For Mr. Humdiddly

I just whistled out loud!!!!!!!!! Dayum I. are very beautiful and your hard work and dedication is obvious!!!!!!

Island- What exactly are your stats & Past cycles????

Hi there.

Stats: 5' 2" In these pics I was about 113-115 lbs.

Earlier this summer I did a cycle of Alpha Princess Stack. Ran that for about 6 weeks. Combined that with strict nutrition, I got great results.
you look awesome, you have greeeaaat legs,
what's your bdf % ?
What do you do for legs ?

Thank you!!!

In these pictures I had just competed about 2 weeks prior. I competed in figure. I didn't take my bf measurement, but when I compete in bb'ing I'm about 5-6% so maybe I was 9 or 10% here??? Just taking a guess.

I'm actually trying to build my legs now so when I'm done competing next week I'll be hitting it hard again.

We incorporate squats, leg presses, hack squats, lunges, extensions....

Recently I've also started to do some track work running stairs, sprints, lunges across the football field etc....
Islandgirl, excellent work! How do you split up your cardio and your lifting?

Hi there! and thank you!

Well right now I'm prepping for a show which is next week so I'm at double cardio days/14 sessions this week. 2 of those sessions are done outdoors at the track doing sprints, stairs etc.

My lifting is more traditional right now. Legs
Back and Bis
Shoulders and Tri

No chest work

I've done DC training for a couple of years and earlier this year I did a cycle of FST-7. Love both of this type of training. I'm looking to go back to one of these after my show.
a few...


OH MY! How did I miss this thread?!? :eek2: She looks great!
Awww....I didn't mean it that way. Dadawg-->*spank* lol

Thank you for the compliment.

not a compliment on the dieting , just a fact.
as a powerlifter i can tell you that D I E T is a 4 letter word and i dont like that foul language around me lol.
ive lifted with some powerlifters over the years who could have been monsters on the bodybuilding stage but they had zero desire to diet like that.