Free Diet Advice from 3J

you need to pick one or the other.. do you want to cut bodyfat or increase mass?
The daily totals with chicken instead of beef patties and the banana with peanut butter for bed time snack are:
Protein: 178.5 grams
Fat: 69 grams
Calories: 2089
Carbs: 212 grams

I do cheat on 1 night a week when the family goes out for 3 dollar burger, fries, and lemon water. I also drink about 3/4 gallon of water a day and no soda's.
Ok, here it goes. I said I would come over to the diet forum as suggested by a few of you guys.

Age: 28
Weight: 163.8
Height: 5***8217;6***8221;
BF: Using the picture charts I find online I am 15-16%. The hand-held tester says 12.8 but Im not that lean.
Short term goal: (1-3 months)
I want to get back to 12%bf while maintaining as much lean mass as possible
Mid term goal: (3-9 months)
Lean bulk and put as much mass on my frame as I can without going over 15%bf
Long term goal: (9+ months)
My ultimate goal is to compete in a bodybuilding show. Originally I was going to do a show next October (@165lbs) with the help of AAS but you all recommended I come here and focus on diet until I get a better base. Sucks to hear but I***8217;m glad I did. Now I can do this right and hopefully make excellent habits that will benefit me in the future.

Average daily diet over the past month:

Meal 1: (800am)
Up your mass shake

Meal 2: (1030am)
2 whole eggs (12p/0c/10f/138cal)
2 egg whites (8p/0c/1f/41cal)
2 whole wheat toast (10p/40c/2f/220cal)
1 cup coffee w/ sugar free creamer (0p/2c/1f/15cal)

Lift: (1200pm)

PWO: (130pm)
1 scoop ON vanilla whey (24p/3c/1f/120cal)
1 scoop glycofuse (0p/25c/0f/100cal)

Meal 3: (230pm)
6oz grilled chicken (38p/0c/3f/213cal)
1 cup white rice (4p/45c/0f/206cal)

Meal 4: (530pm)
6oz lean ground turkey (42p/0c/1f/180cal)
1 cup veggie pasta (7p/41c/1f/210cal)

Meal 5: (800pm)
6oz grilled chicken (38p/0c/3f/213cal)
1 medium sweet potato (2p/27c/0f/112cal)

Meal 6: (1030pm)
1 scoop ON casein

Daily Total: (215p/200c/33f/2008cal)

Now this is what I was eating 4-5 days out of the week. The other 2-3 days I would get a sandwich for lunch at quiznos or something, and go out to dinner and get a burger, pizza, sushi, wings...stuff like that. Earlier in the year I cut down to 150lbs and was about 12%bf. I started bulking in August and was gaining an average of 1lb per week with a better diet. Last month kind of sucked because I pulled a muscle by my shoulder blade so my neck was f#$%ed, then just as I was feeling better I got sick! So I could train as much for almost a month, and was obviously not eating super clean because I would go out too often. I would also drink an average of 5 beers and 5 shots per week (just a guess). So half the week I was eating probably 3000+cals and not clean.

I typically workout 4 days per week. Chest/Tris, Back, Off, Delts/Biceps, Legs, Off, Off, repeat. I do 12-15 sets for larger body parts and 6-9 for arms. For the most part I keep the reps under 10 but will do sets of 12-15 for the last exercises. If you guys want I will post up a complete sample week for you.

BMR: 1717
TDEE: 2661

For the last 2 weeks I have been cutting using a carb cycle program. There are 4 moderate carb days and 3 low carb days

Moderate Carb day:
Meal 1 (830am)
1 scoop ON whey

Meal 2 (900am)
3 whole eggs (18p/2c/15f/210cal)
3 egg whites (11p/0c/9f/125cal)
1/2 cup old fashioned oats (5p/27c/3f/150cal)
1 med banana (1p/27c/0f/112cal)

Lift: (1000am)

PWO: (1100am)
2 scoops ON whey (48p/6c/2f/234cal)
1 scoop glycofuse (0p/25c/0f/100cal)

Meal 3 (1200pm)
4oz grilled chicken (30p/0c/8f/110cal)
1 cup white rice (4p/45c/0f/206cal)

Meal 4 (300pm)
4oz lean ground turkey (21p/0c/8f/160cal)
1 cup veggie pasta (7p/41c/1f/210cal)

Meal 5 (600pm)
4oz tilapia (20p/0c/3f/100cal)
100g sweet potato (2p/20c/0f/86cal)

