Hey all, i'm new to the fourm though i've been on here many times to research but first time poster,i've been on and off gear since last year this is my first time using gear to cut after a serious bulking cycle in the winter, I'm currently running 1cc of eq,1cc of Sustanon (sust) every second day and 60mg of Anavar (var) daily, i can see results already and i'm only about 4 and half weeks in but i am not statisfied with my abdominals because seems no matter how hard i try they barly show which obviously has alot to do with my diet, i train atleast 5 days a week abs every second day. Diet wise i've cut down alot a mock day for me would be protein shake and oatmeal OR eggwhites in the morning, a light lunch such as cottage cheese and fruit, dinner would be either chicken or fish with rice and veggies, i have a protein shake after a workout and before bed. on a "cheat day" i'd go out for food such as pizza for one meal but that rarely happens maybe once a week Is there any help or advice i can get i'm stuck and don't know where to go i feel like the more i starve myself the more it's going to kill my gains and thus wasting my time and money on this cycle,but i feel like if i go over the edge i'll just get a belly again.
210-212 lbs (cut down from 227)
20 years old
210-212 lbs (cut down from 227)
20 years old
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