Free Diet Advice from 3J

Oh right okay...well atlas 30mins after each weight session so if i do 5days = 2.5hrs
I don't lift weds but go and do a cardio session usually 45-60mins. So at worst its probably 3hrs/week but probably closer to 4.

is there anything other info you need from me? Im open to anything you suggest

ok.. so i see whats going on..

what youve done is the equivalent of pulling your queen out too early in a chess game..

losing weight is like an onion.. you have to go through it layer by layer.. what you've done it cut right into the middle..

youre overworking yourself.. a mistake that many people have made in the past..

the fact that you lost that much weight that quickly then stalled confirms my suspicions.

your cns is burned out and your metabolism has slowed to compensate..

here is how you should have done it..

3000 calories a day only.. look for 1-2lbs weight loss a week.. this is without cardio... when you stall.. add light cardio 3 20 min sessions a week.. keep losing the 1-2lbs a week untill you stall again. move cardio to 4 days, then to 5 days.. then move it up to 30 min, 35 min, then lower your calories to 2800.. 2700.. 2500..

what youve done is skip the whole damn thing.. you need a ********* reset.. which means gaining weight and giving your body a chance to refresh itself..
what do you suggest i do now?

Yesturday i tried to reset a bit. Must have eaten 4k of calories. The weird thing is though I'm lifting strong and more vascular etc. Im just in a pickle lol. plus I've started a cycle today.

My initial plan was (and you'll probably laugh)
was to drop some body fat before i started a bulk, i wanted to go to 105 then bulk for 6weeks. Then spend 8weeks cutting before i go away. Now i don't know what to do lol
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what do you suggest i do now?

its a complicated situation.. one that usually leads the subject to complete diet and training failure due to the psychological factors that come with them thinking they are now taking steps backwards after working so hard.. and i can tell you worked hard

i would stop the cardio.. up my carbs and eat 3200 calories for about a week.. you need to give your body a break
yeah I have. Ive worked with people in the past but everyone thinks they can figure me out then they don't so start getting me doing drastic measures for results.

Answer is in short I don't bloody know what to do at the minute!

I was going to give the anabolic diet a shot. But now I'm not sure. I think carb cycling worked okay in the past but i like to prepare meals that are the same...less ball ache!
yeah I have. Ive worked with people in the past but everyone thinks they can figure me out then they don't so start getting me doing drastic measures for results.

Answer is in short I don't bloody know what to do at the minute!

I was going to give the anabolic diet a shot. But now I'm not sure. I think carb cycling worked okay in the past but i like to prepare meals that are the same...less ball ache!

my carb cycle package is actually my most popular package for someone with goals in mind like yours..

but its youre choice brother.. its what you feel comfortable with
id full on love to work with you mate. Just at the minute I'm not working and money is tight. Do you think its actually possible for an endo to get truly ripped. My plan was to get through the bulk and then use someone to plan my 8-12 week cut. Ive already written my bulk diet
id full on love to work with you mate. Just at the minute I'm not working and money is tight. Do you think its actually possible for an endo to get truly ripped. My plan was to get through the bulk and then use someone to plan my 8-12 week cut. Ive already written my bulk diet

If you like making meals that are the same, the carb cycling package is a good one to use. You can literally use chicken for three or four of the six meals. Breakfast is not chicken and the last meal should be beef, but all the others (except one for post work out) can be chicken. For four months, I did chicken, whole wheat tortillas, and vegetables for almost every meal. My wife now almost gags on the smell of chicken. :)

Plus if you live near a Sam's Club or some type of wholesale outlet, you can get it for VERY cheap. At Sam's Club, if you go up to the meat counter you can ask for a box of chicken - they then reduce the price per found by around 20 cents! Makes it very cheap.

I lost half my body fat using 3J's carb cycling (and a lot of hard work at the gym), so I can say it works. It works if you work it. :)
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150lb guy wanting to lose 10 percent would be 15lbs

300lb guy wanting to lose 10 percent would be 30lbs

with a healthy maximum of 2lbs a week weight loss.. and knowing youre not going to lose a full 2lbs of fat every week your at 24lbs in 12 weeks..

youre still thinking about losing the weight quickly.. which is why you are having your issue in the first place
I was talking about me specifically...ive always got down to 16st and been happy so i think its doable for me. Yeah you're right, but don't think bad of me for it...I just want it badly
First off I'd like to thank you for all the help you offer. Pretty awesome. Now for my info.

35 Male
238 pounds
19% bf (checked with calipers)
BMR 2239
TDEE 3309

Live a pretty active life. My workouts are a pretty high intensity 2 day on 1 day off, 4 day upper body lower body split made of mostly compound movements. Rest are kept to a minimum. Off days I try to get a 20-30 min session at about 125-135 bpm of high paced walking with the dogs.