Meal 6 (900pm)
4oz lean beef (21p/0c/4f/130cal)
2 cup veggies (5p/10c/0f/50cal)

Meal 7 (1000)
1 scoop ON casein

Daily total: (241p/208c/51f/2220cal)

Low Carb day:
Meal 1 (830am)
1 scoop ON whey

Meal 2 (900am)
3 whole eggs (18p/2c/15f/210cal)
3 egg whites (11p/0c/9f/125cal)
1/2 cup old fashioned oats (5p/27c/3f/150cal)

Lift: (1000am)

PWO: (1100am)
2 scoops ON whey

Meal 3 (1200pm)
4oz grilled chicken (30p/0c/8f/110cal)
1/2 cup white rice (2p/22c/0f/103cal)

Meal 4 (300pm)
4oz lean ground turkey (21p/0c/8f/160cal)
1/2 cup veggie pasta (4p/20c/0f/105cal)

Meal 5 (600pm)
4oz tilapia (20p/0c/3f/100cal)
100g sweet potato (2p/20c/0f/86cal)

Meal 6 (900pm)
4oz lean beef (21p/0c/4f/130cal)
2 cup veggies (5p/10c/0f/50cal)

Meal 7 (1000)
1 scoop ON casein

Daily total: (234p/113c/50f/1900cal)

Lifting will be
Mon: Chest/Tris
Tues: Back/Calves
Wed: Cardio/abs
Thurs: Delts/Bis
Friday: Legs/Calves
Saturday: Cardio/Abs
Sunday: Off/Food prep
Lifting will be same as before. Cardio will be low intensity incline treadmill.

That took forever to write and probably forever to read. Sorry if it's a bit long-winded but I wanted to include as much info in there as I could. Thanks for looking, now lets see what advice you guys have!

so the major issue is see here is the use of supplemental protein too much... other than that you have your tdee down and your 500 calories below that..
Thanks for the reply 3J.

So would the best solution be to up the portion size of my proteins each meal and cut out the shake a.m. and p.m.?
Thanks for the reply 3J.

So would the best solution be to up the portion size of my proteins each meal and cut out the shake a.m. and p.m.?

replace the shake with a meal..

you can keep the meal 6 shake.. i'd get rid of the morning one
6:30 am: 2 pcs whole wheat toast with 1 tbsp. peanut butter and honey
where is the protein here??? you wake up in the morning and have no protein?? you need fast acting protien so do two eggs 3 whites or 20g protien from whey
9:30 am: banana and 30g protein bar
eat real food when you can.. drop the bar for meat
11:30 am: 6 oz chicken breast or hamburger patty, 1/2 cup lowfat cottage cheese, 2/3 cup peas, 1/2 jasmine rice (measured cooked)
do chicken or fish here.. not hamburger
3:30-4:30pm- workout
so you eat at 1130, then do not eat till 330?? do you hit the gym between 1230 and 1? if so its ok
4:45 pm: 4 eggs and 1/2 cup lowfat cottage cheese or apple with 4 tbsp. peanut butter
7:00 pm: 6 oz chicken breast or hamburger patty, 1/2 cup veggies, 1/2 cup blueberries
make this burger every time.. you want a slow digesting protein here
6:30 am: 2 pcs whole wheat toast with 1 tbsp. peanut butter and honey
where is the protein here??? you wake up in the morning and have no protein?? you need fast acting protien so do two eggs 3 whites or 20g protien from whey
9:30 am: banana and 30g protein bar
eat real food when you can.. drop the bar for meat
11:30 am: 6 oz chicken breast or hamburger patty, 1/2 cup lowfat cottage cheese, 2/3 cup peas, 1/2 jasmine rice (measured cooked)
do chicken or fish here.. not hamburger
3:30-4:30pm- workout
so you eat at 1130, then do not eat till 330?? do you hit the gym between 1230 and 1? if so its ok
4:45 pm: 4 eggs and 1/2 cup lowfat cottage cheese or apple with 4 tbsp. peanut butter
7:00 pm: 6 oz chicken breast or hamburger patty, 1/2 cup veggies, 1/2 cup blueberries
make this burger every time.. you want a slow digesting protein here

