First sus and deca cycle.

At 6' 170 you are not genetically maxed, not a chance. You having a fast metabolism or being a 'hard gainer' does not mean your genetically maxed. You not being able to get past 170 can be due to a number of different things. The MAIN thing being nutrition. You either aren't eating enough or, you aren't eating enough of the right foods. And, although at one point in my journey I though it was all about overall calories and macros, I have since realized it goes far past that, so just cramming in a shitload of food isn't going to do a thing if your body cant break those foods down, absorb them and utilize them as best it can.

You can eat all you want but if you aren't able to utilize those foods you are eating by digesting them properly then everything is a waste of time. So, get the nutrition dialed in. Eat your proteins, fats, and carbohydrates but, make sure to get plenty of micro nutrients in as well from veggies and leafy greens to help digestion of the macronutrients. Get fiber in take where it should be and go get yourself a digestive enzyme to aid in digestion.

Aside from that being the main cause, the next thing is possible over training IMO, and I know some guys say 'overtraining' is bullshit but its not, you can even over train while on gear as far as Im concerned . I have no idea how you train (how many days a week and for how long) but, if you have a crazy fast metabolism I would train less. You don't really need to decrease frequency but possibly decrease volume allowing you to not damage the muscle too much and allowing your body to heal faster. You don't need to go into the gym a blow everything out to the point youre crippled, or even sore the next day to grow. Fast metabolism+training too much=not growing how you should. All it is, is a catch up game if this is the case.

Lastly, I would look at your Total Testosterone levels, LH and FSH levels through a blood test to see where those sit. You stated you ran a few cycles now....but have you recovered? Running cycles upon cycles without ever properly recovering is going to leave your natural Testosterone production tanked most likely and that in itself could be another reason you aren't gaining weight. Doing PCT doesnt mean you recover, it means you did PCT....that's it.

I don't really see a need to extend the cycle an extra 2 weeks with a different ester. And the PCT timing is off. 2 weeks is not enough time to allows the hormones to leave your body. Wait 4 weeks with Sustanon as it has the long Decanoate ester in it which has a apparent half life of 15 days. Starting PCT too soon will equal a failed PCT. And run Nolvadex along side the Clomid, it will improve chances of recovery.

Thanks for the wealth of info here. Going to check into the blood work,been tired and have had a healthy appetite my whole life so possible that I've always had low T. Thanks for the cycle advise as well.
I totally get you bro. I am also a "hard gainer" or extremely hard to gain anything and most people don't understand that and it's easy for them to say just beat more. I do agree that you could probably eat more but 3000 cal should be enough. I believe the term for hard gainers is ectomorph, I could be wrong but sounds right. When I started aas I was 27yro at 135lb. My first cycle was sust only at 500mg ew. And are 6-8 full meals a day and gained about 20lds and kept about 10lbs post cycle. Took time off and did a good cycle for 10 weeks with test e 500mg ew, deca 600mg ew and d bol 35mg ed. Gained 30lbs. Was very pleased but all I did was eat constantly and drank sometimes 1 gal of water per day and pretty much lived in the gym. I may not have done it like most here would have but most here are already of good size and gain easier but it worked for me and That's what important. And yes my pct was in order. It has been 11 years since my last cycle and I weigh 160 on average. I am 41 yro so I did keep some of my gains but I didn't stay in the gym like I should have and partied a lot. Oh yeah I gained 1 pound a day which was too fast imo. Now I'm settled down and am starting a cycle similar to that of my last cycle except this time I'm using eq. Sorry for the long post but go just wanted to let you know that you are not alone and there is someone that understands because I have been there. Good luck bro do what works for you.

Thanks. Ya it's kinda like mental illness people think it's some mythical or imaginary thing u made up in your mind. Due to never having experienced it. Granted there is always ways to slightly improve with a myriad of techniques. I choose to use the most effective way knowing the risks. I try to minimize them. Started with a cyp cycle when I was younger then cyp and anadrol. Then tren and prop which was really good. I know how to train and eat. Again just went with this cycle cuz I got it for 50% of the cost another tren and prop cycle woulda cost me. Plus the benefit of joint relief with the deca made that decision easier. Just wanted the most info I could get about this cycle.

Appreciate all the input guys.
Lol. All I'm saying is it's not impossible. Because I've done it and if I have I'm sure atleast hundreds of others have as well. Touching on shredders point it could be a absorption issue. Which is why I was able to get so much good value when using tren. Eating till I felt like puking everyday and training 6 days a week, consuming close to 250gs of protien ED Made it possible. Maybe mind of matter and the drive to gain as much muscle as possible made it happen, maybe it was due to visualizing what I wanted to look like. Perhaps using 2 of the more powerful lean bulkers helped?
You guys dont know how muscles grow. 3000 cals for 170 lbs is enough! Youre taking aas and think you should eat huge meals? No! Your body have limits and your body isnt all muscle. 3k for 170 lbs is perfectly fine.

This is why you are listed as novice and will be for guuuuiiiite some time, son.

Put your photo where your typed text is...

3k for a 170 pounder is fine as long as he want s to stay 170. OP may be a hard gainer and I give him prop s for not taking issue w the criticism.

But a pic or an example of EXTREMELY knowledgeable posts showing an empirical intimate knowledge of training to grow w or w-o AAS, blood work, ai s serm s pct etc.
is the only way to be taken seriously in these here parts. I don t pick on folk s but call b/s on someone making a broad post like this one.
You guys dont know how muscles grow. 3000 cals for 170 lbs is enough! Youre taking aas and think you should eat huge meals? No! Your body have limits and your body isnt all muscle. 3k for 170 lbs is perfectly fine.

I agree as long as its in the right proportions at the right time.