Current cycle
250 mg Test E pinned Monday mornings and Thursday afternoons.
Anastrozol .125 mg EOD Has done well thus far.
Started cycle 3 weeks ago at 225 have actually lost a perfect on BF while putting on the weight.

Looking for like 15% bf

Typical day on fuel

6 meals Pro/Fat/Carb/Cal

ON Whey shake upon wake up 96/4/6/480

3/4 cup egg whites 20/.3/1.3/95
1 Cup Oatmeal 6/2.3/25.3/145
2tbs peanut butter 8/16/6/188

1 Hour workout
Darkmatter 2/0/25/110
ON whey 48/2/6/240

Can Tuna 42/1/0/191
Wheat thins 2/3.5/22/130

Protein Bar (Homemade) 68/20/38/600

Chicken 23/2.5/0/110
brown Rice 4.5/1.6/45/200
Broccoli 3/4 cup

Steak 28/18/0/220
Sweet potato 3.5/0/38/165
Asparagus bunch of em. Love it!

MHP shake 48/11/56/510

3384 cals a day 400 pro/ 82 fat/ 268 carbs This diet has taken me from 26% to my current. I want to get what I can out of my cycle, but don't want to put on fat just for sake of adding size.

Sometimes I have a meal at night instead of that shake. I food prep on Sunday so most Tupperware are filled with 5oz of meat, 1/2 cup of rice or sweet potato, and 3/4 to 1 cup of veggies. Try to eat three of those a day. I also make my own protein bars that have macros of 68/20/38/600 made of oatmeal, protein powder, coconut oil, peanut butter, dark chocolate, real honey. I use these for meal replacements if I have a super busy morning or if I'm on the road for the day.

I do have some pizza or something once a week. I try to keep this to that minimum and when I go out I make sure to get like fajitas or something at least half way decent. Quit drinking all together so alcohol is not an issue.
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When totaling calories do you count the fiber in a food as your total carb count, or do you subtract those, and not count them? I'm asking this specifically for cutting. For instance oatmeal has fiber, should I subtract that from my total carb count when building my diet, or should the fiber be counted as well. This goes for vegetables as well, for instance green beans. Thanks!
Hey 3J, this is my current diet, im bulking
25 Male
165 lbs
BF - Maybe 18%
BMR 1723
TDEE 2520
I workout 5 days a week, Upper/Lower Split by Lyle McDonald, and cardio once a week for 40 minutes.
Eating 720 cals above TDEE, i increase as a i stop progressing, started my bulk in March 2014 at 69.3 kgs, currently at 74.9 kgs. just checked it yesterday. Was all over the place with my diet, changed somethings last month, i gained muscle and lost fat.
My current supplement stack BCAA,CREATINE and WHEY PROTEIN

Here is my diet. (Currently im in deload, but will continue this form next week.. if you want i can even post my deload diet, but the macros have changed but the foods that i eat is almost the same).

Breakfast 645c/99c/32p/13f
Egg White - Raw, 6 large
Britannia - Whole Wheat Brown Bread, 2 slice
Sundrop - Peanut Butter Honey Crunch, 30 gm
Mahananda - Toned Milk, 250 ml
Fruit - Banana Raw, 120 g

Pre Workout 645c/99c/32p/13f
Biox - Rocky Road Protein Powder, 25 g
Quaker Oats - 100% Natural Whole Grains Old Fashioned, 2 Cup (40g)

Lunch 645c/99c/32p/13f
India Gate - Basmati Rice, Brown (Harneet), 120 grams
Homemade - Toor Dal, 1 cup
Generic - Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast - Boiled, 50 g

Snacks 645c/99c/32p/13f
Sweet potato - Cooked, boiled, without skin (Sweetpotato), 125 g
Godrej Sofit - Soya Milk: Chocolate, 250 ml Glass
Biox - Rocky Road Protein Powder, 10 g
Seeds - Flaxseed, 1 tbsp
Nuts - Almonds, 3 almond
Fruit - Banana Raw, 170 g

Dinner 645c/99c/32p/13f
Red Lentils 20 gm
Matki - Matki Raw, 20 gm
Chickpea Raw - Chana, 20 gm
Green Gram 20 gm
Kidney Beans 20 gm
Sweet potato - Cooked, boiled, without skin (Sweetpotato), 125 g
Seeds - Flaxseed, 1 tbsp
Fruit - Banana Raw, 180 g
Generic - Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast - Boiled, 30 g

I have gained a little fat on my belly area, maybe because of recklessness in the past, i want to continue bulking, if i lower my caloric intake my lifts get affected, i cannot lift as heavy as i can on a 720 cal surplus. Anything that i can change.. Please help.