four weeks of gear wasted? dumb gf


New member
Im pissed...anways, i did my 4th shot tonight in my quad cause both of my glutes.are sore and got i think i know gf been shooting me tonight she does my leg and she says its coming out so i look down and bish barely had the needle in, and shes been doing the same with my gluyes....did she waste my gear?
Why is your girl pinning your quad? Why not you and why weren't you watching her do it? Your only saving grace is she was giving you a bj at the same time.
As long as the oil goes in, it will just go sub q which may take longer to build up in the system and is not ideal but I wouldn't say your gear is wasted unless it is all leaking out.
Why would you have her do your injections if she dont know what she is doing??? Just do it yourself.
Im pissed...anways, i did my 4th shot tonight in my quad cause both of my glutes.are sore and got i think i know gf been shooting me tonight she does my leg and she says its coming out so i look down and bish barely had the needle in, and shes been doing the same with my gluyes....did she waste my gear?

Let me get this straight. YOU, the one who was supposed to have researched what and how you are supposed to be injecting in to your body, let your Girlfriend - someone who doesn't know (and isn't supposed to) what she's doing, inject steroids improperly in to you and SHE's the dumb one who wasted your gear?? Sorry bro, you are the dumb one who wasted your gear. She was doing you a favor helping you out, you should have done it yourself (or instructed her properly.)