first test cycle help 21 yrs old


I am banned!
age: 21
6 foot
195 pounds 15%~ ok abs

basically my trainer coach who is female bodybuilder ifbb pro at my gym is putting me on a test cycle for me to put on size so i can compete in bodybuilding later on. what do u guys think? i dont know her well so could be underdosed gear but im taking my chances. getting everything including pct and all. what do u guys think? its a 12 week cycle btw
my trainer said il be fine

You mean your trainer, who is also your dealer and wants you to give her as much money as she can get out of you. Surely she wouldn't steer you in the wrong direction. There's no way she'd have a hidden agenda. (Insert SARCASM smiley)
post a pic

ur gonna do it
your looking for endorsement. I cannot as at 21 I was geared oughtta my mind and now I m "ot of my mind" it seems half the time.

trt for life
cancer ?

At 21 it s cu coming off that will CRUSH YOU; trust a fucked up older man.

Be careful, go slow, good luck; please wait.
post a pic

ur gonna do it
your looking for endorsement. I cannot as at 21 I was geared oughtta my mind and now I m "ot of my mind" it seems half the time.

trt for life
cancer ?

At 21 it s cu coming off that will CRUSH YOU; trust a fucked up older man.

Be careful, go slow, good luck; please wait.

heres pic
Using steroids before your endocrine system has fully developed WILL result in permanently lower test levels. As Tuet mentioned, that can also mean TRT for life (relying on testosterone injections for the rest of your life.) Be smart.
Using steroids before your endocrine system has fully developed WILL result in permanently lower test levels. As Tuet mentioned, that can also mean TRT for life (relying on testosterone injections for the rest of your life.) Be smart.

He thinks he wants to be a pro now but later he will change his mind and his hpta will be fucked. I think many pros start at 21 and even younger sadly, but how many guys thought they were going to go pro only to see that they can't handle that life. Obviously he is having doubts already.
He thinks he wants to be a pro now but later he will change his mind and his hpta will be fucked. I think many pros start at 21 and even younger sadly, but how many guys thought they were going to go pro only to see that they can't handle that life. Obviously he is having doubts already.

Agreed. So many people don't realise what it takes to be a pro either - good genetics for one. Some people could never go pro no matter how much AAS they use.. that and the amount of food, training, dedication and most of all MONEY that goes into it. It's just too much for most people. I know I could never do it haha.
i just dont think a ifbb pro can be wrong thats all

Ask yourself why an ifbb pro is training u... She's broke! Why ain't the person training her training you? Cuz u can't afford it. How can she? Cuz she "trains" noobs like yourself. Come on bud... Be a lil smarter about it...
Ask yourself why an ifbb pro is training u... She's broke! Why ain't the person training her training you? Cuz u can't afford it. How can she? Cuz she "trains" noobs like yourself. Come on bud... Be a lil smarter about it...

Shea using me? :( for workouts to help on how to properly cycle
3j to get your diet in check

you don't need anything else.
Uhh yea! Ask her who trains her. I bet she doesn't train herself...

she trains various clients and she trains herself when i saw. When she was trying to turn pro she had a really good trainer but atm she trains herself alone and grunts like a man cant believe the bch is using me
I used a guy for a bit. He's a bb'ing coach and has two clients in IFBB Bikini. He knew I made good money and tried to get me on HGH/Slin/EQ/TREN/TEST/DROL. I doubt he was going to get all this for me so he can smile at me on stage as I won a NPC Physique trophy. He was getting something out of it. Everything goes back to the dollar. The only reason I even used a coach was to try it out and see if I could learn something new. I didn't learn much (not as much as I was investing) so I dropped him after about 2 months. He still texts me every couple of months looking to get into my wallet.

Drop the trainer.
Read and learn. Pay 400$ and get your license. Con people out of their money. Live happily ever after.
Get your testosterone levels checked first. whether you take roidz or not. If your levels are low to begin with, you might get some benefits just from optimizing them(naturally or artificially). If you do decide to take roidz, you will know how fucked you are or aren't after you stop taking them, because you will know what your testosterone levels were before and after you used them. You will also know if the testosterone is legit if you do mid cycle blood work. Just know that using steroids can lead to permanent loss of testosterone production and fertility in some people. Some more than others.