Free Diet Advice from 3J

Stats - Goals - Cycle and Diet!

First of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to help with all these questions and comments.

Age: 35
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 230 lbs:
BF%: 20
BMR: 2,176
TDEE: 3,753

Dymatize Elite whey Protein
Pro Complex Gainer ON
Animal Pak Multi-vit and Minerals
Fish Oil - Triple strength 1400 mg

Goal: For right now: 250 lbs by the end of bulking season
After bulking season I want to keep 200-210 lbs with 10 - 12% Body Fat

Actual cycle: (I'm on my 4th week now, Started off at 220 lbs and as for today my weight is 230
Test E 500 mg/week ( 250 Monday - 250 Thursday)
Hcg 500 Ui/week (250 Monday -250 Thursday)
Examestane 12.5 g/everyday
Clomafene Citrate 50 mg/everyday/4weeks
Tamoxifene Citrate 40 mg/everyday/2 weeks followed by 20 mg/2 weeks

One muscle Group a day.
Cardio "Sometimes" 30 min 3x/week

Diet is attached:

Thanks again!!
View attachment 559572View attachment 559572
Last edited:
First of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to help with all these questions and comments.

Age: 35
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 230 lbs:
BF%: 20
BMR: 2,176
TDEE: 3,753

Dymatize Elite whey Protein
Pro Complex Gainer ON
Animal Pak Multi-vit and Minerals
Fish Oil - Triple strength 1400 mg

Goal: For right now: 250 lbs by the end of bulking season
After bulking season I want to keep 200-210 lbs with 10 - 12% Body Fat

Actual cycle: (I'm on my 4th week now, Started off at 220 lbs and as for today my weight is 230
Test E 500 mg/week ( 250 Monday - 250 Thursday)
Hcg 500 Ui/week (250 Monday -250 Thursday)
Examestane 12.5 g/everyday
Clomafene Citrate 50 mg/everyday/4weeks
Tamoxifene Citrate 40 mg/everyday/2 weeks followed by 20 mg/2 weeks

One muscle Group a day.
Cardio "Sometimes" 30 min 3x/week

Diet is attached:

Thanks again!!
View attachment 559572View attachment 559572
weight 221
height 6'2
bf 10-12
goals.. be specific

Cutting phase. Get as shredded as possible with keeping as much muscle

I am currently carb cycling.

3 days 293 pro 129 fat 65 carbs <-- all from veggies and pb trace

1 day 200 protein , 55g fat , 350g carbs

Repeat each time ^

Meals on low carb days

4:15 am,

1cup of egg whites, 1 egg, 2 tb almond butter

7:30 am

7 oz top round london broil with half an avocado with veggies


6 oz chicken with half avocado with veggies


6oz salmon with brusell sprouts

5pm - Training

7:30 2 scoops hydrowhey with cup of frozen strawberries


1 1/2 cup cottage cheese with 2 scoops almond butter and half scoop of casein.

Workout 6 days a week, cardio 5x a week, intense workout short rest periods

Any changes you would recommend?
weight 221
height 6'2
bf 10-12
goals.. be specific

Cutting phase. Get as shredded as possible with keeping as much muscle

I am currently carb cycling.

3 days 293 pro 129 fat 65 carbs <-- all from veggies and pb trace

1 day 200 protein , 55g fat , 350g carbs

Repeat each time ^

Meals on low carb days

4:15 am,

1cup of egg whites, 1 egg, 2 tb almond butter

7:30 am

7 oz top round london broil with half an avocado with veggies


6 oz chicken with half avocado with veggies


6oz salmon with brusell sprouts

5pm - Training

7:30 2 scoops hydrowhey with cup of frozen strawberries


1 1/2 cup cottage cheese with 2 scoops almond butter and half scoop of casein.

Workout 6 days a week, cardio 5x a week, intense workout short rest periods

Any changes you would recommend?

please read post 1... calculate your bmr/tdee
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3J's Nutrition | Diet and fitness consulting to get you to the next level.

weight 221
height 6'2
bf 10-12
goals.. be specific

Cutting phase. Get as shredded as possible with keeping as much muscle

I am currently carb cycling.

