First Test-E Cycle..Am I ready?!


New member
Good Evening Gents,

What do you guys think about the following breakdown of the cycle (10 weeks on test-e at 350mg's per week)? *Note* I do not have actual hcg because I do not want to stick myself 4-5x's a week...besides, the reviews I have read on hcgenerate have been great. I seen a lot of logs with guys taking way more in mg's and stacks than I am, and they have experienced no problems/shut down in the ol' family jewels. Obviously, money is no option here, as it will take me months to acquire everything to be ready to start. I know a lot of you might think I am taking a lot of unnecessary items, but I rather do extra and cover all bases.

***BCAA's, fish oils, glucosamine, glutamine, beta-alanine, and creatine are used everyday for me as part of my regimen***
2 weeks prior to first injection all the way to week 24 N2guard 7 caps every day with 500mg's of Tudca (spread out through the day)
1-10 testosterone-E 175mg Twice a week Monday and Thursday or Tuesday and Friday
1-10 HCGenerate 3 caps am 2 caps pm (increase a little more if needed)
4-10 Arimidex 0.25mg every other day (increase if needed towards end of cycle)

Starting PCT:

10-24 Dynamic Formulas after cycle 2 caps before bed
10-18 2 caps at night of anabeta elite
10-16 Forma-stanzol 5 pumps am and 5 pumps am for the first 4 weeks (taper down to 3 pumps am and pm for the last 2 weeks)
12-16 DAA 1 full serving every day
16-20 Bridge 1 cap 3 times a day (more for maintenance after everything is all done)
20-24 SARMS s4 25mg twice a day (using this the same way I am with bridge)

I appreciate any advice/help you guys come up with. Thank you for your time. .....P.S. I was thinking on running anavar 10 days after my last test-e do you all feel about that?

All supplements

Beta Alanine
Fish oils
n2 guard
tudca - 250




dynamic formulas after cycle


dynamic formulas after cycle
bridge (end of cycle for maintenance)
DAA - 100g
anabeta elite
sarm s4
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Hello.. I don't mean to be rude but that's the only thing you came with after 4 months of planning?
Seems like to you have to start planning again as everything looks pretty much wrong .

Where is your pct ? Those you listed up in the pct section are nothing related to pct.
You ll end up with screwed up test levels most likely after your (pct)

Hcggenerate or whatever isn't hcg , you need hcg, not having an access to it , screws the whole cycle.

Where is clomid / nolvadex for pct?

Why are ur starting your AI After 4 weeks?

Hold on , take a break and do a more research before messing up with your hormones.

Good luck
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I am using the forma as a serm...and I am using it 4 weeks in because test e takes about two weeks to build into your system anyway...why would I start on day one? And as far as the HCG, like I said, my dosing is not very high, and that product does what it claims to do. And I posted an entire pct section with weeks broken down along with supplements....I don't mean to be rude either but....maybe you should read a little closer before you post a reply..
Good Evening Gents,

After about 4-5 months of planning (and still planning daily) this is my entire cycle from start to finish with all of the ancillaries, aas, pct, and a.i. information provided. I broke each section down for you, so it will be easier to isolate and find if you guys need to comment on a product. So first off, let me give you all some background info on me. I am 28 years old, 5'8" and weigh 192 as of this morning with around 13-16% body fat. I come from a Sicilian background and I have the ideal bodytype for powerlifting/explosive lifts (I have been in a few competitions in my local gym, but nothing beyond this). I am naturally a very strong guy, especially in the lower body. I have been interested in doing a cycle, mainly because I want to see where my genetic potential can get me. I also hate being sore. I am doing this more for strength and recovery (adding lean mass on aas is just an added bonus ) I respond very well to outside stimulus, which is I am only doing 350mg of test a week (I am planning another cycle 6 months after this one is completed...that is where I will bump up to 500mg).
I feel this will work well, especially since this is my first cycle, and because of all the other ancillaries/pct I have. My diet will be consisting of no more/or less than 2g's of protein per pound (so around 380-400g's, with carbs being double that, and fat hovering around 75-100g's per day). I plan on doing a lot of old school workouts and explosive moments (i.e. bench, clean and press, squats, deadlifts, tire flips, etc). I am also a swimmer, and I enjoy a run 2-3 a week no more than 5 miles total). I plan on running this cycle starting on October 1st of this year, which still gives me the summer time to drop my body fat down a little more. Now, in order to not break the rules of the forum, I have a few places I have found to purchase gear from, but I do not know how reputable they are as I do not trust some review sites. If you guys would like to private message and see who I will be buying from, that would be really appreciated.

