Free Diet Advice from 3J

Hello 3J. Came accross your thread, and found some really helpful info. Just wondering if you could take a look at my 16 week cutting plan.

Age - 26
Weight 191 pounds
Height 170cm/5'7 inches
BF - 18/19%
Goals - Trying to get down to single figure body fat in 16 weeks, whilst maintaining muscle mass.
TDEE - 2994 calories

From Monday I will be starting my Cutting cycle, which will consist of 75mg Test Prop ED, Clen starting at 20mg and increasing daily to 120mg for 2 weeks. Cytomel I'm still torn on what to do. I've read that it can be okay to stay on it for 8-10 weeks at a lowish dose at 50-75mg, where as other say not to go over 75mg and don't use for more than 6 weeks at a time. ECA will be used on the 2 weeks off from Clen.

Supplements I will be using are -
Vitamin C - 4g daily
Calcium - 2g daily
Multi Vits - 2 tabs daily
Glutamine - 5g after workout
BCAA - 5g before, 10g during and 5g after workout
L-Leucine - same as above
Omega 3 Fish Oil caps - 5g daily

Typical diet (Some things like egg whites were already on Fitday, so sorry if they are a bit off)
50g of Quaker Oats - 5.5/30/4/178
6 egg whites - 21.5/0/0.3/97
Total - 27/30/4.3/275

2 slices thick Wholemeal bread - 9.2/33.2/3.4/210
1 tin of tuna flakes - 28.4/0/1.8/135
Total - 37.6/33.2/5.2/345

150g chicken breast - 43.2/0/3.9/208
1 teaspoon Olive oil - 0/0/13.5/119
Total - 43.2/0/17.4/327

150g chicken breast - 43.2/0/3.9/208
1 teaspoon Olive oil - 0/0/13.5/119
Total - 43.2/0/17.4/327

3 scoops Whey Protein Isolate - 69.8/0.5/0.8/278
1.5 scoops dextrose - 0/72.0/0/270
Total - 69.8/72.5/0.8/548

210g chicken breast - 60.4/0/5.5/291
1 teaspoon Olive oil - 0/0/13.5/119
Total - 60.4/0/19/410

Bedtime Extreme Casein - 32.5/2.0/1.8/151
5g fishoils - 0/0/5/45
Total - 32.5/2.0/5.8/196

Totals for the day - 313.5/139.1/70.7/2433

Also on this diet I will be having around 200g iceberg lettuce, and 240g brocolli, which will be spread out accross the chicken meals.

Training wise I'll be doing 3 x total body workouts on Monday/Wednesday/Friday. On this days I'll have my Dextrose shakes. On non lifting days, I intend on doing 45 steady state cardio, and no dextrose shake PWO.

On Sunday I will have a healthy cheat day, which won't go over 2700 calories, or 50g fats. On this day I'll be taking over 300g of carbs.

I don't know whether to up my carbs, lower my protein? So afraid of losing muscle, especially with using Cytomel, and can't find a decent answer on any other board. If you could help me I would really appreciate it. Thanks for your time.
I'm in my 4th week of my very first cycle. Here are my stats...

Age: 28
Height: 5'11"
Weight: Pre-cycle = 200, Now = 211
BF: 14%
Years lifting: 7
BMR: 1899 (used formula #2)
TDEE: 2943
Cycle: 500mg Test-E/week
Goal: Gain lean muscle while minimizing fat gain until May 1 then I start my July 9 contest prep diet

Day 1: Quads/Hams
Day 2: Shoulders/Traps
Day 3: Arms
Day 4: Off
Day 5: Chest/Calves
Day 6: Back/Abs
Day 7: Off

For my first exercise I do 6-8 reps for 3 working sets, next I'll do either 1-2 exercises with 8-12 reps for 3 working sets and then 1 exercise using a 7 set FST-7 protocol.

Well here it diet. I don't eat any processed foods and I cook everything myself that way I know what I'm eating. Obviously as I gain I will need to eat more. I'm still gaining on this so do you think I should up my cals to 4000 when I hit 215? Also, how does my diet look and should I add or subtract anything? Thanks a lot.


