First time Helladrol Cycle

Day 5

Cardio In the morning walked/jogged 2 miles, then did the elliptical for 3 miles.

PM workout did chest was going to do cardio but I decided to do squat instead as a warm-up and that fatigued my legs. At the end of workout did 10 mins of abs.

I think I may be having back pumps??? Not really sure it doesnt hurt or ache I can just "feel" my kidneys working I dont know if that makes sense. Urine has been clear and keeping very well hydrated.

I also feel as though my muscles are getting harder, I dont know if this is a mental thing or what but my muscles feel like rocks.
Well everything is good its been a week so far only side I have ran into is lethargy. I have had some slight strength increase but that could just be a placebo effect
Day 10

This weekend my wife and I went to Chicago for the weekend so I didnt lift or eat exactly how I wanted to (Damn Chicago Pizza). So far I have gained about 3 pounds and have seen some solid strength gains. Today was a chest day and it started off good but then half way through my sets of incline press my shoulder became sore and tender so I backed down the weight. I only did light weight for the remaining of my workout. I have never had an issue with my shoulder before so I hope it was just a one time thing. Last week for incline I did 225 for 2 reps but today I got 225 for 8 reps before my shoulder started to hurt. That made me happy to see a slight strength increase.
Yeah man just be sure to ease into it.....helladrol will have some strengths gains but being your first cycle and all it can be easy to over do it. Keep up the good work!
Day 14

I am up 6 pounds so far and have no sides at all... I am a little skeptical because I have no sides. My strength has gone up a bit but I dont know if that's because I started a new workout plan (5 Day) when I started this cycle. One day just for fun I dropped my water intake to about a gallon for the day just to see if I would have any major sides and I had no cramping or anything... My joints are starting to feel a little tender has anyone ever had that has a side??

Other than that everthing seems to be going good I plan on cutting while doing post cycle therapy (pct) because I am bloofy
don't cut in post cycle therapy (pct). low cals and low hormones means loss of muscle mass. wait at least till after post cycle therapy (pct) to begin cutting.

the magic is going to start happening soon. have fun.
im currently in my 5th week of hdrol cycle and i have had absolutly no sides other then back pumps (and those only happen when i work my back..go figure;)) at 100mg right now and plan to up it to 125 for the last thankfull you dont have sides and dont worry about it
Day 19

Still no sides so I am happy about that

Everything was going good until I was doing pull ups yesterday morning and injured my shoulder. I am going to let my shoulders rest a bit since it hurts when I press or lift anything with it. I plan on doing cardio, and abs everyday with a leg workout EOD for about a week or so.
Day 24

Last week I gave my shoulders a rest and just worked on getting my rotator cuff stronger yesterday I did bench.

After we got warmed up I did flat bench starting at 185 for 8 reps and going up 10lbs a set until we got to 255. My shoulder didnt feel it at all which was good.

I have been dosing hella at 100 this whole time and was thinking of going up to 125 or possibly 150 what do you guys think?
Day 28

My strength gains this week have been insane my weight is staying exactly where I want for now and I am eating a ton.

I had to take it down a notch on the intensity level because I could tell my joints were getting destroyed.

I am amazed how much my strength just keeps increasing very glad I decided to go with H-drol for the first time.
yesterday was my last day of H-drol and I started pct today.

So far I have gained 13 Pounds, and have gained a lot of strength. The only thing I regret is trying to push it to hard everyday. My shoulder joints are a little tender but that is about it.

I did start to experience some sides the last week I dont know if it was because I wasnt drinking enough water but I got some mild cramps in my lower back.

Overall it has been a good cycle thus far and cant wait to see how my PCT goes.