Free Diet Advice from 3J

Hi 3J!

Heres some info, looking to cut that BF% down

Age: 29
Weight: 85kg, 187lbs
Height: 174cm, 5' 8.5"
BF%: 25
Goals: Get BF% below 15 without losing muscle, then do a 10 week test cycle to bulk

I used my foot scale for the bf% (25). Not sure how accurate it is. I'll try and get it tested later.
LBM = 63,5kg
370 + (21.6 x 63,5) = 1741,6

Moderate: 1742 x 1.55 = 2700

This is what I've been doing for a while now:
1700-2000 kcal depending on how much calories I spend. 50% protein, 25% carbs, 25% fat. Chicken, pork, lean red meat, tuna, salmon, low fat cottage cheese, skim milk, veggies, oats, brown rice, recovery drink, whey protein drink, 3 liters of water a day, creatine, animal pak, omega 3 caps, green tea caps, a cup of coffee and/or green tea/day.

I spend about 300-500 calories on cardio (P90X3) 6-7 times a week. Resistance training 4 times a week (Wendler's 5/3/1). I haven't checked what I spend at the gym.

Here's a fairly typical day of eating, except for having the wrong kind of chicken:
View attachment 560367

And this (Keto) is what I've been thinking about starting:
I did this below guide for myself according to the info on this post
Everything in it is of course subject to change. I only started reading up on Keto yesterday so it might be way off, but it's a starting point.

Sun - Fri
140 LBM x 4 = 560 calories from protein
187 pounds x 15 = 2805 maintain cals - 500 = 2305 cutting cals - 560 = 1745 cals from fat
Calories: 2305
Protein: 140 grams, 560 cals
Fat: 194 grams, 1745 cals
Carbs: max 15g

As you go deeper into the diet, and find the need to restrict calories more, you must cut fat calories, not protein.
Eat fat and protein all day everyday except on workout days. After workouts, you will need to consume just protein***8212;no fat or carbs.
Friday afternoon, around two hours before your last workout of the week, eat two to three pieces of fruit.

The weekend carb load (Fri night - Sat midnight)
Your "carb-up" should begin Friday night and last until around midnight Saturday.
64kg LBM x 10 = 640 grams of carbs
After friday workout: 100g carbs + 50g protein in a whey shake. 640 - 100 = 540g
Spread out over the compensation period:
Protein: 140g
Fat: Below 65g
Carbs: 540g

Training (5/3/1)
Mon: Military Press + P90X3 Incinerator or Challenge
Tue: Deadlift + assistance exercises
Wed: Basketball 1 hour
Thu: Bench + P90X3 Eccentric Upper or Complex Upper
Fri: Squat + assistance exercises
Sat/Sun: Rest/stretching

3J: When should I be working out on Keto? On carb load day or not? Also, I probably should start easier with the P90X stuff and add them in later? They can be pretty tough. I think I read the first couple of weeks on Keto you might not be feeling very energetic.

Heres what those P90X workouts entail:
Eccentric Upper:
All exercises: 10 reps; 3 counts eccentric, 1 count concentric
01 Standard Push-Ups
02 Standard Pull-Ups
03 Military Press
04 Military Push-Ups
06 Deep Swimmer***8217;s Press
07Fly Push-Ups
08 V Pull-Ups
09 Upright Hammer Pull
10 Staggered
(5 reps each side)
11 Rocket Launcher Row
12 Lateral/Anterior Raise
(12 reps)
13 Plyo Push-Ups
14 Vaulter Pull-Ups
(5 reps each side)
15 Pterodactyl Flys
16 Rocket Launcher
17 Flip Flop Combo
18 Tricep Skyfers
(5 reps each side)
19 Kneeling Preacher Curl

Complex Upper:
COMPLEX (4 rounds of 5 exercises)
R O U N D 1
01 Slow Mo Chin-Ups (12 reps)
02 X Plyo Push-Ups (8 reps)
03 Lunge Thrust Press (12 reps)
04 W Pull-Ups (12 reps)
05 Push-Up Bird
Dog Crunch (12 reps)
R O U N D 2
R O U N D 3
R O U N D 4

01 Renegade Row (10 reps)
02 Pull-Ups
03 Floor Flys
04 Push-Ups
05Rocket Launcher Row (10 reps)
06 Chin-Ups
07***8220;A***8221; Press (10 reps)
08 Military Push-Ups
09 Monkey Pump (8 reps)
10 Pike Press
11 Pterodactyl Flys (10 reps)
12 Flipper
13 Popeye Hammer Curls (10 reps)
14Kneeler Curls
15 Hail to the Chief (10 reps)
16 Skyfers
17 Arm and Hammer (10 reps)
18 Rocket Launcher Kickbacks

The Challenge:
Pick a number for push-ups, another for pull-ups. Hit that number for every exercise.
01 Wide Pull-Up
02 Standard Push-Up
03 Wide Pull-Up
04 Standard Push-Up
06 Military Push-Up
08 Military Push-Up
09 Close Grip Pull-Up
10 Wide Push-Up
11 Close Grip Pull-Up
12 Wide Push-Up
13 Vaulter Pull-Up ***8211;
Right Hand Forward
14 Staggered Push-Up ***8211;
Right Hand Forward
15 Vaulter Pull-Up ***8211;
Left Hand Forward
16 Staggered Push-Up ***8211;
Left Hand Forward

EDIT: I got the Lyle McDonald Keto book. Reading up on it. Of course concise to the point info is greatly appreciated as the book is really extensive.

