four weeks of gear wasted? dumb gf

wont flame you, but you need to step up or go sit down. after you pin a few times its cake. build the nerve up and stick it fast if you have to. dart it in but keep the muscle relaxed.

the gear will absorb sub q it will be slow, pin at least 4 inches from those sites so you dont build up an oil absess
Haha seems like this thread backed fired on the pimp..I don't understand why you would let someone else get involved do it yourself broooooo!!!
wow... you guys dont know who your messing with! didnt you hear him? he has 200 hours worth of tats and i think he might have been in a bar fight! this guy is tough!
wow... you guys dont know who your messing with! didnt you hear him? he has 200 hours worth of tats and i think he might have been in a bar fight! this guy is tough!

You know I think tgisbis the first internet tough guy I have ever run accross. This is a phenomenom.
Don't call your gf dumb for "ruining" your cycle. Your the stupid cunt that let her do it. Man the fuck up and pin.
he clearly did not explain to her how to do it (probably because he just found out himself) then when she did it wrong he started talking shit to her and calling her dumb just like an actual pimp. scumbag