR3 dramatically increases my hunger.
Buddy.. do this:

for 12 weeks:

CJC 1295 no DAC (not 1293)/ ghrp-6 100/100mcg 3X ED
LR3 50 mcg in the morning or after wo 4 weeks on/4 weeks off
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Thanks for the input!

I've only got 8 weeks for the first run then I will have to take a week off travelling where it won't be possible to do anything. Do you think it is still worth doing all for 8 weeks or better to wait till after this period where I can stick with 12 weeks on the cjc & ghrp??? I guess what I am asking is the week off going to counteract anything???

My LR3 came early. So I went ahead and started it solo today.
I've read you don't have to do IM but I tried it anyway.
but did 50mcg split bilateral into each shoulder today pwo
Stinging wasn't as bad as I've read about. Didn't notice any differences or different feelings but day #1 is down!
Well it's a your choice, you can do 8 weeks but.. with 12 weeks is more efficent :)

Choose what for you is the best option..
I plan to do 12 weeks. I just have to take a week off while I go on vacation during week 9.

Why do you recommend stopping the LR3 after 8 weeks? Does the dosage required just go way up since receptors get used to it??? How long do you typically wait to restart the LR3 or do you try something else for the next cycle?
I plan to do 12 weeks. I just have to take a week off while I go on vacation during week 9.

Why do you recommend stopping the LR3 after 8 weeks? Does the dosage required just go way up since receptors get used to it??? How long do you typically wait to restart the LR3 or do you try something else for the next cycle?

Exactly, but you can use 8 weeks LR3 8 weeks PEG MGF.. or you can use slin instead LR3 or MGF..
I agree with running the GH peps for longer than 8wks, I would go 4-5 months minimum with these. Increasing the ghrp6 dose a bit will give you a better GH pulse as well. LR3 should be cycled.

First day of everything today. Did the GH and CJ upon waking and LR3 PWO. No odd feelings yet or anything beyond my normal level of awesomeness!
Looks like a decent course. Similar to what I am doing at the moment. Gotta say the 3x a day is annoying. What do you guys think on mod grf/ghrp 200mcg twice a day...first thing in the morning and last thing before bed rather than 100mcg 3x daily?
3rd day of everything....haven't felt anything first few days but wow today the GHRP/CJC gave me some crazy quesy feeling. I've seen people associate this as hunger. I definitely feel like I could eat but more the feeling I get when I have to skip meals and my stomach is going crazy. Lasted about 30 minutes. LR3 seems like it could be helping me hold the pump more longer throughout the day on the muscles I worked. Not sure yet on that!
Last night at bedtime I did the following:
100mcg CJC-1293 (w/o Dac)
100mcg Ghrp-6

About 5 minutes after I got really hot and sweaty. Sort of flu like symptoms. Only lasted about 20 minutes. And then I went to sleep and slept awesome.

Did the same 100mcg of cjc and ghrp this morning and no side effects at all.

PWO-Bi-Lateral LR3 40mcg today IM into biceps. Been a few hours since I lifted and feels like my muscles still have their pump. Could just be my mind playing tricks on me but either way it is positive mental affect.

SIDENOTES-----Only been on these less than a week. No noticeable increase in appetite and no added strength or anything. I realize this will all take awhile just FYI.

**Question for all you more knowledgable than I........Would pinning the CJC/GHRP into the butt be ok???Started allergy shots as well so doing all these in stomach fat is getting annoying. Seems on days I use same area multiple times got a little bruising.
I have been doing GHRP-2 and mod GRF1-29 both at 200mcg doses 2x per day And I enjoy it.
Though at night I can only do about 100mcg of the ghrp because I get starving and cant sleep if I go over. With 100mcg I barely notice hunger.

At 200 mcg dose of GHRP-2 I am sweating profusely shaking waiting to get some food lol. It makes eating things like tuna very easy. I also eat faster so can eat a little more per sitting. I wish the ghrp-2 did not have such a huge effect on hunger at the night time dose.

I am thinking of switching to ipamorelin at night and use the ghrp-2 for my daytime dose. Since IPAM does not effect hunger, I figured that would work out better.

I agree though the 3x a day is annoing, especially since you cant eat 30mins b4 or after the shot.
Anyone noticed a weight increase possibly from water retention or something from the ghrp-6/cjc combo?? I haven't changed my diet at all since starting and I am up about 10 lb.
Anyone noticed a weight increase possibly from water retention or something from the ghrp-6/cjc combo?? I haven't changed my diet at all since starting and I am up about 10 lb.

If your holding water that's a side from to much GH being released. Cut back either the dose if your over 100 MCG or dosing frequency.