1000 Meal 1: 8 egg whites, 1 cup oatmeal or 3 slices Ezekiel, 1tblsp flax seeds, 1 apple (625/38/58/9)
1200-1230 Meal 2 (PWO): 75-80g waxy maize, 40g whey (5g bcaa and 5g glutamine pre and post) (415/30/78/0)
1415 Meal 3: 8oz chicken, 1/2cup veggies, 3oz (uncooked) whole grain pasta, 1/2c pasta sauce (480/55/57/8)
1630 Meal 4: 4 scoops Up Your Mass (510/46/58/11)
1900 Meal 5: Same as 3 (beef) (640/57/57/23)
2130 Meal 6: Same as 3 (chicken) (480/55/57/8)
0000 Meal 7:1/2cup liquid egg whites (egg whites international), 1 scoop casein, 2tblsp natural peanut butter (390/46/11/17)

Totals: 3540/327/376/76

Sometimes I eat an eighth meal (usually on leg or back day) in which case it would be after work at 2330 and would consist of 3 slices of Ezekiel with 2tblsp natural peanut butter. Then I would have my liquid egg white/casein meal at 0200 right before bed. I got the calories and macros from the nutrition labels on all the products and I didn't take into account the veggies.

Thanks in advance 3J for all your advice and stickies.
hey everyone im in finals right now.. ill make sure to get to u guys by friday.. please be patient.. thanks!!!
Hey 3J

Been doing some research and it seems your the guy to ask

Im trying to bulk as lean as i can but not botherd about a little fat,

Not sure if the values fit day has given out are correct as i seem to of stoped gaining weight

i train 3 days a week solid for the last 7 month

monday chest, sholders, tris

wednesday legs

friday back, bis

height 5.11
weight 160 lbs
age 28
bf. not sure i can see top 4 abs when i tense up

Meal 1
oats 100g
1 cup skimmed milk
6 eggs only 4 yolkes
protein 59g carbs 84g fats 32g cals 876

Meal 2
1.5 chiken breast
1 medium sweet potato
protein 89g carbs 28g fats 27g cals 726

Meal 3
230g lean ground beef
protein 56g carbs 0 fats 42g cals 620

meal 4
130g tuna
1 avacado
1 soon light mayo
protein 36g carbs 15g fats 34g cals 456


pwo shake
1 scoop whey 1 scoop dexstrose
protein 20g carbs12 g fats 2g cals 100
not got the values of the dexstrose fit day didnt have them

meal 5
300g steak
sweet potato
protein 85g carbs 28g fats 49g cals 912

meal 6
casien protein
1 avacado
protein 43g carbs 30g fats 32g cals 479

protein 388g
carbs 197g
fats 218g
cals 4169

Any advice verry welcome
Thanks in advance
Hello 3J. Came accross your thread, and found some really helpful info. Just wondering if you could take a look at my 16 week cutting plan.

Age - 26
Weight 191 pounds
Height 170cm/5'7 inches
BF - 18/19%
Goals - Trying to get down to single figure body fat in 16 weeks, whilst maintaining muscle mass.
TDEE - 2994 calories

From Monday I will be starting my Cutting cycle, which will consist of 75mg Test Prop ED, Clen starting at 20mg and increasing daily to 120mg for 2 weeks. Cytomel I'm still torn on what to do. I've read that it can be okay to stay on it for 8-10 weeks at a lowish dose at 50-75mg, where as other say not to go over 75mg and don't use for more than 6 weeks at a time. ECA will be used on the 2 weeks off from Clen.
forget the cytomel... run the clen for 6 weeks.. benedryl 50mg every night before bed for every other week that your on..
Supplements I will be using are -
Vitamin C - 4g daily
Calcium - 2g daily
Multi Vits - 2 tabs daily
Glutamine - 5g after workout
BCAA - 5g before, 10g during and 5g after workout
L-Leucine - same as above
Omega 3 Fish Oil caps - 5g daily

Typical diet (Some things like egg whites were already on Fitday, so sorry if they are a bit off)
50g of Quaker Oats - 5.5/30/4/178
6 egg whites - 21.5/0/0.3/97
Total - 27/30/4.3/275

2 slices thick Wholemeal bread - 9.2/33.2/3.4/210
1 tin of tuna flakes - 28.4/0/1.8/135
Total - 37.6/33.2/5.2/345
make due without the wholemeal bread... i know its hard with tuna.. so u might wanna change your lean meat here
150g chicken breast - 43.2/0/3.9/208
1 teaspoon Olive oil - 0/0/13.5/119
Total - 43.2/0/17.4/327

