First time user - > Anavar


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Been reading a lot about this, I seem to get mixed results on what people say.

This will be my first cycle.
I am planning to do anavar for about 6 weeks , 40mg a day.
Do i need to pyramided anavar,?

People say that i won't get much results from it, at the same time it seems to be a safe one. Is it a good trade off??

I am about 6'3, 250 lbs right now. 3 months ago i had ACL reconstruction. I want to take it to get back in shape. I been working out for about 6 years. The only reason i stop working out is for couple surgeries i had. One of the reasons i am doing this cycle is help me out with my injuries.

Will this help me to put on some mass and help me with my injuries in any way??

If there is any one that that anavar by it self, what kind of results did you get??

Thank you.
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for a first cycle go with test e or test c 500 mg a week for 10 weeks! avar is mild but not for a first cycle!jmo

good luck!
AAS will not be a big help with your recovery. In fact, they will likely do just the opposite. The added strength gains that come from using Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) stress the tendons and ligaments because the connective tissue does not have time to adapt to the increased load the muscle is now able to move. So using Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) shortly after an injury is not the smartest thing to do.

Var is a very mild anabolic and can be run by itself (won't do much though). At your size and that dose, you might as well buy creatine. Others will laud praises of anavar, but many will tell you it is a very expensive pill that will do precious little.

In your case, the upside of var use is the increased collagen synthesis in connective tissues that results from Anavar (var). I actually had less joint pain while using it.

There are much better cycles out there, and most folks feel test should be the base of every cycle. Most also feel that test alone is the only thing a person should run for a first cycle, but I think there are some caveats there, which are specific to the individual.

Will anavar alone help..sure it can. Will it be a very mild drug with few sides....yes.
Is the cost/benefit of running var worth it? That's really up to you. I don't like it much and seldom consider it.
Anavar is garbage IMO.

I gave it a shot - I was open minded - I hated it. I had really bad anxiety on it and it caused massive hair loss (both of which stopped when I discontinued it). All of that for no noticeable improvement over a test base.

However my workout partner (Bleach) is on it and he likes it (just thinks the recommended dose is far too low).

For me, I'd go with Test + HGH + IGF anyday over Test + anything else.
I gave it a shot - I was open minded - I hated it. I had really bad anxiety on it and it caused massive hair loss (both of which stopped when I discontinued it). All of that for no noticeable improvement over a test base.

Are you sure it was the var bro? I know many people take it for the exact oppostie reason!

For me, I'd go with Test + HGH + IGF anyday over Test + anything else.

I'm glad that works for you, but you really can't compare HGH or IGF to anything like dbol, tren or deca.
outlawtas2 said:
I gave it a shot - I was open minded - I hated it. I had really bad anxiety on it and it caused massive hair loss (both of which stopped when I discontinued it). All of that for no noticeable improvement over a test base.

Are you sure it was the var bro? I know many people take it for the exact oppostie reason!

For me, I'd go with Test + HGH + IGF anyday over Test + anything else.

I'm glad that works for you, but you really can't compare HGH or IGF to anything like dbol, tren or deca.

yes, I'm sure that was it "bro." The reason others do or don't do things is of little concern to me once I have my own experience with a compound. I have been taking test for some time - the dose did not increase - I added nothing new (including supps, diet, exercise, environment, sleep) other than Anavar, and the above referenced sides immediately began (I am well aware of the need to establish controls, in any way possible, for purposes of evaluating a drug's efficaciousness). They stopped when I discontinued Anavar (again, with no other changes to the above).

And I'm glad you're glad; but when did I say they were comparable? I was simply implying that in my experience with these drugs (which is relatively vast) any additional compound (addition to Test) has been unnecessary, with additional benefits being infinitesimal. The others are peptide hormones and would be used for extended periods, not as a replacement for anabolic compounds. That is my favorite, nothing else is needed - that is all.

Thank you for your condescension though
what is the full name of test? found few that started with test...........
and what would be a good cycle anvar/test , dosage??
golly97 said:
what is the full name of test? found few that started with test...........
and what would be a good cycle anvar/test , dosage??

Swellin pretty much covered everything in his post, so there's not really I can add here.

The full name of test? Testosterone? There are different esters, long-acting esters such as enthanate or cypionate, shorter-acting esters such as propionate and blends of both short-acting and long-acting esters such as sustenon and omnadren.

I would just go with enthanate or cypionate at 400-500mg/wk. I would usually recommend slightly less, but you're a big boy at 250 lbs. I don't really see the need to add the var at this point. One compound on your first cycle is all you really need.

Contrary to what has been posted in this thread, I absolutely loved var when I used it in the past, but everyone reacts differently to different compounds.
HeHateMe said:
Contrary to what has been posted in this thread, I absolutely loved var when I used it in the past, but everyone reacts differently to different compounds.

2nd for that. It leaned me up nicely. I didn't see strength gains from it because I ran it at the end of my cycle, after I had already made some pretty good gains in strength (there's only so much you can gain in a period of time).
golly97 said:

Been reading a lot about this, I seem to get mixed results on what people say.

This will be my first cycle.
I am planning to do anavar for about 6 weeks , 40mg a day.
Do i need to pyramided anavar,?

People say that i won't get much results from it, at the same time it seems to be a safe one. Is it a good trade off??

I am about 6'3, 250 lbs right now. 3 months ago i had ACL reconstruction. I want to take it to get back in shape. I been working out for about 6 years. The only reason i stop working out is for couple surgeries i had. One of the reasons i am doing this cycle is help me out with my injuries.

Will this help me to put on some mass and help me with my injuries in any way??

If there is any one that that anavar by it self, what kind of results did you get??

Thank you.

Im confused, if you've been reading a lot, you should know that your 1st cycle should be Test only. NOT anavar dude.
The reason I am thinking about anvar is a) I don't want to put too much stress on my body, so i am choosing something less mild. B) Since i can't take test due to the surgery and recovery process , i want to take something with less side effects.

Once i get my strength back I will consider doing test. I need to heal up and make my body stronger to prevent other injuries in the future.
golly97 said:
The reason I am thinking about anvar is a) I don't want to put too much stress on my body, so i am choosing something less mild. B) Since i can't take test due to the surgery and recovery process , i want to take something with less side effects.

Once i get my strength back I will consider doing test. I need to heal up and make my body stronger to prevent other injuries in the future.

def. understandable. Right on....anavar will be a good choice then.
I'd normally agree as I ran var on it's own....cycle log below...but your a big guy and I'm not sure how effective it would be, 50-60mg ED might be a better dose...EQ also sounds good for you, tbol too. I definately suffered from inhibition on var towards the end (all in the log) which made me feel quite lathargic...why not add a HRT dose of test into the mix 150mg EW.

Var has been shown to increase collogen systhesis so that's definately a bonus for you...test has been show to decrease collogen synth.
IMO if your using steroids, you should be looking for big gains. If you have a bad shoulder than you shouldn't be using steroids quite yet. Wait till your healed.
outlawtas2 said:
IMO if your using steroids, you should be looking for big gains. If you have a bad shoulder than you shouldn't be using steroids quite yet. Wait till your healed.

If I ended up in a car wreck tomorrow and was severly injured I would 100% run a low dose cycle to help repair my body, HGH too. I didn't learn all this information for vanity only it has more then one purpose.
The ability of steroids for recovery has factual information proving it both effective and inneffective. If injured, I would cycle more to keep gains than to repair.

But with a bad ACL, you can't really be liftng hard.
I might increase to 50mg a day, did you pyramid?? I was thinking of doing it for about 6 weeks, what do you think

ps. how do i get to see your pics, i don't have have enough privileges??