flax ques for frosty


New member
preface by saying i read and appreciate a lot of your info, i started flax oil a few weeks ago because the 9-10 meals/day for years apparently led to ibs in my case, it worked early on but tapered off like everything else i try, i know youre against flax oil and i agree with the slower digestion et al but what do you think about eating freshly ground seeds (havent tried it yet, but i dont see how i could soak them and still be able to grind) maybe made into a protein shake? i was going to try muscle milk because many say it goes right out the other end, im at the point where i can barely eat 3-4 meals and thats just not enough for me to maintain much size, im 33 and my system basically crashed to the point i couldnt eat, i lost 100lbs, it took about 6mos to get back 20 of those but since i cant eat i cant really lift or i starve, all i do is mtb 2hrs/twice/wk on some pretty serious socal trails, my diet is pretty healthy now

10am 12oz prepared old fash quaker oats, fruit, rice dream
2pm 8-10oz brwn rice or potatos, 10oz fish/chk/prk/stk, broccoli/grn beans/salad, fruit
6-7pm repeat 2nd meal
10pm (if possible) salad, small piece of meat

i supp with glucosamine/chondroitin (joints are wrecked from heavy lifts), cod liver oil (also for joint pain http://www.scienceblog.com/community/article2300.html ), mulit v, surfak (draws water into stool), and i try to get close to a gallon of water, partial constipatory list for me includes eggs, canned beans, bananas, refined flr/sgr, bread, cheese and milk not tolerated well either

post kinda moved into what i really need, the ability to get shit flowing through my bod, if i can get back to 4-5 ill be happy, thx
Morb said:
preface by saying i read and appreciate a lot of your info, i started flax oil a few weeks ago because the 9-10 meals/day for years apparently led to ibs in my case, it worked early on but tapered off like everything else i try, i know youre against flax oil and i agree with the slower digestion et al but what do you think about eating freshly ground seeds (havent tried it yet, but i dont see how i could soak them and still be able to grind) maybe made into a protein shake? i was going to try muscle milk because many say it goes right out the other end, im at the point where i can barely eat 3-4 meals and thats just not enough for me to maintain much size, im 33 and my system basically crashed to the point i couldnt eat, i lost 100lbs, it took about 6mos to get back 20 of those but since i cant eat i cant really lift or i starve, all i do is mtb 2hrs/twice/wk on some pretty serious socal trails, my diet is pretty healthy now

10am 12oz prepared old fash quaker oats, fruit, rice dream
2pm 8-10oz brwn rice or potatos, 10oz fish/chk/prk/stk, broccoli/grn beans/salad, fruit
6-7pm repeat 2nd meal
10pm (if possible) salad, small piece of meat

i supp with glucosamine/chondroitin (joints are wrecked from heavy lifts), cod liver oil (also for joint pain http://www.scienceblog.com/community/article2300.html ), mulit v, surfak (draws water into stool), and i try to get close to a gallon of water, partial constipatory list for me includes eggs, canned beans, bananas, refined flr/sgr, bread, cheese and milk not tolerated well either

post kinda moved into what i really need, the ability to get shit flowing through my bod, if i can get back to 4-5 ill be happy, thx

Morb, it definitely appears that you have some serious health problems going on. I will preface this with the following disclaimer: I am NOT a doctor, homeopath, naturpath, or anything else. These are just my opinions.

To me it sounds like a serious digestive issue. There can be so many issues with digestion that it's difficult to know where to start. Anything from stress-induced reduced stomach acid production to yeast infections of the intestine.

Since you've lost so much weight, I think it might be good to do some sort of detox diet BEFORE you try to start gaining all your weight back. Your body probably needs a break and needs nutrients to get itself back in working order again. There are tons of detox methods and plans, but the one major thing is that you detox and not fast. You have to make digestion easy and give a steady supply of nutrients that your body can easily use to get things going again. I know of one MRP that would be awesome for a detox diet, but it ain't cheap. Living Fuel has all sorts of goodies in it, even probiotics.

If you can use the Living Fuel, then the rest of your diet would be lots of veggies and some fruits (avocados can help keep you satisfied if you can handle eating that much fat at once). I would also recommend a vegetable juicer so you can juice lots of veggies. An easy thing is getting big bags of "spring mix" and juicing that.

This can last anywhere from 1-3 weeks, depending on a lot of factors. There are also other specific supplements that are used to help aid in detoxing.