3 days 293 pro 129 fat 65 carbs <-- all from veggies and pb trace

1 day 200 protein , 55g fat , 350g carbs

Repeat each time ^

Meals on low carb days

4:15 am,

1cup of egg whites, 1 egg, 2 tb almond butter

7:30 am

7 oz top round london broil with half an avocado with veggies


6 oz chicken with half avocado with veggies


6oz salmon with brusell sprouts

5pm - Training

7:30 2 scoops hydrowhey with cup of frozen strawberries


1 1/2 cup cottage cheese with 2 scoops almond butter and half scoop of casein.

Workout 6 days a week, cardio 5x a week, intense workout short rest periods

Any changes you would recommend?

you just want me to critique the low carb day?
Do you think that would a good carb cycle setup. 3 0 carb days and 1 high carb day or would you suggest something better like maybe 150 carbs on low carb days and high carb day 300.

Main concern If the fats are too high and if the protein change is beneficial
High carb day

214g pro 292 g carbs 38g fat

4:15 am

cup of egg whites + 1.5 cup of old fashion oats

7:30am 3 oz chicken with sweet potatoe

11 3 oz chicken with sweet potatoe

2pm 3 oz chicken with sweet potatote

4pm 1.5 cup oatmeal with 1 tb almond butter

5:30 train

8 shake with 2 hydrowhey protein scoops


cup of cottage cheese with 1 tbsp almond butter
Goals: right now is a lean bulk. Looking to be 220lbs at 9-10% that is my main goal .once I reach that I will decide where to go from their.
As of right now I am sticking around 350/250-300 carb/50/4000
Meal 1 2 whole eggs 6 egg whites. 36/0/10/242
Meal 2 chicken breast 12 oz fat trimmed off. 1 cup brown rice. 73/42/4/542
Meal 3 lean red meat 8 oz. 1 cup white rice and broccoli. 2 tsp OO 72/52/17/753
Pwo weigh protein 30/0/0/110
Meal 4 chicken breast 12 oz fat trimmed 2 cups brown rice. 2 tsp OO 77/84/9/754
Meal 5 tilapia 12 oz. 4 oz pasta. 74/84/6/720
Meal 6 8 oz sirloin steak fat trimmed 64/0/3/425
Night time shake. 30/0/0/110

That is what I try to get in everyday roughly. Some days are better then others. Depending on how my appetite is if I can finish all my food for every meal. Which is difficult some days. My questions is suggestions on changes I should make towards my goal weather to up calories more and put on more size first then cut carbs and calories once I'm around 225 to back down some weight and try to reach 9%. Any thoughts?
Do you think that would a good carb cycle setup. 3 0 carb days and 1 high carb day or would you suggest something better like maybe 150 carbs on low carb days and high carb day 300.

Main concern If the fats are too high and if the protein change is beneficial

youre describing a ckd diet more than a carb cycle.. i would go high, medium, low, high medium, medium low
Goals: right now is a lean bulk. Looking to be 220lbs at 9-10% that is my main goal .once I reach that I will decide where to go from their.
As of right now I am sticking around 350/250-300 carb/50/4000
Meal 1 2 whole eggs 6 egg whites. 36/0/10/242
Meal 2 chicken breast 12 oz fat trimmed off. 1 cup brown rice. 73/42/4/542
Meal 3 lean red meat 8 oz. 1 cup white rice and broccoli. 2 tsp OO 72/52/17/753
Pwo weigh protein 30/0/0/110
Meal 4 chicken breast 12 oz fat trimmed 2 cups brown rice. 2 tsp OO 77/84/9/754
Meal 5 tilapia 12 oz. 4 oz pasta. 74/84/6/720
Meal 6 8 oz sirloin steak fat trimmed 64/0/3/425
Night time shake. 30/0/0/110

