First time asking for advice


New member
Hey, my name is Andy. been taking various oral steroids with some of my friends and basicly i've been doing what they've been saying todo, so this time i thought i'd ask my self. out of all of us i'm sort of the healthy eating guru ( not saying im really an expert)

but i seem to know the least about the steroids. i've been reading for a while and decided to finally make an account and ask everyone.

i've been reading reviews of andro mass cycles and i also read its stack able with other orals.

orals i've done in the past are

steridrol twice, megaplexx and i just recently bought ultradrol. i still have to wait till november 7th before we start our next cycle so i have a bit a time.

Can i combine my ultradrol with Andro Mass? or should i get Andro Mass and Andro Hard toghether.

weeks 1-3 ultra + AM
weeks 3-6 AM
weeks 7-10 PCT

or AndroMass + Androhard
for the 6 weeks like it says

thanks any and all advice/help is appreciated
Your talking about pro hormones not steroids although similar, do you have a post cycle therapy (pct) lined up do you have some sort of test base
yes we have one lined up, not sure if its the best but this is what they want to do,

Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Assist and isa-test GF as well as GNC vitamin pack for vitality
read the oral only cycle forum. oral only cycles suck

yeah that's what they say but they also talk about how unreliable buying injectables can be. we have a way to order it but all of it comes from moldova for test as well as others. so.... also i don't see them getting through customs. :/ other wise i'd go with that i hate all the side effects of the orals.
id do an injectable and get a way from so much orals, get some real test and do a cycle of that... much better. like testE or testC
id do an injectable and get a way from so much orals, get some real test and do a cycle of that... much better. like testE or testC

familiar with balkan pharmaceuticals
they have test e and c
but i hear just using test e/c/p won't have ever lasting results when i get off and pct, is that true?
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well that all depends on you bro.. eat clean work hard and a post cycle therapy (pct). i gaind 20 pound on my first cycle of test E and when i came off i only lost 5 pounds so i gained 15. but here is the main deal, when your on you eat good and train hard.. alot of ppl after they get off stop eating as strong and stop working as hard and thats where most ppl loose all there shit is cuz they go back to doin what they were doin b4 cycle. like i said if u eat good train good u will keep alot. but if u eat bad and half ass everything yeah u loose some. just gotta stay motivated after you get off and u will see alot better results like this than you would with the stuff your takin...
Well one should not always do what other say...Unless it was right or for the sake of ut its good sometimes like you have did..But not all the time..