There is also the issue of repairing your digestive system. This is where glutamine supplementation can be great, and buying in bulk is a good idea since glutamine really helps to aid repairing the digestive system. There are other nutrients that can help with this repair, and there are other natural things you can do to help optimize your intestinal bacteria (fresh garlic is one of them).

Maybe shoot me a PM and we can discuss this further. This can be a very in-depth subject with lots of questions needed to help you set up a plan to get things back in working order again. It's important to address your problems NOW instead of just using a bandaid and having them resurface later and be even worse.
have to lay it out here im under 15 posts, i realize youre not a doc and i dont expect that kind of info, im just trying to facilitate waste motion through my bowels, i think im through the detox, as i said its been over 6 mos, it was years coming, i was just taking in more than was going out, eventually after a week or two the feces just gets so bacteria'd out that it would come out one form or another, not very pleasant and yea i was holding all the toxins, then i finally reached a breaking point last november, i was just so loaded up full that i got sick as hell, sick as ive never been, i was on the toilet and puking in the sink simultaneously, it was ridiculous, really just blowing out both ends, every 10 mins like clockwork for over 9 hours, after about 5 hrs i couldnt even sit up on the can, i was lying on sink, i was so depleted and dizzy and from what ive read its probably lucky i made it through considering i was home alone, but i couldnt keep any food down nor did i want to eat for days, i just drank water and that came up too but after a few days i was basically detoxing eating nothing but fruit,veg and oatmeal, i had the whole incredibly clear headedness, mind racing etc, my shit was white for a while and then very light colored, and life sucked for the next 6 mos, losing weight, barely eating, i got a proctologist, had all kinds of blood tests, waste tests (for parasites), colonoscopy, barium swallow w/small bowel follow, spiral ct w/tracer, my colon was spazzing so bad i was on barbs and nightshade, i was just a fucking mess, im pretty tall at 6 8, and i have some redundancy in my intestine but its not serious enough to be the whole problem, i have been eating like i posted for 9 months now, no drugs or alcohol, i did get put on xyrem a couple months ago for sleep deprivation, though i only take it once nightly, all in all im much healthier now, i mtb as much as my knees let me, twice/wk, i havent used a laxative in about 4 months, the problem isnt digestive so far as we can make out, its just that waste accumulates when it should be going out, and believe that when i feel anything im on the throne like a shot, i cant bear down as much as id like because of hems, i had one removed but at this point im prone to them and have to take it easy on that score, before i started the flax oil i was going several times a day but not very comfortably, cleanly or completely, the flax oil seemed to help out, putting a couple of those bm's together and less mess (ie i wasnt forced to jump in the shower 5x a day after) but the effects arent as great as they were, so i upped the dose but that doesnt seem to have increased the benefit and im taking too much at 3 tablespoons, i have some seeds and i was going to try grinding and adding protein, i wonder what you think of the seeds? also i read a bunch of people on another forum talking about muscle milk and how it goes right through them, at this point im thinking that the ground seeds for bulk (psyllium does not work well for me) with some kind of protein powder that has a tendency to go right through would be just what i need, im not worried about gaining back to 300, it isnt just the fact i cant eat 9-10 meals/day (and dont even want to), i cant be deadlifting 650 with my joints any more either, im 220 now and i could be happy at 240-250, provided i could move the waste through better, i reached the point with my doctors where i was just paying for office visits, they say if im defecating every day then im fine, i generally do but its not as easy and its not as complete as it should be, as it needs to be if im going to gain back a few pounds, i could eat more but then im holding on to too much, my abdomen is rarely not distended, its not comfortable and i can be starving yet look like im packed full, you get the idea, thx
I think at this point it would be a good idea to do a good detox. This includes getting the intestines into good shape, providing nutrients to repair the intestines, providing nutrients to help fix the mucousal lining of the intenstines (which could help with the constipation), and making sure you have plenty of beneficial bacteria in the gut. The bacteria will help eliminate toxins, improve the immune system, and generally improve bowel function.

Ground flax seeds are ok...I would just buy the seeds whole and use a coffee grinder and grind them fresh each time. This assures freshness. I'll have to look up how much you should use, but I think 1 tbs or so of the seeds would work.

The thing is, often times people look to fiber to cure problems with elimination when it is often just a bandaid remedy. It absolutely can help, but if you have problems with intestinal flora and the mucousal lining then you won't really address the true problem.