That is what I try to get in everyday roughly. Some days are better then others. Depending on how my appetite is if I can finish all my food for every meal. Which is difficult some days. My questions is suggestions on changes I should make towards my goal weather to up calories more and put on more size first then cut carbs and calories once I'm around 225 to back down some weight and try to reach 9%. Any thoughts?

this actually looks good diet wise.. but your macros dont add up to 4000 calories ... give me some exact numbers please..
Hello sirs. I am posting my info and would greatly appreciate any advice on my diet and exercise. I have read so many things I don't know where to begin. Until 2 years ago I had a very physical welding job but I began teaching and even though I am still active at work it's not nearly the same and my body fat skyrocketed. I have always eaten very healthy but here is what I have been faithfully doing for the past 6 months and I feel like it is not working. I also began a TRT program 6 months ago. I can elaborate on that if needed.

age: 40
weight: 188
height: 6' 0"
bf: 23%
goals: 15% bf or less and increase muscle mass
BMR: 1791.28
TDEE: 2776.484

Workout routine- I alternate days on this:

Day 1: dumbbell press: 2 sets warm up light weight, 4 sets 50lb dumbbells, 3 sets 180lb barbell, 2 sets light weight again-20-30 reps
dumbbell pullover: 3 sets 50lb dumbbell
dumbbell row: 3 sets 50lb dumbbells
shoulder shrugs: 3 sets 50lb dumbbells

Day 2: dumbbell side bend: 3 sets 50lb dumbbell
vertical knee raise: 4 sets
dumbbell curls: 3 sets 40lb dumbells and 3 more sets with 40lbs dumbbells and finish each set with as many as I can do with a 30lb barbell.
tricep extension: 3 sets

It seems that I eat the same meal every day but I like it so it's not hard to do.

6:30 am: 2 pcs whole wheat toast with 1 tbsp. peanut butter and honey
9:30 am: banana and 30g protein bar
11:30 am: 6 oz chicken breast or hamburger patty, 1/2 cup lowfat cottage cheese, 2/3 cup peas, 1/2 jasmine rice (measured cooked)
3:30-4:30pm- workout
4:45 pm: 4 eggs and 1/2 cup lowfat cottage cheese or apple with 4 tbsp. peanut butter
7:00 pm: 6 oz chicken breast or hamburger patty, 1/2 cup veggies, 1/2 cup blueberries

I try not to eat after 7:00pm. If I do it is usually a banana or apple with 3-4 tbsp. peanut butter

I added it up a while back and it's around 1700 calories and 150-170 grams of protein. I also walk a lot at work. That probably counts for something. My workout routine keeps my heart rate up pretty good. I can probably lift heavier but I would have to invest in more weights, which I would be willing to do if I knew I was on the right track. Thanks in advance!

so there is an obvious issue here right?? eating 3600 calories when your body is asking for about 4300 to bulk?? you reduce your protein intake by 100g. its too much.. you need to up your carbs to 500g..
Hello sirs. I am posting my info and would greatly appreciate any advice on my diet and exercise. I have read so many things I don't know where to begin. Until 2 years ago I had a very physical welding job but I began teaching and even though I am still active at work it's not nearly the same and my body fat skyrocketed. I have always eaten very healthy but here is what I have been faithfully doing for the past 6 months and I feel like it is not working. I also began a TRT program 6 months ago. I can elaborate on that if needed.

age: 40
weight: 188
height: 6' 0"
bf: 23%
goals: 15% bf or less and increase muscle mass
BMR: 1791.28
TDEE: 2776.484

Workout routine- I alternate days on this:

Day 1: dumbbell press: 2 sets warm up light weight, 4 sets 50lb dumbbells, 3 sets 180lb barbell, 2 sets light weight again-20-30 reps
dumbbell pullover: 3 sets 50lb dumbbell
dumbbell row: 3 sets 50lb dumbbells
shoulder shrugs: 3 sets 50lb dumbbells

Day 2: dumbbell side bend: 3 sets 50lb dumbbell
vertical knee raise: 4 sets
dumbbell curls: 3 sets 40lb dumbells and 3 more sets with 40lbs dumbbells and finish each set with as many as I can do with a 30lb barbell.
tricep extension: 3 sets

It seems that I eat the same meal every day but I like it so it's not hard to do.