150g chicken breast - 43.2/0/3.9/208
1 teaspoon Olive oil - 0/0/13.5/119
Total - 43.2/0/17.4/327
ok.. u can keep the wholemeal bread if u switch this meal with that tuna meal.. that'll be ok.. u need carbs before ur workout buddy!! dont u wanna sustain that muscle??
3 scoops Whey Protein Isolate - 69.8/0.5/0.8/278
1.5 scoops dextrose - 0/72.0/0/270
Total - 69.8/72.5/0.8/548
im not a big fan of dextrose.. i'd rather do a whole white bagel, white rice, etc.. but if u bought it, just go through it its fine
210g chicken breast - 60.4/0/5.5/291
1 teaspoon Olive oil - 0/0/13.5/119
Total - 60.4/0/19/410
ur gonna get sick of that chicken breast.. dont be afraid to mix it up a bit
Bedtime Extreme Casein - 32.5/2.0/1.8/151
5g fishoils - 0/0/5/45
Total - 32.5/2.0/5.8/196

Totals for the day - 313.5/139.1/70.7/2433

Also on this diet I will be having around 200g iceberg lettuce, and 240g brocolli, which will be spread out accross the chicken meals.

Training wise I'll be doing 3 x total body workouts on Monday/Wednesday/Friday. On this days I'll have my Dextrose shakes. On non lifting days, I intend on doing 45 steady state cardio, and no dextrose shake PWO.

On Sunday I will have a healthy cheat day, which won't go over 2700 calories, or 50g fats. On this day I'll be taking over 300g of carbs.
u should actually take in a bit more.. go ahead and jump to 3000.. make sure ur protein stays constant or is higher here
I don't know whether to up my carbs, lower my protein? So afraid of losing muscle, especially with using Cytomel, and can't find a decent answer on any other board. If you could help me I would really appreciate it. Thanks for your time.

ur best friend here is cardio.. do u have time to do cardio first thing in the morning??

if so do low intensity (no more then 130bpm) for 45 min.. do it EVERY MORNING if you can..

or on the days u workout u can do it pwo...
I'm in my 4th week of my very first cycle. Here are my stats...

Age: 28
Height: 5'11"
Weight: Pre-cycle = 200, Now = 211
BF: 14%
Years lifting: 7
BMR: 1899 (used formula #2)
TDEE: 2943
Cycle: 500mg Test-E/week
Goal: Gain lean muscle while minimizing fat gain until May 1 then I start my July 9 contest prep diet

Day 1: Quads/Hams
Day 2: Shoulders/Traps
Day 3: Arms
Day 4: Off
Day 5: Chest/Calves
Day 6: Back/Abs
Day 7: Off

For my first exercise I do 6-8 reps for 3 working sets, next I'll do either 1-2 exercises with 8-12 reps for 3 working sets and then 1 exercise using a 7 set FST-7 protocol.

Well here it diet. I don't eat any processed foods and I cook everything myself that way I know what I'm eating. Obviously as I gain I will need to eat more. I'm still gaining on this so do you think I should up my cals to 4000 when I hit 215? Also, how does my diet look and should I add or subtract anything? Thanks a lot.


1000 Meal 1: 8 egg whites, 1 cup oatmeal or 3 slices Ezekiel, 1tblsp flax seeds, 1 apple (625/38/58/9)
1200-1230 Meal 2 (PWO): 75-80g waxy maize, 40g whey (5g bcaa and 5g glutamine pre and post) (415/30/78/0)
1415 Meal 3: 8oz chicken, 1/2cup veggies, 3oz (uncooked) whole grain pasta, 1/2c pasta sauce (480/55/57/8)
1630 Meal 4: 4 scoops Up Your Mass (510/46/58/11)
is this a weight gainer??
1900 Meal 5: Same as 3 (beef) (640/57/57/23)
2130 Meal 6: Same as 3 (chicken) (480/55/57/8)
0000 Meal 7:1/2cup liquid egg whites (egg whites international), 1 scoop casein, 2tblsp natural peanut butter (390/46/11/17)

Totals: 3540/327/376/76

Sometimes I eat an eighth meal (usually on leg or back day) in which case it would be after work at 2330 and would consist of 3 slices of Ezekiel with 2tblsp natural peanut butter. Then I would have my liquid egg white/casein meal at 0200 right before bed. I got the calories and macros from the nutrition labels on all the products and I didn't take into account the veggies.

