Fitness models look and side effects

I know that but dont tell me that a guy with FFMI higher than 25 is natural cuz thats bullshit no matter how freakish genes u got.

I'm really sorry and i dont mean to offend the dude that said 225lbs at 14% and 5'11 but thats not possible thats 193lbs of LEAN MASS. For a guy thats like 5'11 he can expect to reach like 170lbs LEAN MASS with good genetics with final weight being like 190lbs if hes like 10% bodyfat...

As a note, 10% of 170 is 17 - so he would be 187 pounds. Not trying to bust your balls, just saying that extra 3 pounds of lean body weight is quite a bit.

At the end of my first cut - all natural and under the care of 3J - I went from 190 lbs and 28% body fat to 164lbs and about 14% body fat (23 lbs of fat) and I am 5'9. That is without any drugs, etc., just eating right, exercising, and having good genetics. I would have had better results had I been doing my form better - I was too hyped on increasing the weights moved and failed to concentrate on form. Had I actually being doing the weight training right, I would have been heavier and also had a lower body fat percentage (simply because the amount of fat would not have changed, but my body mass would have increased - so my body fat percentage would automatically be lower). My muscle sizes increased DURING my cut, simply because I did not exercise AT ALL before I started working with 3J. So I had the best of both worlds, increase lean body mass while reducing fat.

I am not saying the numbers others mentioned are easily achievable - I probably could not have hit them - but had I been working out properly I could have come much closer.
As a note, 10% of 170 is 17 - so he would be 187 pounds. Not trying to bust your balls, just saying that extra 3 pounds of lean body weight is quite a bit.

At the end of my first cut - all natural and under the care of 3J - I went from 190 lbs and 28% body fat to 164lbs and about 14% body fat (23 lbs of fat) and I am 5'9. That is without any drugs, etc., just eating right, exercising, and having good genetics. I would have had better results had I been doing my form better - I was too hyped on increasing the weights moved and failed to concentrate on form. Had I actually being doing the weight training right, I would have been heavier and also had a lower body fat percentage (simply because the amount of fat would not have changed, but my body mass would have increased - so my body fat percentage would automatically be lower). My muscle sizes increased DURING my cut, simply because I did not exercise AT ALL before I started working with 3J. So I had the best of both worlds, increase lean body mass while reducing fat.

I am not saying the numbers others mentioned are easily achievable - I probably could not have hit them - but had I been working out properly I could have come much closer.

Your numbers are clearly in the natural range tbh.
I know that but dont tell me that a guy with FFMI higher than 25 is natural cuz thats bullshit no matter how freakish genes u got.

I'm really sorry and i dont mean to offend the dude that said 225lbs at 14% and 5'11 but thats not possible thats 193lbs of LEAN MASS. For a guy thats like 5'11 he can expect to reach like 170lbs LEAN MASS with good genetics with final weight being like 190lbs if hes like 10% bodyfat...

I do believe he could be 225lbs at 5'11 but for sure he was a bit chubby and misjudge his bodyfat...if natural of corse...

I already did mate, good read :)

Hate to break it to you, but an FFMI of 25 isn't even at the top end of natural. It's those claiming over 30 that you can start getting excited. By the way, the FFMI is a simple formula, and doesn't take into account many other factors like bone density. It's just another "rule of thumb", which you shouldn't put a ton of faith into. :)
You guys wouldnt beleive what they are on. Many are not using steroids at all. Mostly peptides. Grow factors. Stuff like mgf with igf and folistatin and diet and aminos via IV. ... The best are using private designer gear with modified chemical structures. Myostatin inhibitors. Prostigladns.

So much is being done with peptides. The ability to exploit genitic markers is being done.
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Boss, can u imagine what we have been able to do with All THIS INFORMATION, RESEARCH ETC.....

nEVER DID GET USED TO Shacklee protien mixes, wafers was all chalk...
You guys wouldnt beleive what they are on. Many are not using steroids at all. Mostly peptides. Grow factors. Stuff like mgf with igf and folistatin and diet and aminos via IV. ... The best are using private designer gear with modified chemical structures. Myostatin inhibitors. Prostigladns.

So much is being done with peptides. The ability to exploit genitic markers is being done.

You srs bro or you trolling me?
The stomachs of the top Mr. Olympia people all show that they are on massive HGH hormone at least. YUCK!! I hate the pregnant stomach look - Arnold, all the way...
The stomachs of the top Mr. Olympia people all show that they are on massive HGH hormone at least. YUCK!! I hate the pregnant stomach look - Arnold, all the way...

That bad diet and the effects of carb cycling just before the show. Its myth that it is caused by Hgh. Its really yeast and sugar..

You woll see less and less of it as people discontinue using sugar in there diets.
Can this fitness models/ mens physique guys get heart complications ??

I always imagine the olympia guys are more prone to problems cuz of the huge abuse but what about physique guys?
The fitness model physique is a combination of genetics and training. You can't change your waist size/structure or how strongly certain muscle groups respond to training.(Two of my friends, brothers, have massive backs, but tiny little bird chests)

What is in your power is what kind of training you choose to do. The ideal fitness model physique is lean, ripped abs and obliques with a tight and small waist. Well-rounded, striated deltoids(anterior, lateral & posterior heads for the 3D look), a square masculine chest and proportionate biceps and triceps.
You want to focus on heavy overhead press for delts, incline bench for upper chest, pull-ups for a wide back, and take it easy on the legs. Athletic but not bulky. I hate NPC legs+shorts. Looks dumb to me. Frank Zane and the old physique greats were not afraid/embarrassed to show their legs. Just my opinion.

In regards to your questions about side effects, specifically hair loss. Male pattern baldness is extremely genetic. If you are not prone to it, you can take a ton of AAS and never lose a single hair. Others start losing hair in their late teens. Most people will bald, but at a slower rate than the latter.
There are also pharmaceuticals that will protect the hair from AAS. Finasteride and dutasteride aka proscar, etc. These are 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, they stop testosterone from converting to DHT. A metabolite of testosterone that is known to be part of the cause of male pattern baldness and prostate hypertrophy(It's original intended use).

Please feel free to ask more questions.
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Boss, can u imagine what we have been able to do with All THIS INFORMATION, RESEARCH ETC.....

nEVER DID GET USED TO Shacklee protien mixes, wafers was all chalk...

I absolutely hate protein supplements. How you been teutonic? I see you're still going strong.

Halfwit if you see this, WATSUUUUP BROTHAAAA :insane:
Gyno and acne can be controlled by keep estradiol aka e2 aka "bad estrogen". I believe 18-42 pg/ml is a good level depending on genetics and other factors. (in my opinion and experience)

You need estradiol for joint, brain, vascular health. It's a very important hormone in the body. Without it, you will be sick. This is why we always recommend a testosterone base with ANY cycle. Even as low a dose as 100 mg per week. Just so your body has some estradiol to work with. It sounds nice to pop some anavar tabs(which tend to be faked a lot) but by shutting down your natural testosterone/estrogen, you are severely limiting the efficacy of your cycle and training. You will have 0 testosterone and anavar will only be able to take over a few of the physiological functions of testosterone.

do i have any potential for physique?

So those are the only side effects for physique guys? baldness, acne and gyno?

edit: this pic was taken before training ^^
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