Free Diet Advice from 3J

Opinions on my so called diet
215# this morning
I'd say 12-14% bf
Training -531 hybrid
3rd week into pct

I'm knocking a 1000 calories out of my diet to make it easier. Less is more and more is taking a toll.
So this is what I've come up with. The solid food isn't changing, I basically removed multiple scoops of protein and a gainer shake.

the chicken,steak and salmon meals get switched around based on what I feel like eating at that time.

View attachment 556955
If carb cycling when I go to 2100 calories what would be an example of a good high, med, low day?

5'6 178 13-14% now probably
If carb cycling when I go to 2100 calories what would be an example of a good high, med, low day?

5'6 178 13-14% now probably

its hard to get the 250-300g carbs in with 2100 calories.. you should have your high day be slightly higher
Bodyfat:12% (roughly will post a pic)

View attachment 557311

Goals; Im looking to get roughly 8% bodyfat, I know Im quite light but wanted to trim a little fat before holiday; my semi-long term goal is 200lb in with abs..

My BMR is 1815.8
Activity is moderate (workout 6days/week (push, pull, legs, push, pull, legs, rest))
8-9am pro/carb/fat/cal
Protein powder: 20/2/1.4/
Milk 400ml Whole: 13.2/18.13.3/
Peanut butter 2tbsp: 7.2/4.6/15/

11am pro/carb/fat/cal
Chicken 200g: 44/0/6/
Rice half sachet(usually 60g uncooked): 5/48/1.1
Broccoli 200g: 6/12/0.6/

1-2pm pro/carb/fat/cal
Fish fillet 200g : 44/0/6
Rice half sachet(60guncooked) : 5/48/1.1
Green beans 200gs : 3.4/9/0

Post w/o shake ; CnP pro-recover 25/45/3/307*
(only on a workout day)

5-6pm pro/carb/fat/cal
Snack-Nuts 30g : 7/4/6/14/172

7-8pm pro/carb/fat/cal
Snack-Nuts 30g : 7/4/6/14/172

10pm pro/carb/fat/cal
Tuna full tin 33/0/0/132

Daily Amount are : workout days Protein 219/Carb 195/ Fat 74.8/Calories 2344
non workout days = Protein 194/Carbs 150/ Fat 72/ Calories 2037

workout as follows :

Sun ***8211; Push:
Incline dumbbell = warmup 1 set 12, 2 sets of 6-12reps
Incline bench = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Incline fly = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Cable crossovers = 2 sets of 6-12reps

Military press = warm up 1 set 12, 2 sets of 6-12reps
Standing barbell press = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Side-Lateral raise = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Front raise = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Upright row = 3 sets of 6-12reps

Tricep pushdown = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Skull Crush = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Overhead tri extension = 3 sets of 6-12reps

Mon ***8211; Pull:

Pullups = 3 sets of 10reps
Wide Grip Pulldowns = 3 sets of 6-12reps
One armed Row = 3 sets of 6-12reps
T bar Row = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Bent over row = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Deadlifts = 3 sets of 6-12reps

Bar bell curl = warm up set of 15reps, then 2 sets of 6-12reps
Single arm cable curl = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Hammer curl = 3 sets of 6-12reps

Tue ***8211; Legs:

Leg extension ***8211; light = 3 sets of 12reps
Squat = 2warmup sets of 10-12, 2 sets of 7-10 reps
Lunges = 3sets of 7 steps per leg
Leg Press = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Leg extension heavy = 2 sets of 6-10 reps
Calf raise = 10 sec rest pause , 5 sets

Wed ***8211; Push:

Military press = warm up 1 set 12, 2 sets of 6-12reps
Standing barbell press = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Side-Lateral raise = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Front raise = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Shrugs = 3 sets of 6-12reps

Flat dumbbell = warmup 1 set 12, 2 sets of 6-12reps
Flat bench = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Flat fly = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Cable crossovers = 2 sets of 6-12reps

Tricep pushdown = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Skull Crush = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Close Grip bench = 3 sets of 6-12reps

Thurs ***8211; Pull:

