For Some, Anabolic Steroids May Lead to Hard Drugs

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SWALE said:
I used steroids for the entire 1980's. Now I smoke good cigars--one per week. I feel my previous Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) usage has led me to love fine cigars.

good point. I've used steroids for a couple years allready. Now, I eat tuna fish every day. Go figure.
It has been shown that people who have murdered someone, overwhelmingly, within the past year, have eaten carrots.
i would thiunk it would be the other way around. rec drugs leading to Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use. i have seen a ton of these people. they have no probs using one drug illegaly so why not use another illegal drug to look good too.
i dont know anyone who juiced before doing any rec drugs.
i would agree about bb'ers using certain rec drugs to avoid alcohol though, as i have thought about doing the same before. but i wasnt on cycle and desided to drink instead.
ironmaster said:
For those of us who have addictive personalities, habitual steroid use is a positive thing compared to the alternative.

I'll second that motion. Iron saved my life and keeps me sober. If I need AS to boost my esteem and keep a bottle of Vodka out of my hands at 7 am, then I am all for it...Not to mention that most of us that do AS have kicked our asses in the gym for years prior to AS use and just wanted to lessen the uphill climb to our goals. I took every damn supplement/personal trainers/nutritional education I could get and just got tired of looking in the mirror every day and not seeing a return on my time and money.
I went thru the who rec drug gament and personally I dont think using Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) or not has anything to do connection wise.

The same people who have juiced and got into other shit would have probably done so regardless.

I do think however that people who have been users of needles in past with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) use who do get into drugs would be more apt to not be afraid of injecting other drugs if they fell into it.
I have never been afraid of needles but thank god when I was going thru my shit that I never used needles in that way.

Funny story. My aunt was down helping me clean up my place after my rec drug woes. Anyways she is cleaning out one of my closets and finds my box of needles(unused from last year) well I basically told her what they were really for(aas) upfront as the first thing that went thru her mind I could imagine.

Her response "Dont worry about it, besides I am not judging you in anyway, I just want to help"
Now that is one cool person, but I did feel I needed to explain the needles for the obvious reasons.
okay, First I'm a brand new member of this Forum and I know this is an ancient, buried and decayed. However, it was on the top of my google list, so I feel obligated to add what I can toward this subject. It's affected the lives of many people around me.

The important thing to take away from OP is the link between INJECTING substances. I know many many addicts, crack heads, dope fiends.... Not many people choose to "Shoot up". It either 1. Freaks them out. 2. They know it's a steep road. 3. They know how easy it is to die, as many of our acquaintances OD from a hot shot, a sketchy dose that had Fentynal laced within it.... etc. (Which is a big reason people smoke Rock instead instead of Shooting powder). I think the OP just wants everyone, and I've read all the posts so I know some good guys on here have gone through the struggle, just like I have. I'm glad you've turned your life around. I did it with AS. I was an IV user and so AS injections were basically a replacement for awhile... until the cravings for the sketchy had passed. Working out and AS, even though it's still not great for your health, it is MUCH MUCH MUCH better than rampant heroin / coke IV usage. **Needle Fixation, or 'the ritual'** (anyone who has quit smoking cigarettes knows that the ritual of smoking can be a lot harder to beat than the withdrawl itself). **Is the difference between "oh hey I'll smoke a bit of H with my buddy, to "oh sure I'll shoot some H with my buddy, can't be any different than AS. EXP. I was stupid and overdosed many times. Lucky AF to be alive and this is what went through my head. I'm glad my "buddy" didn't leave me to die when he was with me, unlike a lot of people that do.


I just don't see it. Heroin........... AS........ Shoot up some test / tren, ya you feel like a tank that can punch holes in concrete but you won't die in 7 seconds because some prick wanted to make 60$ and gave you sketchy dope.

****Sorry again for ressurecting the dead, just want people to be safe and know just how deadly a needle can be if used improperly. *****

On a positive note, I've helped a few friends who were big into some bad make the switch to AS and they love it. They can't bring themselves to smoke rock or shoot up because they know it just sets them back. They go from being ostracized to adored by their families. Hell, AS and Bodybuilding can be great things.

Be safe guys~