First time homebrew complete!!!!!!


Pussy assed woman beater
Aight, i did everything as suggested by trevdog's sticky.

i used grapeseed oil from the grocery store, should that be okay?

i did the 10 grams prop @100mg/1ml...i was just short of the 100ml though probably by 5cc...

i used the same whatcom filter for all 100ml is that okay?

everything that goes through the filter is sterile right? what about air bubbles? are those sterilized through the filter?

it looks good light yellow oil perfectly clear...when can i shoot this shit?

god i just saved so much money and had a fucking blast doing it.

fuck that 60 bucks for 10 ml i dropped 250 on powda and supplies and have 500cc's!!!!!!

prop/clen all summer long...

oh shit..theres a little piece of grey rubber at the bottom of the bottle is that gonna be an issue????? FUCK.