Pullups = 3 sets of 10reps
Wide Grip Pulldowns = 3 sets of 6-12reps
One armed Row = 3 sets of 6-12reps
T bar Row = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Bent over row = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Deadlifts = 3 sets of 6-12reps

Bar bell curl = warm up set of 15reps, then 2 sets of 6-12reps
Single arm cable curl = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Hammer curl = 3 sets of 6-12reps

Fri ***8211; Legs:

Leg extension ***8211; light = 3 sets of 12reps
Squat = 2warmup sets of 10-12, 2 sets of 7-10 reps
Straight legged deadlift = 3 sets of 6-12 reps
Leg Press(high and wide) = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Hamstring curl = 4 sets of 7-12 reps
Calf raise = 10 sec rest pause , 5 sets

Sat ***8211; Rest
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so it doesn't look too bad.. i would get rid of the dairy for almond milk... focus your carbs to bfast, pre and post workout... that's where they will do the most benefit.. so you are not doing any cardio??
Bodyfat:12% (roughly will post a pic)

View attachment 557311

Goals; Im looking to get roughly 8% bodyfat, I know Im quite light but wanted to trim a little fat before holiday; my semi-long term goal is 200lb in with abs..

My BMR is 1815.8
Activity is moderate (workout 6days/week (push, pull, legs, push, pull, legs, rest))
8-9am pro/carb/fat/cal
Protein powder: 20/2/1.4/
Milk 400ml Whole: 13.2/18.13.3/
Peanut butter 2tbsp: 7.2/4.6/15/

11am pro/carb/fat/cal
Chicken 200g: 44/0/6/
Rice half sachet(usually 60g uncooked): 5/48/1.1
Broccoli 200g: 6/12/0.6/

1-2pm pro/carb/fat/cal
Fish fillet 200g : 44/0/6
Rice half sachet(60guncooked) : 5/48/1.1
Green beans 200gs : 3.4/9/0

Post w/o shake ; CnP pro-recover 25/45/3/307*
(only on a workout day)

5-6pm pro/carb/fat/cal
Snack-Nuts 30g : 7/4/6/14/172

7-8pm pro/carb/fat/cal
Snack-Nuts 30g : 7/4/6/14/172

10pm pro/carb/fat/cal
Tuna full tin 33/0/0/132

Daily Amount are : workout days Protein 219/Carb 195/ Fat 74.8/Calories 2344
non workout days = Protein 194/Carbs 150/ Fat 72/ Calories 2037

workout as follows :

Sun ***8211; Push:
Incline dumbbell = warmup 1 set 12, 2 sets of 6-12reps
Incline bench = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Incline fly = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Cable crossovers = 2 sets of 6-12reps

Military press = warm up 1 set 12, 2 sets of 6-12reps
Standing barbell press = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Side-Lateral raise = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Front raise = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Upright row = 3 sets of 6-12reps

Tricep pushdown = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Skull Crush = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Overhead tri extension = 3 sets of 6-12reps

Mon ***8211; Pull:

Pullups = 3 sets of 10reps
Wide Grip Pulldowns = 3 sets of 6-12reps
One armed Row = 3 sets of 6-12reps
T bar Row = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Bent over row = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Deadlifts = 3 sets of 6-12reps

Bar bell curl = warm up set of 15reps, then 2 sets of 6-12reps
Single arm cable curl = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Hammer curl = 3 sets of 6-12reps

Tue ***8211; Legs:

Leg extension ***8211; light = 3 sets of 12reps
Squat = 2warmup sets of 10-12, 2 sets of 7-10 reps
Lunges = 3sets of 7 steps per leg
Leg Press = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Leg extension heavy = 2 sets of 6-10 reps
Calf raise = 10 sec rest pause , 5 sets

Wed ***8211; Push:

Military press = warm up 1 set 12, 2 sets of 6-12reps
Standing barbell press = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Side-Lateral raise = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Front raise = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Shrugs = 3 sets of 6-12reps