Also got the Bacon & Butter: The Ultimate Ketogenic Diet Cookbook by Celby Richoux
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Well, in persuit of some improvement, here I go

Any help is allways a gift, so here I go:

Age: 32

Weight kg: 73
Height mt: 1.69
BF: 20%

BMR: 1631,44
TDEE: 2528,732

GOALS: BF=12%, gain a sixpack, Weight 80 kg

Workout (calisthenics with aditional weight):
Day 1: Upper Body without abs
Day 2: Lower Body
Day 3: Upper Body without abs
Day 4: Lower Body
Day 5: Upper Body without abs
Day 6-7: Rest + abs
I do not cardio ever.

Diet From the last 12 months

Days 1 - 5 (all my meals are cooked or roasted without cooking oil)


1 Egg, whole, cooked: 71/ 5.2/ 0.5/ 5.3
4 Egg, white only, cooked: 106/ 5.7/ 0.8/ 11.9
12 oz Milk, 2% fat: 170/ 6.7/ 16.3/ 11.2

Between Breakfast and Lunch:
12 oz Milk, 2% fat: 170/ 6.7/ 16.3/ 11.2
30 gr metrx ultramiosyn whey: 120/ 2.4/ 3.0/ 21.9

250 gr Chicken, breast, cooked: 375/ 8.8/ 0.0/ 70.4
125 gr Spaghetti Doria cooked: 438/ 0.0/ 92.2/ 17.2

Between Lunch and Dinner:
1 Egg, whole, cooked: 71/ 5.2/ 0.5/ 5.3
4 Egg, white only, cooked: 106/ 5.7/ 0.8/ 11.9

Post Workout:
30 gr metrx ultramiosyn whey: 120/ 2.4/ 3.0/ 21.9

250 gr Chicken, breast, cooked: 375/ 8.8/ 0.0/ 70.4
125 gr Spaghetti Doria cooked: 438/ 0.0/ 92.2/ 17.2

Totals: 2559/ 57.6/ 225.7/ 275.7

Days 6 - 7 (the same than the other five days, plus all junkfood that I can eat, plus xenical)

In adition:

-I've noticed that carbs fattening me easily.
-Fats cause me terrible acne.
-On one year I lose 15 kg and I am in better shape, but since 4 months ago I dont see any improvement, becouse that I will to start a soft 8 weeks ciclye with Testoviron 250mg + Deca 100mg, hcg 1500ui on weeks 9-10 and tamoxifen 30mg-20mg-10mg on weeks 11-13. And maybe Mesterolona 25mg daily from weeks 2-8.

Thanks for your help.

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Yeah, i'll try replacing one more meal with a meat protein source, possibly before workout.

Dropped 2 tbsp of peanut butter, and it comes out to be 2280 cal. How does that seem?
Is it okay to do 3x a week 20 min cardio sessions on top of that or is it too much?

Thanks for the great advice :]

that looks good
Hi 3J!

Heres some info, looking to cut that BF% down

Age: 29
Weight: 85kg, 187lbs
Height: 174cm, 5' 8.5"
BF%: 25
Goals: Get BF% below 15 without losing muscle, then do a 10 week test cycle to bulk

I used my foot scale for the bf% (25). Not sure how accurate it is. I'll try and get it tested later.
LBM = 63,5kg
370 + (21.6 x 63,5) = 1741,6

Moderate: 1742 x 1.55 = 2700

This is what I've been doing for a while now:
1700-2000 kcal depending on how much calories I spend. 50% protein, 25% carbs, 25% fat. Chicken, pork, lean red meat, tuna, salmon, low fat cottage cheese, skim milk, veggies, oats, brown rice, recovery drink, whey protein drink, 3 liters of water a day, creatine, animal pak, omega 3 caps, green tea caps, a cup of coffee and/or green tea/day.

I spend about 300-500 calories on cardio (P90X3) 6-7 times a week. Resistance training 4 times a week (Wendler's 5/3/1). I haven't checked what I spend at the gym.

Here's a fairly typical day of eating, except for having the wrong kind of chicken:
View attachment 560367

And this (Keto) is what I've been thinking about starting:
I did this below guide for myself according to the info on this post
Everything in it is of course subject to change. I only started reading up on Keto yesterday so it might be way off, but it's a starting point.

Sun - Fri
140 LBM x 4 = 560 calories from protein
187 pounds x 15 = 2805 maintain cals - 500 = 2305 cutting cals - 560 = 1745 cals from fat
Calories: 2305
Protein: 140 grams, 560 cals
Fat: 194 grams, 1745 cals
Carbs: max 15g

As you go deeper into the diet, and find the need to restrict calories more, you must cut fat calories, not protein.
Eat fat and protein all day everyday except on workout days. After workouts, you will need to consume just protein***8212;no fat or carbs.
Friday afternoon, around two hours before your last workout of the week, eat two to three pieces of fruit.

The weekend carb load (Fri night - Sat midnight)
Your "carb-up" should begin Friday night and last until around midnight Saturday.
64kg LBM x 10 = 640 grams of carbs
After friday workout: 100g carbs + 50g protein in a whey shake. 640 - 100 = 540g
Spread out over the compensation period:
Protein: 140g
Fat: Below 65g
Carbs: 540g

Training (5/3/1)
Mon: Military Press + P90X3 Incinerator or Challenge
Tue: Deadlift + assistance exercises
Wed: Basketball 1 hour
Thu: Bench + P90X3 Eccentric Upper or Complex Upper
Fri: Squat + assistance exercises
Sat/Sun: Rest/stretching

3J: When should I be working out on Keto? On carb load day or not? Also, I probably should start easier with the P90X stuff and add them in later? They can be pretty tough. I think I read the first couple of weeks on Keto you might not be feeling very energetic.

