Fluid in lower back glute knotted up in 3rd wk of cycle


New member
My glute knotted up after my 5th injection going into week 3 on mon. I have not shot since and now have fluid in my lower back I can push around. Pain's lesser everyday in my butt but what the hell should I do now about my back?
Yep all injections in my glutes switching back and forth. It's jelly like fluid i can push around in my lower back???
is this your first cycle and virgin muscle ?
the gear can radiate in the direction of blood flow (toward your heart) or gravity, so yes it can radiate up your tail bone and lower back, and cause inflammation . the 'fluid' is probably a response to the inflammation.
Yes first cycle... sustanon twice/wk. Should I be worried or will this go away? I dont really want to keep dosing with this going on. It's given me the test flu for the last four days.
pretty common. rotate injection sites, and lower dose if need be. if area gets swollen and red warm and puffy and you get a fever, then cease injections. it could be bad gear and you got a bac infection.
So far I've been happy with the gear, up 11 lbs in first two weeks and feeling great until this last dose. My ass is getting better but its like it all moved up to my lower back.
So far I've been happy with the gear, up 11 lbs in first two weeks and feeling great until this last dose. My ass is getting better but its like it all moved up to my lower back.

extremely common for virgin muscle . i wouldn't worry about it . just switch to pinning your lats or delts for awhile
a dbol back pump will be felt in the gym only , especially on leg day (or on a heavy cardio stair step day) . constant lower back inflammation from migration of your gear via glute injection is totally diff and will be tender 24/7
If u don't mind me asking... how soon are those dbol pumps felt? Been on 30mg/day for 4 days and haven't noticed anything like that. Will be going to 40mg/day Monday. Thanks
If u don't mind me asking... how soon are those dbol pumps felt? Been on 30mg/day for 4 days and haven't noticed anything like that. Will be going to 40mg/day Monday. Thanks

2 weeks or so .. dbol is fast acting , even when your not feeling shit for the first week its still working , give it time and let things build up. its still way faster then deca or test. especially if you ever run dbol from the start of a cycle :)
Yeah I started taking 40 mgs e/d from go and after two weeks my body was like kaboom. Now I'm at a stand still with all this mess.
Yeah I started taking 40 mgs e/d from go and after two weeks my body was like kaboom. Now I'm at a stand still with all this mess.

your body is just in 'shock' mode , your not used to the over load of androgen receptors . your going to grow and feel great and yet your going to go over anabolic and overload your receptors and body systems and feel like shit and feel sick like the flu etc.. its part of the game. you can back off your dosages and still yield great results without the overload
is this your first cycle and virgin muscle ?
the gear can radiate in the direction of blood flow (toward your heart) or gravity, so yes it can radiate up your tail bone and lower back, and cause inflammation . the 'fluid' is probably a response to the inflammation.


You should definitely rotate injection sites. I remember pinning delts for the first time. The top of my biceps swole up and hurt like hell for about a week lol