Flat dumbbell = warmup 1 set 12, 2 sets of 6-12reps
Flat bench = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Flat fly = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Cable crossovers = 2 sets of 6-12reps

Tricep pushdown = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Skull Crush = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Close Grip bench = 3 sets of 6-12reps

Thurs ***8211; Pull:

Pullups = 3 sets of 10reps
Wide Grip Pulldowns = 3 sets of 6-12reps
One armed Row = 3 sets of 6-12reps
T bar Row = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Bent over row = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Deadlifts = 3 sets of 6-12reps

Bar bell curl = warm up set of 15reps, then 2 sets of 6-12reps
Single arm cable curl = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Hammer curl = 3 sets of 6-12reps

Fri ***8211; Legs:

Leg extension ***8211; light = 3 sets of 12reps
Squat = 2warmup sets of 10-12, 2 sets of 7-10 reps
Straight legged deadlift = 3 sets of 6-12 reps
Leg Press(high and wide) = 3 sets of 6-12reps
Hamstring curl = 4 sets of 7-12 reps
Calf raise = 10 sec rest pause , 5 sets

Sat ***8211; Rest
so it doesn't look too bad.. i would get rid of the dairy for almond milk... focus your carbs to bfast, pre and post workout... that's where they will do the most benefit.. so you are not doing any cardio??

Right, I'll replace cows milk with almond milk .. So should I take carbs from meal 2 and use oats in bfast? ... I've not done cardio for past week.. But I usually do morning fasted cardio in form of a 30minute walk
Also.. when should I start to include refeeds to diet? (Or do i even have to) .... I've been leaning up for like 4 months now but ive been stuck at 160 for a few weeks.. I've started to feel tired and lethargic all the time, does it look like I'm overtraining ?
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Also.. when should I start to include refeeds to diet? (Or do i even have to) .... I've been leaning up for like 4 months now but ive been stuck at 160 for a few weeks.. I've started to feel tired and lethargic all the time, does it look like I'm overtraining ?

well it does sound like you have been at it for a while... you should probably try a refeed.. if it doesn't work move up to maint calories for a bit..
well it does sound like you have been at it for a while... you should probably try a refeed.. if it doesn't work move up to maint calories for a bit..

okay, thanks for your help, a question regarding cardio, is 30minute fasted walk okay in morning or post w/o?... how many times a week should I do this? everyday?
Created a ACC. just for this, here we go.

Age: 22
Weight: 203
Height: 6***8217;2***8221;
Bf: 14-16%

Goal: I put on some solid size doing smolov about a month ago (put 50lbs on my BS :) ) and some fat came along with the strength/size gains. Looking to get down to ideally 10-12% and keep my strength (as most as possible) and continue to gain some if possible.

My workout time varies because of either school or work, I shoot for 11 am on free days but others i may have to do either 5pm or 8pm. I do a good amount of strength work along with HIIT everyday. Cycling between MTWRFS, Squats/Chest/Squats/Back/Arms, Saturday = whatever im feeling, normally more fun strongman work. HIIT after (either 5-15 min)

BMR: 2120
TDEE: 3100

Recent / Current Diet: Pro/Carb/Fat/Cal

Morning PWO: Banana -- 1/27/0/105
Almonds -- 4/4/9/104
Total -- 5/31/9/209

Post workout: 4 whole eggs -- 24/4/18/280
2 egg whites -- 5/0/0/25
3 Bacon -- 18/0/18 240
Quaker Oats -- 7/29/3/160
Banana -- 1/27/0/105
Cup of Milk -- 10/14/6/152
Protein -- 15/3/1/80
Total -- 80/77/46/1042

Meal 3:Grazing
Some sort of Fruit (apple, banana) --1/27/0/105
Almonds -- 4/4/9/104
Protein Shake -- 25/2/2/120

Meal 4: Wrap or Salad on campus
I figure when i have the wrap upwards of 700 cal, Salad may be closer to 500
Total 700 Cal

Meal 5: 8oz Chicken Breast w/o skin -- 48/0/3/220
Whole Sweet Potatoe -- 0/39/0/168
1/2 avocado -- 2/8/14/160
a little cooked spinach -- 0/2/0/8
Total -- 50/48/17/556