Heres what those P90X workouts entail:
Eccentric Upper:
All exercises: 10 reps; 3 counts eccentric, 1 count concentric
01 Standard Push-Ups
02 Standard Pull-Ups
03 Military Press
04 Military Push-Ups
06 Deep Swimmer***8217;s Press
07Fly Push-Ups
08 V Pull-Ups
09 Upright Hammer Pull
10 Staggered
(5 reps each side)
11 Rocket Launcher Row
12 Lateral/Anterior Raise
(12 reps)
13 Plyo Push-Ups
14 Vaulter Pull-Ups
(5 reps each side)
15 Pterodactyl Flys
16 Rocket Launcher
17 Flip Flop Combo
18 Tricep Skyfers
(5 reps each side)
19 Kneeling Preacher Curl

Complex Upper:
COMPLEX (4 rounds of 5 exercises)
R O U N D 1
01 Slow Mo Chin-Ups (12 reps)
02 X Plyo Push-Ups (8 reps)
03 Lunge Thrust Press (12 reps)
04 W Pull-Ups (12 reps)
05 Push-Up Bird
Dog Crunch (12 reps)
R O U N D 2
R O U N D 3
R O U N D 4

01 Renegade Row (10 reps)
02 Pull-Ups
03 Floor Flys
04 Push-Ups
05Rocket Launcher Row (10 reps)
06 Chin-Ups
07***8220;A***8221; Press (10 reps)
08 Military Push-Ups
09 Monkey Pump (8 reps)
10 Pike Press
11 Pterodactyl Flys (10 reps)
12 Flipper
13 Popeye Hammer Curls (10 reps)
14Kneeler Curls
15 Hail to the Chief (10 reps)
16 Skyfers
17 Arm and Hammer (10 reps)
18 Rocket Launcher Kickbacks

The Challenge:
Pick a number for push-ups, another for pull-ups. Hit that number for every exercise.
01 Wide Pull-Up
02 Standard Push-Up
03 Wide Pull-Up
04 Standard Push-Up
06 Military Push-Up
08 Military Push-Up
09 Close Grip Pull-Up
10 Wide Push-Up
11 Close Grip Pull-Up
12 Wide Push-Up
13 Vaulter Pull-Up ***8211;
Right Hand Forward
14 Staggered Push-Up ***8211;
Right Hand Forward
15 Vaulter Pull-Up ***8211;
Left Hand Forward
16 Staggered Push-Up ***8211;
Left Hand Forward

EDIT: I got the Lyle McDonald Keto book. Reading up on it. Of course concise to the point info is greatly appreciated as the book is really extensive.

Also got the Bacon & Butter: The Ultimate Ketogenic Diet Cookbook by Celby Richoux

please type out your diet
Any help is allways a gift, so here I go:

Age: 32

Weight kg: 73
Height mt: 1.69
BF: 20%

BMR: 1631,44
TDEE: 2528,732

GOALS: BF=12%, gain a sixpack, Weight 80 kg

Workout (calisthenics with aditional weight):
Day 1: Upper Body without abs
Day 2: Lower Body
Day 3: Upper Body without abs
Day 4: Lower Body
Day 5: Upper Body without abs
Day 6-7: Rest + abs
I do not cardio ever.

Diet From the last 12 months

Days 1 - 5 (all my meals are cooked or roasted without cooking oil)


1 Egg, whole, cooked: 71/ 5.2/ 0.5/ 5.3
4 Egg, white only, cooked: 106/ 5.7/ 0.8/ 11.9
12 oz Milk, 2% fat: 170/ 6.7/ 16.3/ 11.2
get rid of the milk.. add one whole egg and 1 egg white to replace it
Between Breakfast and Lunch:
12 oz Milk, 2% fat: 170/ 6.7/ 16.3/ 11.2
30 gr metrx ultramiosyn whey: 120/ 2.4/ 3.0/ 21.9
this is crap... you should be eating real food.. but if you cant replace the milk with unsweetened plain almond milk
250 gr Chicken, breast, cooked: 375/ 8.8/ 0.0/ 70.4
125 gr Spaghetti Doria cooked: 438/ 0.0/ 92.2/ 17.2
reduce your carbs here to 50g
Between Lunch and Dinner:
1 Egg, whole, cooked: 71/ 5.2/ 0.5/ 5.3
4 Egg, white only, cooked: 106/ 5.7/ 0.8/ 11.9

Post Workout:
30 gr metrx ultramiosyn whey: 120/ 2.4/ 3.0/ 21.9
so no carbs post workout??
250 gr Chicken, breast, cooked: 375/ 8.8/ 0.0/ 70.4
125 gr Spaghetti Doria cooked: 438/ 0.0/ 92.2/ 17.2
remove carbs here.. take them and put them in your post workout.. reduce carbs to 50g.. do a whole white bagel post workout if you can.. or white bread.. change chicken toa lean beef at 200g
Totals: 2559/ 57.6/ 225.7/ 275.7

Days 6 - 7 (the same than the other five days, plus all junkfood that I can eat, plus xenical)

In adition:

-I've noticed that carbs fattening me easily.
-Fats cause me terrible acne.
-On one year I lose 15 kg and I am in better shape, but since 4 months ago I dont see any improvement, becouse that I will to start a soft 8 weeks ciclye with Testoviron 250mg + Deca 100mg, hcg 1500ui on weeks 9-10 and tamoxifen 30mg-20mg-10mg on weeks 11-13. And maybe Mesterolona 25mg daily from weeks 2-8.