6:30 am: 2 pcs whole wheat toast with 1 tbsp. peanut butter and honey
9:30 am: banana and 30g protein bar
11:30 am: 6 oz chicken breast or hamburger patty, 1/2 cup lowfat cottage cheese, 2/3 cup peas, 1/2 jasmine rice (measured cooked)
3:30-4:30pm- workout
4:45 pm: 4 eggs and 1/2 cup lowfat cottage cheese or apple with 4 tbsp. peanut butter
7:00 pm: 6 oz chicken breast or hamburger patty, 1/2 cup veggies, 1/2 cup blueberries

I try not to eat after 7:00pm. If I do it is usually a banana or apple with 3-4 tbsp. peanut butter

I added it up a while back and it's around 1700 calories and 150-170 grams of protein. I also walk a lot at work. That probably counts for something. My workout routine keeps my heart rate up pretty good. I can probably lift heavier but I would have to invest in more weights, which I would be willing to do if I knew I was on the right track. Thanks in advance!

daily totals please
so there is an obvious issue here right?? eating 3600 calories when your body is asking for about 4300 to bulk?? you reduce your protein intake by 100g. its too much.. you need to up your carbs to 500g..

ok thank you. any recommendation on meals to cut the protein from? better earlier or later in the day? the time when i cut the protein i will also be adding in more carbs for that meal.
daily totals please

The daily totals with chicken instead of beef patties and the banana with peanut butter for bed time snack are:
Protein: 178.5 grams
Fat: 69 grams
Calories: 2089
Carbs: 212 grams

I do cheat on 1 night a week when the family goes out for 3 dollar burger, fries, and lemon water. I also drink about 3/4 gallon of water a day and no soda's.
Ok, here it goes. I said I would come over to the diet forum as suggested by a few of you guys.

Age: 28
Weight: 163.8
Height: 5’6”
BF: Using the picture charts I find online I am 15-16%. The hand-held tester says 12.8 but Im not that lean.
Short term goal: (1-3 months)
I want to get back to 12%bf while maintaining as much lean mass as possible
Mid term goal: (3-9 months)
Lean bulk and put as much mass on my frame as I can without going over 15%bf
Long term goal: (9+ months)
My ultimate goal is to compete in a bodybuilding show. Originally I was going to do a show next October (@165lbs) with the help of AAS but you all recommended I come here and focus on diet until I get a better base. Sucks to hear but I’m glad I did. Now I can do this right and hopefully make excellent habits that will benefit me in the future.

Average daily diet over the past month:

Meal 1: (800am)
Up your mass shake

Meal 2: (1030am)
2 whole eggs (12p/0c/10f/138cal)
2 egg whites (8p/0c/1f/41cal)
2 whole wheat toast (10p/40c/2f/220cal)
1 cup coffee w/ sugar free creamer (0p/2c/1f/15cal)

Lift: (1200pm)

PWO: (130pm)
1 scoop ON vanilla whey (24p/3c/1f/120cal)
1 scoop glycofuse (0p/25c/0f/100cal)

Meal 3: (230pm)
6oz grilled chicken (38p/0c/3f/213cal)
1 cup white rice (4p/45c/0f/206cal)

Meal 4: (530pm)
6oz lean ground turkey (42p/0c/1f/180cal)
1 cup veggie pasta (7p/41c/1f/210cal)

Meal 5: (800pm)
6oz grilled chicken (38p/0c/3f/213cal)
1 medium sweet potato (2p/27c/0f/112cal)

Meal 6: (1030pm)
1 scoop ON casein

Daily Total: (215p/200c/33f/2008cal)

Now this is what I was eating 4-5 days out of the week. The other 2-3 days I would get a sandwich for lunch at quiznos or something, and go out to dinner and get a burger, pizza, sushi, wings...stuff like that. Earlier in the year I cut down to 150lbs and was about 12%bf. I started bulking in August and was gaining an average of 1lb per week with a better diet. Last month kind of sucked because I pulled a muscle by my shoulder blade so my neck was f#$%ed, then just as I was feeling better I got sick! So I could train as much for almost a month, and was obviously not eating super clean because I would go out too often. I would also drink an average of 5 beers and 5 shots per week (just a guess). So half the week I was eating probably 3000+cals and not clean.