I eat at 11:30 and don't have much time to eat until I get home at 3:30. I have been working out from 3:30 to 4:30. Maybe 1:30 would be a good time to eat a protein bar? I teach high schoolers and cannot leave them for even a minute. I chose to cut body fat but not even sure if that is the right choice. I have been working out regularly for 7 months and want to diet correctly. I figured losing belly fat would be the best start? or should I bulk first?
I eat at 11:30 and don't have much time to eat until I get home at 3:30. I have been working out from 3:30 to 4:30. Maybe 1:30 would be a good time to eat a protein bar? I teach high schoolers and cannot leave them for even a minute. I chose to cut body fat but not even sure if that is the right choice. I have been working out regularly for 7 months and want to diet correctly. I figured losing belly fat would be the best start? or should I bulk first?

thats a personal choice.. look at the season.. its winter for most.. u worried about taking your shirt off?
thats a personal choice.. look at the season.. its winter for most.. u worried about taking your shirt off?

LOL NO! I look good enough for a beautiful woman to fall in love with me and I'm a great salesman because I'm a handsome SOB! However, I do have much room for improvement. I want to be a stickler about diet because I am going to run my first cycle when I get my TRT dosage dialed in. I have read that a person should have low body fat before starting a cycle and that a bulking cycle should be first. Am I thinking correctly?
Here is my info
Age 46
Weight 195
Bf 10%
Goals - cut to 5% ultra-lean but increase lean muscle or at least preserve while cutting. My goal is to get to context shape

BMR formula 1 = 2088
BMR formula 2 = 1857 *

* I chose BMR 2 because I am lean already

TDEE = 2583. ( 1857 x 1.375)


Food Size/Weight Calories(kcal) Protein (g) Carbohydrate (g) of which sugars (g) Fat (g)

Meal 1 (6am)
Hydrolysed Whey Isolate 39g Serving 150 30 2 1 2.5
Meal 2 (9am)
Hydrolysed Whey Isolate 39g Serving 150 30 2 1 2.5
Oats- Quaker, Old Fashioned 40 g 155 5 27 1 3
Meal 3 ***8211; Snack (10:30am)
Protein Bar - Optimum Nutrition 1 full bar 374 20 20 8 6.0
BCAA Capsules 4 Caps
Meal 4 - Post Workout Shake (1:30pm
Hydrolysed Whey Isolate 39g Serving 150 30 2 1 2.5
BCAA Capsules 4 Caps
Banana 1/2 Banana (60g) 57.5 0.75 13.5 7.2 0.2
Meal 5 (3pm)
Chicken Breast 2 Breasts 130g each 353 74.8 0 0 6.8
Almonds 1 ounce/ 28 gr 161 6 6 1 14
String beans (eaten cold) 1/4 portion (90g) 80 0 20 0 0
Meal 6 (5pm)
Hydrolysed Whey Isolate 39g Serving 150 30 2 1 2.5
Meal 7 7pm Dinner
Chicken Breast 2 Breasts 130g each 353 74.8 0 0 6.8
String beans (eaten cold) 1/4 portion (90g) 80 0 20 0 0
Meal 8
Casein Protein Powder 32g Serving 114 24.4 3 1.5 2.5
Fish Oil Capsules 2 Softgels

Daily Total: 2327Kcal 325.75g 117.5g 49.3g
LOL NO! I look good enough for a beautiful woman to fall in love with me and I'm a great salesman because I'm a handsome SOB! However, I do have much room for improvement. I want to be a stickler about diet because I am going to run my first cycle when I get my TRT dosage dialed in. I have read that a person should have low body fat before starting a cycle and that a bulking cycle should be first. Am I thinking correctly?

matters to where your bodyfat is.. if its over 18% yes
Here is my info
Age 46
Weight 195
Bf 10%
Goals - cut to 5% ultra-lean but increase lean muscle or at least preserve while cutting. My goal is to get to context shape

BMR formula 1 = 2088
BMR formula 2 = 1857 *

* I chose BMR 2 because I am lean already

TDEE = 2583. ( 1857 x 1.375)


Food Size/Weight Calories(kcal) Protein (g) Carbohydrate (g) of which sugars (g) Fat (g)