Thanks for your help.


since your tdee is 2500 calories.. you should be eating at about 2200 calories.. with the adjustments i have made thats just about where you should be
please type out your diet

Thats my diet in the post right there:
"1700-2000 kcal depending on how much calories I spend. 50% protein, 25% carbs, 25% fat. Chicken, pork, lean red meat, tuna, salmon, low fat cottage cheese, skim milk, veggies, oats, brown rice, recovery drink, whey protein drink, 3 liters of water a day, creatine, animal pak, omega 3 caps, green tea caps, a cup of coffee and/or green tea/day.

Here's a fairly typical day of eating, except for having the wrong kind of chicken:"

Cant be more specific cause it changes from day to day
Ok so here goes. We've been in contact 3J through email. I look forward to your critique!


age: 31
weight: 152 lbs
height: 5', 6***8221;
~about 18% bodyfat
121.3lb = lean body weight (55.1 kg)
1560.16 --1600 calories BMR
TDEE ***8211;2400***8211;2500 ish

Workout: 3x/week M/W/F--push/pull routine rotated. Each workout I usually do one of the main 3 focused on strength--bench and squat worked up to 3x5. Deadlift worked up to 1x5. Where there are two pushes in a week I squat heavy once a week (otherwise I usually deweight and rep squat 10-20 for one set). I deadlift every other week so as to not over train. Otherwise I do ancillary for hypertrophy. I was a home brewer for a while and now I'm a skinny fat dude w/ a small beer gut. My goal right now is to put as much strength and size on until I cut in April-May-ish. Obviously I would like to minimize any fat. Also with my job I would say I fall into moderately active.

Meal 1

Bagel - Bagel, 0.5 bagel (98 g)
Eggs - Scrambled (whole egg), 200 g
Dietz & Watson - White American Cheese, 15.75 g

Calories: 517
Carbs: 28
Fat: 30
Protein: 31

**Workout ~1 hour later**

Meal 2

Chobani - Plain Nonfat Yogurt, 5.3 OUNCES
San - Rawfusion Protein Powder, 1 scoop
Honey, 2.5 tbsp

Calories: 366
Carbs: 55
Fat: 1
Protein: 36

Meal 3

San - Rawfusion Protein Powder, 1 scoop
Chobani - Plain Nonfat Yogurt, 5.3 OUNCES
Bananas - Raw, 1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long)
Skippy - Creamy Peanut Butter - Peanut Butter, 32 g (2 tbsp.)
Raspberries - Raw, 0.5 cup
Quaker Old Fashioned Oatmeal - Old Fashioned Oats, 1 Cup Dry

Calories: 733
Carbs: 106
Fat: 23
Protein: 55

Meal 4

Turkey Breast - Lunch Meat, 4 slices
Bread - Whole-wheat, 1 slice(s)
Emerald. - Dry Roasted Almonds, 0.5 oz (about 1/4 cup, 28g)
Bananas - Raw, 1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long)

Calories: 304
Carbs: 45
Fat: 9
Protein: 16

Meal 5

Purdue boneless chicken breast.. - chicken, 3 ounces cooked
Spinach - Raw, 0.75 cup
Minute Rice - Brown Rice Cup, 1 cup(s)
Potato - Mashed Homemade, 1 cup
Generic - Broccli, 3 oz

Calories: 585
Carbs: 101
Fat: 8
Protein: 37

Meal 6

San - Rawfusion Protein Powder, 0.5 scoop
Lactaid - 2% Milk, 1 cup
Skippy - Creamy Peanut Butter - Peanut Butter, 48 g (2 tbsp)

Calories: 473
Carbs: 25
Fat: 29
Protein: 30



Calories: 2,978
Carbs: 360
Fat: 100
Protein: 205

There are some things that are interchangeable. Like instead of chicken I'll have bison, filet mignon or tuna fish. And instead of mashed potatoes I'll have baked macaroni. The daily total usually winds up the same.
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***Looking through this thread, I didn't break each food. It's too late to edit so I've reposted it correctly.***

Ok so here goes. We've been in contact 3J through email. I look forward to your critique!


age: 31
weight: 152 lbs
height: 5', 6***8221;
~about 18% bodyfat
121.3lb = lean body weight (55.1 kg)
1560.16 --1600 calories BMR
TDEE ***8211;2400***8211;2500 ish

Workout: 3x/week M/W/F--push/pull routine rotated. Each workout I usually do one of the main 3 focused on strength--bench and squat worked up to 3x5. Deadlift worked up to 1x5. Where there are two pushes in a week I squat heavy once a week (otherwise I usually deweight and rep squat 10-20 for one set). I deadlift every other week so as to not over train. Otherwise I do ancillary for hypertrophy. I was a home brewer for a while and now I'm a skinny fat dude w/ a small beer gut. My goal right now is to put as much strength and size on until I cut in April-May-ish. Obviously I would like to minimize any fat. Also with my job I would say I fall into moderately active.

