First time injecting!


New member
Well, sometime today I plan on injecting, into my thigh with a 25g 1 inch, I know i should of got 1.5 inch but i didn't so i guess i just need to put the whole needle in, im not really scared to inject, i just want to know if there are any important things to keep in mind, i'm really use to get needles at doctors, and never felt any pain if it has anything to do with these types of injections as well, but yeah, 250mg/ml bottle of test, injecting 500mg a week, so 250mg of test would be 1 ml right? thanks in advance guys, and 500mg of test is enough to see good results on first cycle right? how much x-more test is that then we actually produce? like 5+ or something?

oh and ps, do i just jam the thing in my thigh, or go slowly? i don't want to hit a nerve really :D

You dont really sound like you know what the fuck is up yet.

500 a week is fine yes.

Had you buried 1.5 in your thigh you d have crippled ur ass unless you are a very fat bastard.

What , if it s OK to ask, else do have in your arsenal of gear to make this first time a satisfactory run ?

Ai ?
PCT plans ?
Sounds noobish....but yes 1ml is 250ml and yes 500mgs is enough to see good results....Not sure why you would pick quads unless injecting more than twice per week.
Well, sometime today I plan on injecting, into my thigh with a 25g 1 inch, I know i should of got 1.5 inch but i didn't so i guess i just need to put the whole needle in, im not really scared to inject, i just want to know if there are any important things to keep in mind, i'm really use to get needles at doctors, and never felt any pain if it has anything to do with these types of injections as well, but yeah, 250mg/ml bottle of test, injecting 500mg a week, so 250mg of test would be 1 ml right? thanks in advance guys, and 500mg of test is enough to see good results on first cycle right? how much x-more test is that then we actually produce? like 5+ or something?

oh and ps, do i just jam the thing in my thigh, or go slowly? i don't want to hit a nerve really :D

Clearly you are new at this I would still with glutes, 1-1/2 and make sure it is I/M if not you will be wasting some of it Sub Q
alrightt thanks guys, somebody in real life said thighs the easiest, some say delt some say glutes, all personal preference i guess
Please make sure you know what you're doing haha. Well it's your first time injecting so you will find which one you like best eventually.
Bro please don't jam the needle into your thigh. When you pin just put steady pressure on the pin & it will go in. If you do inject you thigh it could get very sore....just an fyi

I just took my first (2cc) of Test-C five days ago and my left glute hurts like hell. It is swollen, extremely tender, and I can hardly sit down. I used a 22g-1 1/2 inch syringe for injection. Are these symptoms common after an injection or do I have an infection?
no hijacking OP. but in response to your question, i doubt you have an infection, unless you didnt wash your hands or the injection site thoroughly. You probably injected too fast, especially using 22g. Massage the area to increase blood flow, and STRETCH
it's a bit nerve wracking injecting yourself in the glutes but you get used to it over time OP. it's also not terribly hard, aspirating is the hardest part I think
it's a bit nerve wracking injecting yourself in the glutes but you get used to it over time OP. it's also not terribly hard, aspirating is the hardest part I think

This is why I chose to get Test E as opposed to P. . .I'm thinking about going Deltoid...To the original poster, you sound like I sounded a year ago. You know just enough to put a sentence together, but not enough to fool the vets as to your experience. Do you have your PCT set up? I seriously wouldn't inject into thigh, based on what I've heard.
25g?!!??!! Are U kiddin???
It's thin for oil compound, it will hard to inject...
You shlould use 21g, or minimum 23g but still not recommended, the oil will stack at 25g needle.
I'm gonna start my next cycle so i will upload pic that show how to inject right.