first time posting pics

Deep South Chris

the one and only BEACH
first time posting pics- edited

edit - 1 more pic at bottom

well after seeing tmans..i had too...we are same height and roughly same weight...but he blows me away lol. pick me apart and help me grow

24 years old
5' 6"
178.5lbs on the dot tonight - 5-23-2006

so here goes...

note: im highly depressed with my look as of so far...
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I thought you were the guy you had in your avatar a while back... anyways looking good, the quads are thick, as are the biceps and your chest looks good from the one pose I can see. I would maybe hit the back a little harder, espeically lats. You should post a front pic with your arms at your sides. Are you natty?
not natty, and i hit my back hard as hell...maybe i need to do some weird exercises or something...i do rather heavy work sets for my size isnt perfect..but it continues to get better and better...

ps i had a pic of me and pops in avitar a while back...i was bigger...but bloated as hell and my strength is higher now...that pic was this time last year...i was then out of gym from june 05 till mid feb ive made good progress in 3.5 months
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LiftTillIDie said:
Ok that's the pic I was talking about. JMHO but I thought you looked better in that pic.

like i said, i appeared bigger, but it was seriously all bloat...and i only weighed about 8 lbs more than atleast most of it was quality gains and not fat and water...
and someone please help me with back work...i do deads/sldl/rack pulls/ i switch them out, bent bar bell rows, wide pull downs, close grip reverse pull downs, close grip v pull downs, weighted back hypers...not all in one training day...but i switch these out and ive been following pullinbigs workout from deadlift thread for past 2 weeks...shit has gone up with it so maybe in another month pictures will be different
Deepsouth I just want to make it clear that your back looks good, I was just mentioning it because you seem to have a small waist and I think you could really benefit from a little more width there. I recommend weighted pullups.
Deep ,,, i agree with lift, up the back and you'll look THICK. remember,, close grip builds a WIDE BACK ,,,, some have a misconception of it being the other way around. so ,, do a solid 8 weeks of deads and close grip pull downs.
Hey Chris,

Bro you do look very good. Chest , arms and especially legs look good. traps look good too. i think you look great!

the two of us hold weight differently. i think you got more weight in your legs than i do. i have trouble getting mine to grow. work on your shoulders. do you do any over head press movements? keep doing heavy deads.

i know we are never happy with the way we look, i am sure not, but damn chris you do look pretty good to me. keep at it, do the deads, squats and bench as you have been doing. do you do weighted dips and weighted pullups? i don't think you are far from where you want to be.
thanks alot guys, i will deffinatly try the things you have said...and i was under the wrong idea that wide pulls added ill start focusing a little more on narrow pulls. i did rack pulls last night from lowest notch and stood on a step up box. pulled 405 for 7...

LiftTillIDie & tman, ill also add those weighted dips and pullups and see how they treat me...guess ill just update in a month or so!
Deep South Chris said:
well after seeing tmans..i had too...we are same height and roughly same weight...but he blows me away lol. pick me apart and help me grow

24 years old
5' 6"
178.5lbs on the dot tonight - 5-23-2006

so here goes...

note: im highly depressed with my look as of so far...

Look good. I wished I looked like you. Who is the chick in the avatar?
Looking very good bro, quads are nice and thick, chest and bi's are solid, too. Just keep hitting the deads hard, your back will grow.
Deep South Chris said:
thank you all! hopefully next time i post up, hopefully ill be a lot thicker!

mulligan: thats my girlfriend in avatar

see mulls i told you chris is the man!:)