Meal 1

Bagel - Bagel, 0.5 bagel (98 g) // calories: 123 carbs: 24 fat: 1 protein: 5
Eggs - Scrambled (whole egg), 200 g // calories: 332 carbs: 4 fat: 24 protein: 22
Dietz & Watson - American Cheese, 15.75 g // calories: 62 carbs: 0 fat: 5 protein: 4

Calories: 517
Carbs: 28
Fat: 30
Protein: 31

**Workout ~1 hour later**

Meal 2

Chobani - Plain Nonfat Yogurt, 5.3 OUNCES // calories: 90 carbs: 7 fat: 0 protein: 15
San - Rawfusion Protein Powder, 1 scoop // calories: 116 carbs: 5 fat: 1 protein: 21
Honey, 2.5 tbsp. // calories: 160 carbs: 43 fat: 0 protein: 0

Calories: 366
Carbs: 55
Fat: 1
Protein: 36

Meal 3

San - Rawfusion Protein Powder, 1 scoop // calories: 116 carbs: 5 fat: 1 protein: 21
Chobani - Plain Nonfat Yogurt, 5.3 OUNCES // calories: 90 carbs: 7 fat: 0 protein: 15
Bananas - Raw, 1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long) // calories: 105 carbs: 27 fat: 0 protein: 1
Skippy - Creamy Peanut Butter - Peanut Butter, 32 g (2 tbsp.) // calories: 190 carbs: 6 fat: 16 protein: 7
Raspberries - Raw, 0.5 cup // calories: 32 carbs: 7 fat: 0 protein: 1
Quaker Old Fashioned Oatmeal - Old Fashioned Oats, 1 Cup Dry // calories: 200 carbs: 54 fat: 6 protein: 10

Calories: 733
Carbs: 106
Fat: 23
Protein: 55

Meal 4

Turkey Breast - Lunch Meat, 4 slices // calories: 50 carbs: 1 fat: 1 protein: 9
Bread - Whole-wheat, 1 slice(s) // calories: 69 carbs: 13 fat: 1 protein: 3
Emerald. - Dry Roasted Almonds, 0.5 oz (about 1/4 cup, 28g) // calories: 80 carbs: 4 fat: 7 protein: 3
Bananas - Raw, 1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long) // calories: 105 carbs: 27 fat: 0 protein: 1

Calories: 304
Carbs: 45
Fat: 9
Protein: 16

Meal 5

Purdue boneless chicken breast.. - chicken, 3 ounces cooked // calories: 120 carbs: 0 fat: 1 protein: 23
Spinach - Raw, 0.75 cup // calories: 5 carbs: 1 fat: 0 protein: 1
Minute Rice - Brown Rice Cup, 1 cup(s) // calories: 300 carbs: 68 fat: 3 protein: 6
Potato - Mashed Homemade, 1 cup // calories: 130 carbs: 26 fat: 4 protein: 5
Generic - Broccli, 3 oz // calories: 30 carbs: 6 fat: 0 protein: 2

Calories: 585
Carbs: 101
Fat: 8
Protein: 37

Meal 6

San - Rawfusion Protein Powder, 0.5 scoop // calories: 58 carbs: 3 fat: 0 protein: 11
Lactaid - 2% Milk, 1 cup // calories: 130 carbs: 13 fat: 5 protein: 8
Skippy - Creamy Peanut Butter - Peanut Butter, 48 g (2 tbsp) // calories: 285 carbs: 9 fat: 24 protein: 11

Calories: 473
Carbs: 25
Fat: 29
Protein: 30



Calories: 2,978
Carbs: 360
Fat: 100
Protein: 205

There are some things that are interchangeable. Like instead of chicken I'll have bison, filet mignon or tuna fish. And instead of mashed potatoes I'll have baked macaroni. The daily total usually winds up the same.
How do you feel about this calculators results for a CKD?

I got:
2353 kcal Daily Calorie Intake
25 g Carbohydrates (4%, 100 kcal)
140 g Protein (24%, 560 kcal)
188 g Fat (72%, 1693 kcal)

Choosing medium activity, 23% BF, 15% deficit
Thats my diet in the post right there:
"1700-2000 kcal depending on how much calories I spend. 50% protein, 25% carbs, 25% fat. Chicken, pork, lean red meat, tuna, salmon, low fat cottage cheese, skim milk, veggies, oats, brown rice, recovery drink, whey protein drink, 3 liters of water a day, creatine, animal pak, omega 3 caps, green tea caps, a cup of coffee and/or green tea/day.

Here's a fairly typical day of eating, except for having the wrong kind of chicken:"

Cant be more specific cause it changes from day to day

its an attachemnt.. type it out
im guessing youre looking to bulk?? if so here is my free critique.. you did not put goals in it
Ok so here goes. We've been in contact 3J through email. I look forward to your critique!


age: 31
weight: 152 lbs
height: 5', 6***8221;
~about 18% bodyfat
121.3lb = lean body weight (55.1 kg)
1560.16 --1600 calories BMR
TDEE ***8211;2400***8211;2500 ish

Workout: 3x/week M/W/F--push/pull routine rotated. Each workout I usually do one of the main 3 focused on strength--bench and squat worked up to 3x5. Deadlift worked up to 1x5. Where there are two pushes in a week I squat heavy once a week (otherwise I usually deweight and rep squat 10-20 for one set). I deadlift every other week so as to not over train. Otherwise I do ancillary for hypertrophy. I was a home brewer for a while and now I'm a skinny fat dude w/ a small beer gut. My goal right now is to put as much strength and size on until I cut in April-May-ish. Obviously I would like to minimize any fat. Also with my job I would say I fall into moderately active.

