First post, first question


New member
Yes this is my first post, though I've been lurking these boards quite a while. There definitly seems to be a lot of knowledgable guys here and I've read (and learned) a lot since I discovered the site, so thank you ahead of time.
So on to the question..
I believed i had a reliable source. They were (maybe still are?) actually a sponsor on this site so I won't mention the name. I've previously ordered clen and nolvadex from them. The clen doesn't seem to be an issue, but the nolva has got me worried. It's axio tamoxiplex, and I checked the batch number on the axio website and it checked out, so I thought all was good.
So I ran the nolva after a prohormone cycle and had an extremely shitty recovery. Strength plummeted, body fat gained, zero libido, lethargy, depression, all that fun stuff.
So I started really questioning whether I got a legit product or not, and I went back to the axio website to verify the source. Axio will verify the source by either by using the source's URL or the source's email..... neither checked out. ON TOP of all this, a buddy of mine is pretty damn sure he got some bunk test e from these guys as well.
Everything I read led me to believe these guys were reputable.... and I was planning on doing test in the semi-near future, but now my plans are on hold obviousley.
What does it sound like to you guys? A bunk source or just me being overly paranoid? Does it mean anything that Axio wouldn't verify the source but would verify the batch number?
Any insight anyone can give is very appreciated.
I never agreed with novladex for PCT anyways. But you may just be prone to a hard shut down. Prohormones are the left over AAS's that either never worked or were too hard on the body. That is why legit proven AAS are far safer.
I never agreed with novladex for PCT anyways. But you may just be prone to a hard shut down. Prohormones are the left over AAS's that either never worked or were too hard on the body. That is why legit proven AAS are far safer.

I agree with you, prohormones are shit, thats why I was looking forward to doing a test cycle before all this happened...
Plug in the serial number from the package on Axiolab's site at the batch search. It will confirm if it's gtg or not.
yeh defo if you hang around you will be fine! you wont need to ask for a source! just start asking questions and reading other people posts, and LEARNING! thats all you need to do bro