First scare in a long time...


New member
So I just got done with my workout where I was doing high reps good mornings. I put my grip on the bar near the collars as this keeps me balanced during the lift, I have 185lbs on the bar and the set is going smooth, all of a sudden my hand on one side slips off the bar (obviously, I wasn't gripping it hard enough) and in a split second that side of the bar is up the air as I'm pulling down slightly with the hand that is still on the bar. So I'm balancing this damn bar on essentially one side of my trap/shoulder while I reach up and grab the side I let go of...I must've looked like a complete moron. Anyone have stories like this to share?
About a year ago I was doing incline bench of 225lbs and I couldn't get the bar up on my final rep, so I had to slide it down my body and rest it on the bench...There were people around, but I just made it look like it is what I planned...

-I had a friend who was doing 3 - 45lb plates on each side of the smith and his wrist gave out and he dropped all the weight on his chest...

-I saw some guy at the gym forget to put a plate on one side and dropped the weight.
i was going to squat 315....well i forgot a plate on one side...i almost dumped the whole thing before making it back to the squat rack.
I've hit my chin more than once doing preacher curls...i'm such and idiot. Leaves a nice rug-burn looking mark.
Scaped my forehead doing pushdowns that had frayed cable, big line all the way down my forehead/face.
-When I first started lifting I was doing dumbell presses. For the first time I picked up a 50lb dumbell and was so proud, my left arm gave out and it almost smacked me in the face...The funny point of the story is that it was a 50lb dumbell...
one time i had a loaded bar resting on the bars of cage, i unloaded all the plates from one side, and it was a real shitty, narrow cage, so when one side was fully unloaded, the loaded side with 3 plates fell and almost flipped the cage over. fuckin noobs.
When doing preacher curls or all curls for that matter usually, i end up smacking myself in the mouth with the dumbell.

Hurts but its something i never really learn to avoid.
Suareezay said:
one time i had a loaded bar resting on the bars of cage, i unloaded all the plates from one side, and it was a real shitty, narrow cage, so when one side was fully unloaded, the loaded side with 3 plates fell and almost flipped the cage over. fuckin noobs.

--haha, that reminds me. I was doing deads and while unloading the plates I had 3 on one side and one on the other. Fell on my foot, and there were two idiots doin the same thing next to me who laughed...Those idiots pissed me off with there fake ass deads...
Suareezay said:
one time i had a loaded bar resting on the bars of cage, i unloaded all the plates from one side, and it was a real shitty, narrow cage, so when one side was fully unloaded, the loaded side with 3 plates fell and almost flipped the cage over. fuckin noobs.
thanks for taking my story.

lol glad to know i am not the only one...

BTW did the whole gym look your way too?
i tried to start lifting in high school
i attempted to do what a football player was doing
i weighed 135lbs at nearly 6 foot tall
the exercise was clean and jerk
I can't remember the weight
i cleaned
i jerked
and i fell backwards.

I was so embarassed, i didn't work out again for four years.
Did laying leg raises on a flat bench, with a 10lb dumbbell in between my feet. Did them after my leg workout, got a horrible charlie horse, and my right-foot twitched just enough to drop the dumbbell while I was at the top of the motion.

It was about 3 inches away from smashing me in the face but I somehow managed to catch it in mid-air.
MattyBoy682 said:
Did laying leg raises on a flat bench, with a 10lb dumbbell in between my feet. Did them after my leg workout, got a horrible charlie horse, and my right-foot twitched just enough to drop the dumbbell while I was at the top of the motion.

It was about 3 inches away from smashing me in the face but I somehow managed to catch it in mid-air.

follow the white rabbit, neo