Meal 1

Bagel - Bagel, 0.5 bagel (98 g)
Eggs - Scrambled (whole egg), 200 g
Dietz & Watson - White American Cheese, 15.75 g
reduce your fats... up your carbs and protein.. you need fast acting protein here.. eating high fats slows the digestion process.. i have no idea with dietz and watson is.. if its just cheese thats ok.. just use a cheese with less fat
Calories: 517
Carbs: 28
Fat: 30
Protein: 31

**Workout ~1 hour later**
so no post workout nutrition?? no fast acting protein and carbs??? 30g whey isolate and a semi simple carb like a white bagel works
Meal 2

Chobani - Plain Nonfat Yogurt, 5.3 OUNCES
San - Rawfusion Protein Powder, 1 scoop
Honey, 2.5 tbsp

Calories: 366
Carbs: 55
Fat: 1
Protein: 36

Meal 3

San - Rawfusion Protein Powder, 1 scoop
Chobani - Plain Nonfat Yogurt, 5.3 OUNCES
Bananas - Raw, 1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long)
Skippy - Creamy Peanut Butter - Peanut Butter, 32 g (2 tbsp.)
Raspberries - Raw, 0.5 cup
Quaker Old Fashioned Oatmeal - Old Fashioned Oats, 1 Cup Dry

Calories: 733
Carbs: 106
Fat: 23
Protein: 55

Meal 4

Turkey Breast - Lunch Meat, 4 slices
Bread - Whole-wheat, 1 slice(s)
Emerald. - Dry Roasted Almonds, 0.5 oz (about 1/4 cup, 28g)
Bananas - Raw, 1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long)

Calories: 304
Carbs: 45
Fat: 9
Protein: 16
you should try to evenly divide your protein through the day.. you only have 16g here while you average 40-50 in other meals
Meal 5

Purdue boneless chicken breast.. - chicken, 3 ounces cooked
Spinach - Raw, 0.75 cup
Minute Rice - Brown Rice Cup, 1 cup(s)
Potato - Mashed Homemade, 1 cup
Generic - Broccli, 3 oz

Calories: 585
Carbs: 101
Fat: 8
Protein: 37

Meal 6

San - Rawfusion Protein Powder, 0.5 scoop
Lactaid - 2% Milk, 1 cup
Skippy - Creamy Peanut Butter - Peanut Butter, 48 g (2 tbsp)
your final meal of the day should have a high amount of protein from beef, casein, or dairy like the chobani youre using in the day.. you want a slow digesting protein before bed
Calories: 473
Carbs: 25
Fat: 29
Protein: 30



Calories: 2,978
Carbs: 360
Fat: 100
Protein: 205

There are some things that are interchangeable. Like instead of chicken I'll have bison, filet mignon or tuna fish. And instead of mashed potatoes I'll have baked macaroni. The daily total usually winds up the same.

seems your calories are in the right place.. but your protein should go up about 50g.. your carbs should be good.. your fats need to drop to make up the difference
How do you feel about this calculators results for a CKD?

I got:
2353 kcal Daily Calorie Intake
25 g Carbohydrates (4%, 100 kcal)
140 g Protein (24%, 560 kcal)
188 g Fat (72%, 1693 kcal)

Choosing medium activity, 23% BF, 15% deficit

hi... i dont know what calculator that is.. i dont know your stats.. so i cant give a straight forward answer..

i can tell you your protein intake should be higher on a keto diet.. the lower the carbs the higher the protein should be to a limit (too high and glycogenesis occurs in the liver and protein is turned into glucose.. i would take your protein up to 220g and reduce your fats to make up for it)
165 lbs
175 cms
18% approx (not sure)

My current macros are 2806 cals, 392c/65f/162p (300 over), as im doing a deload, usually i eat 750 above my TDEE, i change my macros everytime i stop gaining. still natural
BMR 1714
TDEE 2506
Breakfast 313 cals, 31c/18f/12p
peanut butter
brown bread

Pre Workout 720 cals, 117c/13f/40p
oats with whey protein(this is also my pre workout meal as i wokout in the morning)

Lunch 712 cals, 121c/10f/42p
Brown Rice
Chicken breast
Pigeon Peas Soup (Indian dish)

Snacks 722 cals, 89c/24f/16p
Soy milk

Evening snack 187 cals, 0c/1f/39p
Egg whites (depends how many, usually 10-11)

Dinner 234cals, 41c/0f/16p
Green Gram
Chickpea Raw
Red Lentils

My Workout (5x a week, lyle mc donalds generic bulking routine)
Monday - Upper body
Tuesday - Lower body
Wednesday - Cardio 20 mins/ abs 20x5, shrugs and other small muscles
Thursday - Upper Body
Friday - Lower body

I also need help with the macros while "on"..40/40/20?
Last edited:
Thanks for the comments 3J! I requoted my/your post and made comments in red to help read easier.

***Looking through this thread, I didn't break each food. It's too late to edit so I've reposted it correctly.***

im guessing youre looking to bulk?? if so here is my free critique.. you did not put goals in it

My fault. I did put "My goal right now is to put as much strength and size on until I cut in April-May-ish. I would like to minimize any fat. Also with my job I would say I fall into moderately active".

But yeah I meant bulking.

Ok so here goes. We've been in contact 3J through email. I look forward to your critique!


age: 31
weight: 152 lbs
height: 5', 6***8221;
~about 18% bodyfat
121.3lb = lean body weight (55.1 kg)
1560.16 --1600 calories BMR
TDEE ***8211;2400***8211;2500 ish

Workout: 3x/week M/W/F--push/pull routine rotated. Each workout I usually do one of the main 3 focused on strength--bench and squat worked up to 3x5. Deadlift worked up to 1x5. Where there are two pushes in a week I squat heavy once a week (otherwise I usually deweight and rep squat 10-20 for one set). I deadlift every other week so as to not over train. Otherwise I do ancillary for hypertrophy. I was a home brewer for a while and now I'm a skinny fat dude w/ a small beer gut. My goal right now is to put as much strength and size on until I cut in April-May-ish. Obviously I would like to minimize any fat. Also with my job I would say I fall into moderately active.

