? for mods


New member
Got a problem guys... I'm on week 4 of my 12 week cycle and I've come down with the flu so I have to end my cycle early...my ? is this...is it still necessary to begin clomid in 2 weeks to get my levels back to normal....

(You can probably get away with a smaller clomid run....but YES....it would be wise to fascilitate your recovery with Clomid)
By the sound of it, you are doing something with a long ester, like cyp, enan, deca, EQ, hence the 2 week wait to do Clomid, right? So whatever you are taking is in you full strength and being a long ester, is going to be with you for the duration of your flu.

Why don't you just keep your cycle going ? Just take some time off till you are well enough to resume working out. I'd rather lose a week of training in the middle of cycle than quit it altogether. JMO
That is the way that I was leaning... but I wanted to get more opinions from knowledgeable bros like you StoneCold.
keep running your cycle bro. dont let the flu hold you down. rest up let it run its course . then hit the weights again. no need to come off
I would definitely stay on, the flu never lasts for very long, but you can still lose a ton of size, but the gear will help you hold onto your mass while sick.
Im with needsize and house on this one... keep running the cycle... besides it could be the Sustanon (sust) Flu anyway.. either way though I would keep going...
ive gotten the test flu before, just tough it out, if it becomes too bad to lift weights, i.e., weak, nausa, joint pain, fever, etc. then just rest but keep taking your aas. also, i would recommend some multi-vitamins with extra vit. c, say 8,000mg spread out over the day
Don't stop your cycle. Eat well and rest proper and mabey take a week off of working out if you have to, but don't stop in the middle.