I would use a good meal replacement instead of the muscle milk. Something like Living Fuel, Standard Process Complete, or Thorne Mediclear. These would be much more beneficial than musclemilk for what you need.
Morb said:
im willing to try, have you used all 3 and which one do you recommend most highly?

I've used Living Fuel and Standard Process Complete. I really like Living Fuel since it contains a lot of probiotics in it as well. It's expensive, but it's good. The only bad thing about Standard Process brand is you have to buy it through a doctor of some sort (a chiropractor works, though).
im giving living fuel an order tomorrow, shit is not cheap but i am going to try twice/day for 2 weeks and fruits/vegs only and see whats up, i will then check with my doc feelgood for the scrips on SPC, unless im totally blown away by LF, whats the SPC price like? are you recommending LF at every meal? thx
Morb said:
im giving living fuel an order tomorrow, shit is not cheap but i am going to try twice/day for 2 weeks and fruits/vegs only and see whats up, i will then check with my doc feelgood for the scrips on SPC, unless im totally blown away by LF, whats the SPC price like? are you recommending LF at every meal? thx

The Standard Process has to be ordered by the doctor himself...it's not prescription. That company is just weird that way. I don't really know the price of the SP Complete, or how the price compared per serving of Living Fuel. Both are top-notch so you gotta pay.

One tub of Living Fuel, in order to last two weeks, means you can only do two full scoops a day. I would eat maybe 4 meals and take half a scoop with each meal. You'll be getting a ton of probiotics this way, and the main protein is rice protein with other aminos added to make it complete. Rice protein is one of the least allergenic proteins out there, which is why it's used.

So eat raw fruits and veggies for those two weeks. Avocados can help make you feel full during that time since fruits and veggies themselves don't really fill you up. Papaya and pineapple are good fruits since they contains lots of enzymes. Berries are awesome because of the high concentration of antioxidants and other good chemicals. Try to make berries, pineapple, papaya, and avocados, and citrus (very alkaline forming) the main fruits since they're some of the best to eat. Eat tons of veggies. "Spring mix" is good stuff to eat while doing the fast since you get a wide array of good healthy leafy veggies. If you have a veggie juicer, juicing the veggies then mixing the fiber back into the juice is essentially like having something chew your food VERY well. This is good to get all the nutrients and fiber out of the veggies.

One other thing that is very beneficial is crushed FRESH garlic. What I do, and in my experience is the easiest way to get down the raw garlic, is to chop it up, crush it, then put it in some olive oil (maybe 1 oz) and just do a shot. The olive oil masks the powerful juices of the garlic and helps it go down easy. 3 or more fresh cloves (the pieces you break off) a day is good. Fresh garlic is awesome because it kills bad bacteria, yeast, etc, while preserving the good stuff. This really helps clean up the intestines.

Also, exercise DAILY. No lifting weights...just some type of cardio each day for at least 30 minutes a day. This helps get things moving in your body. This includes blood, lymph fluid, and digestions (things like jogging and jumping rope really help with this).

After these two weeks when you introduce other foods back into your diet, you should make sure you digest it as good as possible. This means chewing very thoroughly (so the food is like a liquid in your mouth), taking something like vinegar or lemon juice and papaya or pineapple with meals can help. You could always get a digestive supplement, but the food methods work, too. Doing cardio like jumping rope and jogging will help keep things moving through the intestines (I HATE it when I go for a run then have to take a dump soon after lol).

I really hope this helps. If you need anything else, or have any other questions, please just ask.
One more thing.

After those two weeks, there are two supplements that I recommend.


You can download the catalog in pdf format and order over the phone. The two supplements to get is the cod liver oil and the butter oil. Please let me explain the function of these.

The cod liver oil is the high vitamin cod liver oil, meaning it's twice as concentrated as the normal stuff (a dose is half a teaspoon vs. normal 1 tsp to get the same vitamins). It contains EPA and DHA so your body doesn't have to do any work to covert the normal fats you eat into these forms. When people are ill, the pathways to covert fat in things like flax oil into EPA can be shut down or severely compromised.

The butter oil comes from grass fed cows. This means it contains other EFAs that do not require any converting by the body. I believe it contains both arachidonic acid and dihomo gamma-linoleic acid. Your body normally converts omega-6 fats into these forms for your body to use, but since they're in the converted forms, your body doesn't have to convert them.

Taking both together gives you vitamins and the EFAs in the base forms to help your body make the prostaglandins it requires.

I would start off with a low dose at first (one serving per day), then you can gradually increase it to 3 or 4 doses per day.