Meal 6: Greek Yogurt -- 18/7/0/100
Granola -- 3/22/2/125
Total -- 21/29/2/225

Daily Total (with meal 4 wiggle of about 30/30/10/700)

Thanks Again
well..habit really, its just been enough to get me through my workout without feeling to full during the HIIT

I know the entire diet needs some work, that's why I'm here.
i think you will be fine once you make a real meal out of meal 1.. make your meal after post workout nutrition meal 1.. take the meal in the middle of the day with the shake and replace it with real food..

take your calories up to 3500... 300g protein and at least 400g carbs
Hmm, few questions....

With this "high" level of carbs, should i try and place most of them around my workout? If so, how many ideally? Or is meal timing and placement not that big of a issue?

also, with the total 3500 cal, i'm guessing with the amount of training ill still achieve my goal (cut fat) even with a caloric surplus?

Diet ain't workin no moo

Here we go.
Stats. Height 5'9. Weight 214. Age. 21. Bf. 10-11%
I'm in class all day usually from 9:15-5pm. 7am-8:30 is usually morning training which consists of jogging miles usually. Or running tower. (Fire academy) this is my usual cutting diet. But it isn't working this time. Also With exception to a few snacks.. And trying some other diets.

6 am. wake up/pre morning training.
4 egg whites.
1 full egg
1TBSP natty PB
Green tea.
1g carnitine
1g raspberry ketone.
(Sometimes add 99g blueberries on long run days.)

9 am.
2 scoops protein.
99g blueberries.

11:30/12 lunch.
300 g chicken or 150g beef
120g rice

4/5pm. Depending when class is over. This is also my pre workout meal
1C fat free vanilla yogurt
1/2C frozen berries
1g car time and raspberry ketone.

Post workout 7pm.
150g beef or 300g chicken. (Opposite of lunch)
270g baked white potato.
Broccoli or asparagus

Pre bed.
1 scoop protein

Calories equal to approx 2450-2500 depending on brands used
Breakdown. Approx 235 pro. 256 carb. 50 fat.
I'm training twice a day. And staying the same weight. What's happening!!
Please help:(
I'm cutting , 5'7 200 pounds . My question is about the last meal of the day , which would be your best choice ? I usually have 10 egg whites with 1-2 yolks or some casein ( or whey ) with almonds . Any better choice ?
meal timing does play a factor.. and yes you should put more carbs around your workout than the rest of the day
Hmm, few questions....

With this "high" level of carbs, should i try and place most of them around my workout? If so, how many ideally? Or is meal timing and placement not that big of a issue?

also, with the total 3500 cal, i'm guessing with the amount of training ill still achieve my goal (cut fat) even with a caloric surplus?

tell me more about your training schedule..
Here we go.
Stats. Height 5'9. Weight 214. Age. 21. Bf. 10-11%
I'm in class all day usually from 9:15-5pm. 7am-8:30 is usually morning training which consists of jogging miles usually. Or running tower. (Fire academy) this is my usual cutting diet. But it isn't working this time. Also With exception to a few snacks.. And trying some other diets.

6 am. wake up/pre morning training.
4 egg whites.
1 full egg
1TBSP natty PB
Green tea.
1g carnitine
1g raspberry ketone.
(Sometimes add 99g blueberries on long run days.)

9 am.
2 scoops protein.
99g blueberries.

11:30/12 lunch.
300 g chicken or 150g beef
120g rice

4/5pm. Depending when class is over. This is also my pre workout meal
1C fat free vanilla yogurt
1/2C frozen berries
1g car time and raspberry ketone.

Post workout 7pm.
150g beef or 300g chicken. (Opposite of lunch)
270g baked white potato.
Broccoli or asparagus

Pre bed.
1 scoop protein

Calories equal to approx 2450-2500 depending on brands used
Breakdown. Approx 235 pro. 256 carb. 50 fat.
I'm training twice a day. And staying the same weight. What's happening!!
Please help:(