What do you guys think about the following breakdown of the cycle (10 weeks on test-e at 350mg's per week)? *Note* I do not have actual hcg because I do not want to stick myself 4-5x's a week...besides, the reviews I have read on hcgenerate have been great. I seen a lot of logs with guys taking way more in mg's and stacks than I am, and they have experienced no problems/shut down in the ol' family jewels. Obviously, money is no option here, as it will take me months to acquire everything to be ready to start. I know a lot of you might think I am taking a lot of unnecessary items, but I rather do extra and cover all bases.

***BCAA's, fish oils, glucosamine, glutamine, beta-alanine, and creatine are used everyday for me as part of my regimen***
2 weeks prior to first injection all the way to week 24 N2guard 7 caps every day with 500mg's of Tudca (spread out through the day)
1-10 testosterone-E 175mg Twice a week Monday and Thursday or Tuesday and Friday
1-10 HCGenerate 3 caps am 2 caps pm (increase a little more if needed)
4-10 Arimidex 0.25mg every other day (increase if needed towards end of cycle)

Starting PCT:

10-24 Dynamic Formulas after cycle 2 caps before bed
10-18 2 caps at night of anabeta elite
10-16 Forma-stanzol 5 pumps am and 5 pumps am for the first 4 weeks (taper down to 3 pumps am and pm for the last 2 weeks)
12-16 DAA 1 full serving every day
16-20 Bridge 1 cap 3 times a day (more for maintenance after everything is all done)
20-24 SARMS s4 25mg twice a day (using this the same way I am with bridge)

I appreciate any advice/help you guys come up with. Thank you for your time. .....P.S. I was thinking on running anavar 10 days after my last test-e do you all feel about that?

All supplements

Beta Alanine
Fish oils
n2 guard
tudca - 250




dynamic formulas after cycle


dynamic formulas after cycle
bridge (end of cycle for maintenance)
DAA - 100g
anabeta elite
sarm s4

HOLY SHIT REALLY you want us to read a book about you to see if you are ready. Paragraphs too long and so is the book
Organic just ignore the rude part because it's irrelevant but what is relevant is what Rida 5 was saying. Your cycle is completely off. No advice other than read a lot more and post again once you have somin better. As well post stats and bloods and experienced guys can inform you on levels of watever that need work. Something as simple as ferritin being low can fuck you baaaaaaad. Good luck
Thanks for posting RR88. As far as my cycle being off...can you elaborate a little more? Point me in the right's off were? The dosing of arimidex? The week I start it? Let me know where the hole is so I can fix it. Thanks buddy.
And as far as the blood work, once I have acquired all the products, I will get my blood work done and post it up so I can buy extra supps if needed. Thanks again.
ok here's what's wrong with your cycle...

throw your pct in the trash and come up with a new one. OTC supplements are NOT a proper pct. PCT consists of NOLVADEX and CLOMID. yes you are running a low dose, and yes it will still completely shut you down which is why a full pct is still required.

also your pct starts wayyy too early. you want to start pct 3 weeks after your last pin.

lastly, do NOT run a sarm in pct or anytime soon after. i say this from experience, sarms are supressive to your hpta. treat them as you would treat any aas cycle. Which means take time off from them and use a proper pct.

i would highly suggest aborting your plan to cycle for now until you read up some more. it takes one screw up to have permanent health issues in this game. Do it right the first time.

hope this helps
Hey Joz. I have totally revamped my cycle, and have taken a lot of that stuff out. I appreciate the far as the sarms, can you elaborate a little bit on why it's so suppressive?...I am also reading up on it now, but if you have experience I would like to hear from you.
Still looks like complete shit, your over complicating all of this

1) run test at 500mg a week for 12-15 weeks

2) run hcg not hcgenerate at 250iu twice a week from first pin, obv u haven't planned because I've never seen anyone pin hcg 4x a week, and it's a fuckin slin pin in the stomach big deal

3) run arimidex at .25mg eod

4) run NAC 1500mg+ ed for liver support

5) 20 days after last pin run clomid 100/50/50/50 and Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

6) then take same time off as on and repeat and maybe add an oral or deca

See how simple it is?