First time serious cutter,need advice


New member
Hey all, i'm new to the fourm though i've been on here many times to research but first time poster,i've been on and off gear since last year this is my first time using gear to cut after a serious bulking cycle in the winter, I'm currently running 1cc of eq,1cc of Sustanon (sust) every second day and 60mg of Anavar (var) daily, i can see results already and i'm only about 4 and half weeks in but i am not statisfied with my abdominals because seems no matter how hard i try they barly show which obviously has alot to do with my diet, i train atleast 5 days a week abs every second day. Diet wise i've cut down alot a mock day for me would be protein shake and oatmeal OR eggwhites in the morning, a light lunch such as cottage cheese and fruit, dinner would be either chicken or fish with rice and veggies, i have a protein shake after a workout and before bed. on a "cheat day" i'd go out for food such as pizza for one meal but that rarely happens maybe once a week Is there any help or advice i can get i'm stuck and don't know where to go i feel like the more i starve myself the more it's going to kill my gains and thus wasting my time and money on this cycle,but i feel like if i go over the edge i'll just get a belly again.


210-212 lbs (cut down from 227)
20 years old
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you have two options...

1. check out my free diet advice thread... do everything that post 1 asks and post up a diet for critique.. and ill critique it for free, no prob

2. if you wanna get hardcore about your cycle you can become a client.. and let me make your meal plans and help you with your progress with nutritional coaching.. if you like this option e-mail me at
My dick is growing!

Not long ago i Started with the right PE exercises and i have some fantastic gains.Didn't imagine it was possible but in two months i have grown a whole inch - which is amazing since i haven't expected any results.

I was 5.2" and now i'm 6" ....yeah not the whole inch but man, now it looks like a giant to me...ok,ok, i hear some LOLs there, anyway...

I bought this <a href="" target="_top">Grow Some Dick!</a> e-book - (NOT the real name of it) but i named it that way cause it was looking lame and cheap. Turned out it was a winner, cause i followed it to the letter and still following it, i had nothing to lose and maybe something to gain - and i did!
Yeah i'm quitting with bragging... any comments?
Why are you eating a light lunch? cut carbs to 240-260 grams, cut out breads and use rice/sweet potato/vegetables as carbs. That should solve your problem, cuz ill tell you sure as shit that sit-ups will not.