***first pics here comments welcome*****


New member
ok, here we go. first pics. currently 6'1 220 to 225 or so. just came off test/tren/winny.
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not hardly. my first was about 1 year ago 500mg/test per week for 15 weeks
then post cycle therapy (pct) then recovery then i ran another that was 500 test and 300 deca.

this year i ran 600 test 100/tren EOD and just finished 600 test/100 tren EOD and 50 Winstrol (winny) EOD.

but you have to know that last year i was 220 with almost a 40 inch waist. now im 220 with a 34 inch waist. i wish i had a digital of me before. it was down right embarassing.
imagine the transformation you could do if you knew how to diet and train. It could be remarkable.

Oh, I think you dropped your crutch...........no wait, it's an amp of test.
im not going to get into a battle of wits with you, but dont hate a guy who is actually honest about what he does. we are all here to learn as much as we can. dont be so quick to judge if you dont know the whole story....
Nice pec development man. But it looks like your training almost nothing but chest. Your shoulders look decent, but you gotta work harder on the arms and especially abs. Don't take this harshly, it is just my honest opinion. I would go natural for a while if i were you and see how far I could get by just being consistent with my training and my diet.
eagle_lex said:
im not going to get into a battle of wits with you, but dont hate a guy who is actually honest about what he does. we are all here to learn as much as we can. dont be so quick to judge if you dont know the whole story....

Try going natty for a while. If you can't make progress like that, then you need to change up the diet and training. If those were in check you would have looked a good bit different by now with those cycles. Juice will help cover imperfections in your routine and it seems it has been. Try my advice and I guarantee to find out more about your body and gains in the future will be better.
hey guys thanks for the comments!

deadlift, good points. i totally agree with you. im laying off and working hard. its not like im new to this, been training natually for about 10 years now. just never was very muscular as a kid and looked like a bloated carbo-holic!

hawaiin, yea, the chest looks bigger than anything, your right. but i only train it once a week with a mix of flat bar/incline bar/dips/and some sort of fly. the arms i agree suck. they always have. but thats no excuss. i have made improvements but need to do better. right now im really trying to focus on leaning out as much as i can while retaining what muscle i have.

any suggestions for the lagging parts??
eagle_lex said:
hey guys thanks for the comments!

deadlift, good points. i totally agree with you. im laying off and working hard. its not like im new to this, been training natually for about 10 years now. just never was very muscular as a kid and looked like a bloated carbo-holic!

hawaiin, yea, the chest looks bigger than anything, your right. but i only train it once a week with a mix of flat bar/incline bar/dips/and some sort of fly. the arms i agree suck. they always have. but thats no excuss. i have made improvements but need to do better. right now im really trying to focus on leaning out as much as i can while retaining what muscle i have.

any suggestions for the lagging parts??

Work your abs 4 times a week and you won't believe how far you will come in just 2 or 3 weeks. About 9 to 12 sets every ab workout. Get serious man. And save your money and lay off the juice for a while. Just lower your calorie intake and make sure all the calories you do take in are protein. Trust me on this, you do the ab routine for just a few weeks, and you'll be totally amazed at how it makes your whole physique look better. It's a hard battle, but you've gotta have that killer spirit and desire in you. Good luck eagle_lex!
thanks man, i appriciate the postive advice! im leaner than ever and can actually start to see the top abs WANTING to come in. but im still a far way off from where i want to be. they are just begging for better dieting and more work. im hard at it and will let you know how it goes. plus my cardio is kicking at around 50min 3 to 4 times a week, so thats good.

just hard to pack on the muscle on a 6'1 frame with long arms and legs. i know alot of you guys do it. so i can to, but its hard.
I dont agree with hitting your abs right now. If you stripped down your routine to focus almost exclusively on core movements, ab development would follow suit. Squats and deads alone will help develop your abs, imo more than any ab movement.

