First Test Cycle Log.


I hate cycling off.

This will be first cycle, I will update this log once per week.

22 years old
171 pounds
Biceps cold:left 16" right 15 7/8"
Neck: 16 1/8"
Waist: 31

Lifting experience 6 years, first 1.5 did not have a good program.

Pre cycle blood test was 387 for total test

1-12 Test E 500mg per week shot on Monday and Thursday
AI liquiDex .25 EOD and work up from there

2 weeks after last shot
Clomid 50/50/50/50
Novladex 40/40/20/20

Diet: 6 meals per day, meal 1,3,5 will be the same, 2,4,6 will change but will have no less then 30grams or protein and some carbs

1,3,5= (4) 3oz chicken breasts
(2) cups cooked veggies (mixed, corn, broccoli,green beans)
(1) banana
(1) peanut butter sandwich or Nutella sandwich
2,4,6= could be anything from breaded chicken to tuna to ham sandwiches for protein


I switch every 6 weeks to a different program. Minor lifts change and number of reps change breakdown is always the same because it works well for me
Tuesday-back bis
Thurs-chest tris
Friday-back bis

Pics will come later tonight or tomorrow! Please comment with anything you see
Absolutely agree with you, I hit shoulders lightly on Monday and Thursday but don't feel a need a dedicate a day to them as it seems they are worked enough for me by other lifts.
Second pin was today. First was in the right ventro, had absolutely no pain other then a slight pinch when the needle broke the skin, about 12 hours later it started getting sore but wasn't inflamed any. This soreness lasted until today(3) days.

I just did my second pin about a hour ago in the left ventro, got pretty close to a nerve I believe because I could feel some pain as I got closer to the nerve.

On the first pin I ran the bottle of test under hot water in the sink and I think it really helped with it injecting smoother, today I injected it at room temp (64 degrees at my house lol) and I felt it was a little thicker(could be all in my head) haha

So far this week I've been eating way more then I planned, I am a human garbage can the way it is but I really kicked it up a notch, even ate a whole Little Caesars pizza after my last meal one day! Just very paranoid about getting enough chow

Workouts so far have been awesome! I know the test hasn't kicked in yet but the placebo effect has haha. Can't wait until week 4 or 5 for this to really kick in!!
Week 1 update

Weighed in at 177.2 today, that's 6.2 pounds more then I was the day I started. Obviously this isn't all muscle but I don't really feel bloated at all and my diet honestly hasn't changed to incredibly much to constitute 6 pounds in 7 days. Maybe it is all water idk, anywho...

Have not had a problem with acne since I was about 19 and it wasn't very bad, so far I have had one super zit on my back and 5 or 6 on my face, even though I have been cleaning my face when I shower, after workouts and before I go to bed. Might have to get some of that vitiman b6.

Workout today was the best, lifted lots of shit up and set it down quietly, I had a awesome pump and lots of energy, numbers aren't up but I cut time off my workouts

I think when I'm getting right now is 50% placebo and 50% is a little taste of what's to come.
Not to be getting ahead of myself but I just got 3 free 10 ml vials of Test E in the mail......time to start planning next cycle!!!! I'm thinking Test and EQ...anyone have a good cycle to suggest??
Not to be getting ahead of myself but I just got 3 free 10 ml vials of Test E in the mail......time to start planning next cycle!!!! I'm thinking Test and EQ...anyone have a good cycle to suggest??

Lucky ass! Must be nice haha test, eq, and a kickstart would probably be good.
Lucky ass! Must be nice haha test, eq, and a kickstart would probably be good.

Yeah for sure, didn't even expect it, I ordered with a lab and they were having issues so I got my money back and 2weeks later I get free gear haha. Yea for sure gonna need a kick start, but heard a lot of good things about Equipoise and I'm kinda scared to use my tren lol
Yeah for sure, didn't even expect it, I ordered with a lab and they were having issues so I got my money back and 2weeks later I get free gear haha. Yea for sure gonna need a kick start, but heard a lot of good things about Equipoise and I'm kinda scared to use my tren lol

Oh yeah, i remember you saying that. Itd be hard to pass up on it next cycle haha

Half way through week two, I'm 179 on the dot, gained some body fat. Most I've ever weighed in my life was 182 I believe so getting close to the current record haha.

Workouts have been great, pumps have been good but that could be all mental yet.

As for pins, did the right quad for shot 3, went perfect, did the left quad for shot 4, went terrible haha. Worst ever, I injected and that went fine, but I thought all the test was out of the syringe and it wasn't,don't know I accomplished that but I was haven a long day. Anyways, I tried to re inject in the left quad but it had a spasm and the needle was super dull so I just did a right vento shot and finished off the dose. Felt like a TOTAL ASSHOLE and rookie. It what it is, next one will go better.

Hope everyone had a good Easter!!
2 Week Update:

Weighed in at 180.6, I've avoided looking at myself in the mirror in the thought that I would see the gains if I didn't check all the time. Well today I had to look haha, I thought I been gaining a lot of body fat but after a quick look it really didnt seem like it, I'm 9.6 pounds up and can still see my abs and everything. Not to say I gained 9.6 pounds of muscle by any means but I know I gained a few and my lifts went up a little bit.

My diet has been locked on, eating more then what I originally planed but its all clean food, no nasty garbage.

This the is my last week of sets of 10 and now I'm going to a pyramid, can't decide if I should do 12/9/7 or go with lower reps
my first cycle 3 months so far
trenbolone 600 mg aday
winstrol 150 mg aday
boldenone undecylenate 100 mg aday
anadrol 300 mg aday
dianabol 100 mg aday
clomid 400 mg aday