Meal 1 (6am)
Hydrolysed Whey Isolate 39g Serving 150 30 2 1 2.5
Meal 2 (9am)
Hydrolysed Whey Isolate 39g Serving 150 30 2 1 2.5
Oats- Quaker, Old Fashioned 40 g 155 5 27 1 3
Meal 3 ***8211; Snack (10:30am)
Protein Bar - Optimum Nutrition 1 full bar 374 20 20 8 6.0
BCAA Capsules 4 Caps
Meal 4 - Post Workout Shake (1:30pm
Hydrolysed Whey Isolate 39g Serving 150 30 2 1 2.5
BCAA Capsules 4 Caps
Banana 1/2 Banana (60g) 57.5 0.75 13.5 7.2 0.2
Meal 5 (3pm)
Chicken Breast 2 Breasts 130g each 353 74.8 0 0 6.8
Almonds 1 ounce/ 28 gr 161 6 6 1 14
String beans (eaten cold) 1/4 portion (90g) 80 0 20 0 0
Meal 6 (5pm)
Hydrolysed Whey Isolate 39g Serving 150 30 2 1 2.5
Meal 7 7pm Dinner
Chicken Breast 2 Breasts 130g each 353 74.8 0 0 6.8
String beans (eaten cold) 1/4 portion (90g) 80 0 20 0 0
Meal 8
Casein Protein Powder 32g Serving 114 24.4 3 1.5 2.5
Fish Oil Capsules 2 Softgels

Daily Total: 2327Kcal 325.75g 117.5g 49.3g

am i reading this right?? more than half of your meals are whey and a protein bar???
do you see an issue with using that much whey??

I actually didn't realize it was that much until you said it. I'll replace 2 shakes with real food.

Do the macros and calories look correct for what I'm trying to do?

Thanks for the feedback.
Age 21
weight: 180 lb
height 5'10
bf 12%

want to get to 8-10%, get the bottom two abs to pop.

meal 1:60g oats 1 scoop whey 1 cup milk 480 cal 55 carb 43 protein 11 fat
meal 2: 1.5 scoop whey 1 tbsp peanut butter 1 cup milk 414 cal 19carb 48 protein 15 fat
meal 3: 150g turkey 8 oz green beans 266 cal 2 carb 35 protein 10 fat
meal 4: 8 oz swai fillet 8 oz green bean 220 cal 0carb 40 protein 10 fat
meal 5: 1.5 scoop whey 2 tbsp peanut butter 1 cup milk 4 strawberries 490 cal 23 carb 51 protein 21 fat
meal 6:200g cottage cheese 1 slice wheat 280 cal 33 c 30 protein 5 fat
meal 7 1cup milk 1 scoop soy 260 cal 22 carbb 39 protein 1 fat

totoal: 2410 cal 151 carb 286 protein 73 fat

1688.3 bmr tdee 2585
I actually didn't realize it was that much until you said it. I'll replace 2 shakes with real food.

Do the macros and calories look correct for what I'm trying to do?

Thanks for the feedback.

yes i think youll be fine to start.. pay attention to your weight and make changes as needed
Age 21
weight: 180 lb
height 5'10
bf 12%

want to get to 8-10%, get the bottom two abs to pop.

meal 1:60g oats 1 scoop whey 1 cup milk 480 cal 55 carb 43 protein 11 fat
meal 2: 1.5 scoop whey 1 tbsp peanut butter 1 cup milk 414 cal 19carb 48 protein 15 fat
meal 3: 150g turkey 8 oz green beans 266 cal 2 carb 35 protein 10 fat
meal 4: 8 oz swai fillet 8 oz green bean 220 cal 0carb 40 protein 10 fat
meal 5: 1.5 scoop whey 2 tbsp peanut butter 1 cup milk 4 strawberries 490 cal 23 carb 51 protein 21 fat
meal 6:200g cottage cheese 1 slice wheat 280 cal 33 c 30 protein 5 fat
meal 7 1cup milk 1 scoop soy 260 cal 22 carbb 39 protein 1 fat

totoal: 2410 cal 151 carb 286 protein 73 fat

1688.3 bmr tdee 2585

so the macros look good.. im not a fan of milk... im also not a fan of half your protein coming from shakes..

your macros are at your tdee.. so youll likely have to do cardio to drop weight.. what youre looking for is 1-2lbs weight drop a week... check my weight and measurements sticky in the anabolic section so you do that right..

so i would either drop your calories to 2300 and not do cardio at first. or stay at this caloric intake and start with 20 min cardio post workout with a heart rate of 135 5 days a week.. and skip post workout nutrition on the days you do not workout
Yeah, i'll try replacing one more meal with a meat protein source, possibly before workout.

Dropped 2 tbsp of peanut butter, and it comes out to be 2280 cal. How does that seem?
Is it okay to do 3x a week 20 min cardio sessions on top of that or is it too much?

Thanks for the great advice :]