Besides that, dont even worry about lagging bodyparts, just focus on adding some size to everything. If I was you, I wouldnt diet right now at all. Your going to lose a crapload of muscle (considering thats how much you gained while ON cycle...not a flame bro, just being honest). But, you know your goals, good luck.
thanks for the advice, i dont take it as a flame. what you have to know is it seemed the tren kept my body weight the same but really helped me lean out. so that was good. i think i could use more leaning. i guess i have the same problem as most. should i eat more or less?? strip down or add weight? i think we will always struggle with that unless we are one of the lucky few who have figured it all out.
Hawaiian Silky said:
Work your abs 4 times a week and you won't believe how far you will come in just 2 or 3 weeks. About 9 to 12 sets every ab workout. Get serious man. Just lower your calorie intake and make sure all the calories you do take in are protein. Trust me on this, desire in you.
Sorry bro but all calories from protien..thats not good advice....what no clean carbs ...no fats?
I agree on upping the protien for sure.... but where is the ratio or balance of calories coming from...P/C/f ....40/30/30
70w30 said:
Sorry bro but all calories from protien..thats not good advice....what no clean carbs ...no fats?
I agree on upping the protien for sure.... but where is the ratio or balance of calories coming from...P/C/f ....40/30/30

Couldn't have said it better...plus 4 times a week is a bit much...i do direct abs once a week, and hit my abs when doing squats, deads. Find sticky on needsize's ab routine, i personally feel its a great workout.

Looking good though keep it up. Keep gaining some muscle mass, and then diet accordinly or you'll lose everything you got. Keep up the good work!
hey maxxed, thanks for the advice and the words of encourgement. i have been hitting my abs along with touching on cardio and the top ones are starting to peak through. its refreshing to see improvements and makes you want to work more.
FINALLY!!! god damn lex... very decent shape to work with!! You have come such a long way.. your stats have flip flopped! You should be proud of yourself!

You have gotten some great advice from the guys here..
The advice i agree with is as follows:

-Core strength training like Doug said.. abs will follow suit.. heavy training abs now is kinda moot.. you need work overall moreso than "spot" type training even though i hate that word.. lol..
You are a hard gainer, so start training like one.. That means heavy fucking weights, low reps and a clean ass diet... I guarantee you start changing more..

-DIET is a key component, but not diet to lose, DIET to change.. meaning eating clean and correctly! The guys hit the nail on the head.. proper proportions of protein/carbs/fats... carbs will not make you fat, too many shitty calories and shitty carbs will, but if you choose wisely (oatmeal, sweet pots, etc) you know, then you will get very very far.

I personally feel you need to cut back the cardio!!! believe it or not, i did ZERO cardio to get as lean as i am... just lifted heavy as hell and ate well...
Do some cardio for your heart and health, but not for your muscles.. eat well for your muscles... The more muscle you have the leaner you are gonna be if you are eating well..

also, keep an eye on those nips of yours! Looking a lil puffy in the pics.. ;)

Delt looks like there are striations dying to come out! and your waist is nice and small.. Honey, you have so much damn potential!! God what i could do to you :) hehehe...

so get going! Eat right, lift heavy, get stronger! No goal is out of your reach! Just aim baby.. and aim high!!!
luv always
Why do everybody think they can take Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and grow without putting the proper effort in.

good shape man, but not for all that gear. Good luck anyways.
supergirl said:
FINALLY!!! god damn lex... very decent shape to work with!! You have come such a long way.. your stats have flip flopped! You should be proud of yourself!

You have gotten some great advice from the guys here..
The advice i agree with is as follows:

-Core strength training like Doug said.. abs will follow suit.. heavy training abs now is kinda moot.. you need work overall moreso than "spot" type training even though i hate that word.. lol..
You are a hard gainer, so start training like one.. That means heavy fucking weights, low reps and a clean ass diet... I guarantee you start changing more..

-DIET is a key component, but not diet to lose, DIET to change.. meaning eating clean and correctly! The guys hit the nail on the head.. proper proportions of protein/carbs/fats... carbs will not make you fat, too many shitty calories and shitty carbs will, but if you choose wisely (oatmeal, sweet pots, etc) you know, then you will get very very far.

I personally feel you need to cut back the cardio!!! believe it or not, i did ZERO cardio to get as lean as i am... just lifted heavy as hell and ate well...
Do some cardio for your heart and health, but not for your muscles.. eat well for your muscles... The more muscle you have the leaner you are gonna be if you are eating well..

also, keep an eye on those nips of yours! Looking a lil puffy in the pics.. ;)

Delt looks like there are striations dying to come out! and your waist is nice and small.. Honey, you have so much damn potential!! God what i could do to you :) hehehe...

so get going! Eat right, lift heavy, get stronger! No goal is out of your reach! Just aim baby.. and aim high!!!
luv always

thanks sup! i agree diet is KEY. there always seems to be room for improvement there.