I typically workout 4 days per week. Chest/Tris, Back, Off, Delts/Biceps, Legs, Off, Off, repeat. I do 12-15 sets for larger body parts and 6-9 for arms. For the most part I keep the reps under 10 but will do sets of 12-15 for the last exercises. If you guys want I will post up a complete sample week for you.

BMR: 1717
TDEE: 2661

For the last 2 weeks I have been cutting using a carb cycle program. There are 4 moderate carb days and 3 low carb days

Moderate Carb day:
Meal 1 (830am)
1 scoop ON whey

Meal 2 (900am)
3 whole eggs (18p/2c/15f/210cal)
3 egg whites (11p/0c/9f/125cal)
1/2 cup old fashioned oats (5p/27c/3f/150cal)
1 med banana (1p/27c/0f/112cal)

Lift: (1000am)

PWO: (1100am)
2 scoops ON whey (48p/6c/2f/234cal)
1 scoop glycofuse (0p/25c/0f/100cal)

Meal 3 (1200pm)
4oz grilled chicken (30p/0c/8f/110cal)
1 cup white rice (4p/45c/0f/206cal)

Meal 4 (300pm)
4oz lean ground turkey (21p/0c/8f/160cal)
1 cup veggie pasta (7p/41c/1f/210cal)

Meal 5 (600pm)
4oz tilapia (20p/0c/3f/100cal)
100g sweet potato (2p/20c/0f/86cal)

Meal 6 (900pm)
4oz lean beef (21p/0c/4f/130cal)
2 cup veggies (5p/10c/0f/50cal)

Meal 7 (1000)
1 scoop ON casein

Daily total: (241p/208c/51f/2220cal)

Low Carb day:
Meal 1 (830am)
1 scoop ON whey

Meal 2 (900am)
3 whole eggs (18p/2c/15f/210cal)
3 egg whites (11p/0c/9f/125cal)
1/2 cup old fashioned oats (5p/27c/3f/150cal)

Lift: (1000am)

PWO: (1100am)
2 scoops ON whey

Meal 3 (1200pm)
4oz grilled chicken (30p/0c/8f/110cal)
1/2 cup white rice (2p/22c/0f/103cal)

Meal 4 (300pm)
4oz lean ground turkey (21p/0c/8f/160cal)
1/2 cup veggie pasta (4p/20c/0f/105cal)

Meal 5 (600pm)
4oz tilapia (20p/0c/3f/100cal)
100g sweet potato (2p/20c/0f/86cal)

Meal 6 (900pm)
4oz lean beef (21p/0c/4f/130cal)
2 cup veggies (5p/10c/0f/50cal)

Meal 7 (1000)
1 scoop ON casein

Daily total: (234p/113c/50f/1900cal)

Lifting will be
Mon: Chest/Tris
Tues: Back/Calves
Wed: Cardio/abs
Thurs: Delts/Bis
Friday: Legs/Calves
Saturday: Cardio/Abs
Sunday: Off/Food prep
Lifting will be same as before. Cardio will be low intensity incline treadmill.

That took forever to write and probably forever to read. Sorry if it's a bit long-winded but I wanted to include as much info in there as I could. Thanks for looking, now lets see what advice you guys have!
The daily totals with chicken instead of beef patties and the banana with peanut butter for bed time snack are:
Protein: 178.5 grams
Fat: 69 grams
Calories: 2089
Carbs: 212 grams

I do cheat on 1 night a week when the family goes out for 3 dollar burger, fries, and lemon water. I also drink about 3/4 gallon of water a day and no soda's.

Still hoping to get some much needed diet advice from 3J. I'm not sure I'm on the right track. I posted my daily totals as instructed. Thanks in advance sir.