Meal 1

Bagel - Bagel, 0.5 bagel (98 g) // calories: 123 carbs: 24 fat: 1 protein: 5
Eggs - Scrambled (whole egg), 200 g // calories: 332 carbs: 4 fat: 24 protein: 22
Dietz & Watson - American Cheese, 15.75 g // calories: 62 carbs: 0 fat: 5 protein: 4

reduce your fats... up your carbs and protein.. you need fast acting protein here.. eating high fats slows the digestion process.. i have no idea with dietz and watson is.. if its just cheese thats ok.. just use a cheese with less fat

Yes, dietz and watson was the brand. If you say in the end that my carbs are about right and I up them here, I should reduce later accordingly later, yes? Would the purpose of upping carbs be for preworkout?

Calories: 517
Carbs: 28
Fat: 30
Protein: 31

**Workout ~1 hour later**

so no post workout nutrition?? no fast acting protein and carbs??? 30g whey isolate and a semi simple carb like a white bagel works

Sorry. Meal 2 is my actual post workout meal. I was using the Honey for simple carbs. And I was using San Rawfusion b/c I thought I had a lactose intolerance issue. Apparently that's not the case and I'm experimenting with PES Select protein (Milk Isolate and Whey concentrate).

Meal 2

Chobani - Plain Nonfat Yogurt, 5.3 OUNCES // calories: 90 carbs: 7 fat: 0 protein: 15
San - Rawfusion Protein Powder, 1 scoop // calories: 116 carbs: 5 fat: 1 protein: 21
Honey, 2.5 tbsp. // calories: 160 carbs: 43 fat: 0 protein: 0

Calories: 366
Carbs: 55
Fat: 1
Protein: 36

Meal 3

San - Rawfusion Protein Powder, 1 scoop // calories: 116 carbs: 5 fat: 1 protein: 21
Chobani - Plain Nonfat Yogurt, 5.3 OUNCES // calories: 90 carbs: 7 fat: 0 protein: 15
Bananas - Raw, 1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long) // calories: 105 carbs: 27 fat: 0 protein: 1
Skippy - Creamy Peanut Butter - Peanut Butter, 32 g (2 tbsp.) // calories: 190 carbs: 6 fat: 16 protein: 7
Raspberries - Raw, 0.5 cup // calories: 32 carbs: 7 fat: 0 protein: 1
Quaker Old Fashioned Oatmeal - Old Fashioned Oats, 1 Cup Dry // calories: 200 carbs: 54 fat: 6 protein: 10

Calories: 733
Carbs: 106
Fat: 23
Protein: 55

Meal 4

Turkey Breast - Lunch Meat, 4 slices // calories: 50 carbs: 1 fat: 1 protein: 9
Bread - Whole-wheat, 1 slice(s) // calories: 69 carbs: 13 fat: 1 protein: 3
Emerald. - Dry Roasted Almonds, 0.5 oz (about 1/4 cup, 28g) // calories: 80 carbs: 4 fat: 7 protein: 3
Bananas - Raw, 1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long) // calories: 105 carbs: 27 fat: 0 protein: 1

Calories: 304
Carbs: 45
Fat: 9
Protein: 16

you should try to evenly divide your protein through the day.. you only have 16g here while you average 40-50 in other meals

Ok. This is a quick snack at work that I chow down quickly. I'll see what I can move around. Hmm

Meal 5

Purdue boneless chicken breast.. - chicken, 3 ounces cooked // calories: 120 carbs: 0 fat: 1 protein: 23
Spinach - Raw, 0.75 cup // calories: 5 carbs: 1 fat: 0 protein: 1
Minute Rice - Brown Rice Cup, 1 cup(s) // calories: 300 carbs: 68 fat: 3 protein: 6
Potato - Mashed Homemade, 1 cup // calories: 130 carbs: 26 fat: 4 protein: 5
Generic - Broccli, 3 oz // calories: 30 carbs: 6 fat: 0 protein: 2

Calories: 585
Carbs: 101
Fat: 8
Protein: 37

Meal 6

San - Rawfusion Protein Powder, 0.5 scoop // calories: 58 carbs: 3 fat: 0 protein: 11
Lactaid - 2% Milk, 1 cup // calories: 130 carbs: 13 fat: 5 protein: 8
Skippy - Creamy Peanut Butter - Peanut Butter, 48 g (2 tbsp) // calories: 285 carbs: 9 fat: 24 protein: 11

your final meal of the day should have a high amount of protein from beef, casein, or dairy like the chobani youre using in the day.. you want a slow digesting protein before bed

Yeah I was using the Rawfusion for a lactose issue. And I was hoping the milk slowed things down some. But now I'm using the PES Select w/ milk. That sound better?

Calories: 473
Carbs: 25
Fat: 29
Protein: 30



Calories: 2,978
Carbs: 360
Fat: 100
Protein: 205

There are some things that are interchangeable. Like instead of chicken I'll have bison, filet mignon or tuna fish. And instead of mashed potatoes I'll have baked macaroni. The daily total usually winds up the same.

seems your calories are in the right place.. but your protein should go up about 50g.. your carbs should be good.. your fats need to drop to make up the difference

Ok--cut the fat but make up for it in protein? So go up 50g protein (200 calories) and cut back about 22g fat?

