First time user trying an AAS cycle w/???


New member
I have a friend that has never used any form of Anabolic s, but is doing a cycled dose of Clen using all the proper precautions, etc. She been working out for several years now in her mid twenty's.

She would like to start some Ana Anavar (var) at 5mg and probably not exceed 10 mg over an 8-10 week cycle. I guess I was wondering if someone (like Supergirl) thinks adding 25mg or test every 10 days would be beneficial to the cycle or not (because it is too low). She is hesitant of the sides therefore wanted to stay away from Test, but everything I read in the men's reviews requires or suggests Test as the base. Clearly women are different, but I would like to know what others think about a cycle alone with just Anavar (var) or Anavar (var) and low dose of Test.

Any help or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks so much!

What type of test?
Is she looking to bulk or define?

If define/sculpt is her goal, then the only test I would suggest for a woman is prop in regards to injectables and Andriol for orals... However, given that this is her first cycle, she may want to try Anavar (var) and see how her body reacts, esp if she is weary of sides and a little nervous.

If all goes well after 4 weeks, she may consider adding test.. but why every 10 days? Is that something you read?
Usually it is E4D or at the furthest once a week.. but prop is pretty fast acting so some women even do E3D for a total of 25mgs a week.. Please keep in mind that these are conservative and low dosages for a female looking to sculpt, not pack on size.. Size is another story ;)

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What type of test?
Is she looking to bulk or define?

If define/sculpt is her goal, then the only test I would suggest for a woman is prop in regards to injectables and Andriol for orals... However, given that this is her first cycle, she may want to try Anavar (var) and see how her body reacts, esp if she is weary of sides and a little nervous.

If all goes well after 4 weeks, she may consider adding test.. but why every 10 days? Is that something you read?
Usually it is E4D or at the furthest once a week.. but prop is pretty fast acting so some women even do E3D for a total of 25mgs a week.. Please keep in mind that these are conservative and low dosages for a female looking to sculpt, not pack on size.. Size is another story ;)


Supergirl! I am so glad to read a response to this. My goal is to define/scuplt and I have been running 10mg ED of Anavar (var) for almost 3 weeks and was thinkin if 25mg E3D of test prop would benefit or hinder my goal. I train 5 days a week with my bf with 3 good cardio days(for now). Could you help? Thnx