I really appreciate all the help here and through email thus far.
165 lbs
175 cms
18% approx (not sure)

My current macros are 2806 cals, 392c/65f/162p (300 over), as im doing a deload, usually i eat 750 above my TDEE, i change my macros everytime i stop gaining. still natural
BMR 1714
TDEE 2506
Breakfast 313 cals, 31c/18f/12p
peanut butter
brown bread

Pre Workout 720 cals, 117c/13f/40p
oats with whey protein(this is also my pre workout meal as i wokout in the morning)

Lunch 712 cals, 121c/10f/42p
Brown Rice
Chicken breast
Pigeon Peas Soup (Indian dish)

Snacks 722 cals, 89c/24f/16p
Soy milk

Evening snack 187 cals, 0c/1f/39p
Egg whites (depends how many, usually 10-11)

Dinner 234cals, 41c/0f/16p
Green Gram
Chickpea Raw
Red Lentils

My Workout (5x a week, lyle mc donalds generic bulking routine)
Monday - Upper body
Tuesday - Lower body
Wednesday - Cardio 20 mins/ abs 20x5, shrugs and other small muscles
Thursday - Upper Body
Friday - Lower body

I also need help with the macros while "on"..40/40/20?

I'm still waiting, i think im the only one whos diet has not been critiqued.. :(
looking to start the first real cut ive done this and im going out my mind trying to understand this, here is what ive come up with

BMR: 1900
WORK: 850
GYM: 350

recovering shoulder injury so weights are low with cardio

23 year old 5ft 11 male about 80kg 14-16%

protein - 2g x BM = 161g
fats - 1g x LBM= 70g
carbs - rest = 281.5g


porridge (oatmeal) and protein shake

pro - 34.5g
fat - 10.4g
carb - 48g

kal - 466


6oz steak burger + 1 xl banana

pro - 38.4g
fats - 15.9g
carbs - 38g

kal - 435


jacket potato cheese beans and 100g chicken

pro - 26.1g
fats - 13.3g
carbs - 44.1g

kal - 460

pre work out

PB and jelly sandwhich + 1 xl banana

pro - 1.7g
fats - 0.5g
carb - 35g

kal - 541


150g chicken breast + 200g sweet potato + 100g broccoli

pro - 23.95g
fats - 1.35g
carbs - 49.6g

kal - 395

bed time shake

pro - 26.5g
fats - 1.4g
carbs - 10g

kal - 168


pro - 151.15g - 604.6g
fats - 51.85g - 466.65g
carbs - 224.7g - 898.8g

kal - 2465 - 1970.05

can those of you who are experts in this field please take a look over and let me know what you think?

i also dont understand why is it that the total calories from packets dont equate with the total calories by macros, by quite a worrying amount??

im not just trying to shortcut here i have spent hours and days reading through previous fourm posts and stickies on various forums

i know its long and thank you for reading if you are this far any help would be very much appreciated
looking to start the first real cut ive done this and im going out my mind trying to understand this, here is what ive come up with

BMR: 1900
WORK: 850
GYM: 350
recovering shoulder injury so weights are low with cardio
23 year old 5ft 11 male about 80kg 14-16%

protein - 2g x BM = 161g
fats - 1g x LBM= 70g
carbs - rest = 281.5g
ok crap. 161g protein while cutting is not enough..

porridge (oatmeal) and protein shake

pro - 34.5g
fat - 10.4g
carb - 48g

kal - 466

6oz steak burger + 1 xl banana

pro - 38.4g
fats - 15.9g
carbs - 38g

kal - 435
save your beef for meal 6.. where slow digesting proteins will be utilized best

jacket potato cheese beans and 100g chicken

pro - 26.1g
fats - 13.3g
carbs - 44.1g
lose the cheese
kal - 460

pre work out

PB and jelly sandwhich + 1 xl banana

pro - 1.7g
fats - 0.5g
carb - 35g

kal - 541
crap... where is the protein??

150g chicken breast + 200g sweet potato + 100g broccoli

pro - 23.95g
fats - 1.35g
carbs - 49.6g

kal - 395
switch this with the burger
bed time shake

pro - 26.5g
fats - 1.4g
carbs - 10g

kal - 168


pro - 151.15g - 604.6g
fats - 51.85g - 466.65g
carbs - 224.7g - 898.8g

kal - 2465 - 1970.05

can those of you who are experts in this field please take a look over and let me know what you think?

i also dont understand why is it that the total calories from packets dont equate with the total calories by macros, by quite a worrying amount??

im not just trying to shortcut here i have spent hours and days reading through previous fourm posts and stickies on various forums

i know its long and thank you for reading if you are this far any help would be very much appreciated

there is alot wrong with your diet here..

lets start with the macros..

here is what i want you to do.. up your protein to 230g.. lower your carbs to 150g and focus them on breakfast, pre, and post workout

make meal 6 beef.. without carbs..

so 230 + 150 = 380.. x 4 = 1520 calories

so you need about 970 calories from fat.. fat is 9 caories per gram.. so 108g fats

good luck!!!
hi... i dont know what calculator that is.. i dont know your stats.. so i cant give a straight forward answer..

i can tell you your protein intake should be higher on a keto diet.. the lower the carbs the higher the protein should be to a limit (too high and glycogenesis occurs in the liver and protein is turned into glucose.. i would take your protein up to 220g and reduce your fats to make up for it)

At what point does the body start turning protein into glucose from glycogenesis? Is this different for every person?