Thanks in advance 3J for all your advice and stickies.
im not too fond off the whole grain pasta.. u can do better..

red potato, sweet potato, yams, brown rice.. etc...

red potatos are my fav.. just throw 8-10 ounces in the microwave and cook high for 4-5min.. they taste great esp with some mr. dash..

u could do the same thing with sweet potato and yams..

except for that.. the diet looks fairly good... and i dont believe u need to go up any higher..
Hey 3J

Been doing some research and it seems your the guy to ask

Im trying to bulk as lean as i can but not botherd about a little fat,

Not sure if the values fit day has given out are correct as i seem to of stoped gaining weight

i train 3 days a week solid for the last 7 month

monday chest, sholders, tris

wednesday legs

friday back, bis

height 5.11
weight 160 lbs
age 28
bf. not sure i can see top 4 abs when i tense up

Meal 1
oats 100g
1 cup skimmed milk
6 eggs only 4 yolkes
protein 59g carbs 84g fats 32g cals 876

Meal 2
1.5 chiken breast
1 medium sweet potato
protein 89g carbs 28g fats 27g cals 726

Meal 3
230g lean ground beef
protein 56g carbs 0 fats 42g cals 620

meal 4
130g tuna
1 avacado
1 soon light mayo
protein 36g carbs 15g fats 34g cals 456


pwo shake
1 scoop whey 1 scoop dexstrose
protein 20g carbs12 g fats 2g cals 100
not got the values of the dexstrose fit day didnt have them

meal 5
300g steak
sweet potato
protein 85g carbs 28g fats 49g cals 912

meal 6
casien protein
1 avacado
protein 43g carbs 30g fats 32g cals 479

protein 388g
carbs 197g
fats 218g
cals 4169

Any advice verry welcome
Thanks in advance

age weight height bf
Hi 3J,

I have a very unique situation. I'm 17 weeks pregnant, still doing strength training - mostly body weight (all variations of push ups, pull ups, hollows, arches, squats, single leg squats, bridge push ups etc..) because I do gymnastics, cardio and a lot of flexibility training.
I have a lot of sickness in my pregnancies and go off a lot of food, and have lost some strength as a consequence. I actuahave weigh less than when I first found out I was pregnant from all the sickness. My goal is to increase strength without my muscles getting bigger because it makes the gymnastics harder the heavier I am. Obviously being pregnant with a bump has me working harder anyway, but I obviously want to build it up again.

So BMR TDEE will be hard for me to do right now, but all I can do is what it was before I got pregnant along with my previous diet. Back then I was hoping to drop a small amount of fat but increase my strength. Right now diet is hard to keep track of but definitely less than I should be having even if I wasn't pregnant.

If you think you can help me with a guideline for my eating for strength with keeping in mind I'm pregnant, then I'll send through whatever info you need.

Hope it's not too strange a request.

Thanks for any help you or anyone may give ;o)
im not too fond off the whole grain pasta.. u can do better..

red potato, sweet potato, yams, brown rice.. etc...

red potatos are my fav.. just throw 8-10 ounces in the microwave and cook high for 4-5min.. they taste great esp with some mr. dash..

u could do the same thing with sweet potato and yams..

except for that.. the diet looks fairly good... and i dont believe u need to go up any higher..

Thanks for the advice 3J! I've been adding in more brown rice. At the store I found some pre-wrapped sweet potatoes so I'll have to pick some of those up as well.

Yes, 'Up Your Mass' is a weight gainer. That's the only meal of the day where I only have 2-3min to eat so I need something fast. Do you suggest something else?

Thanks again.
Yes, 'Up Your Mass' is a weight gainer. That's the only meal of the day where I only have 2-3min to eat so I need something fast. Do you suggest something else?

Sandwich if possible, any kind of whole food (if possible) shake is better than nothing but whole food reigns supreme.
Hi 3J,

I have a very unique situation. I'm 17 weeks pregnant, still doing strength training - mostly body weight (all variations of push ups, pull ups, hollows, arches, squats, single leg squats, bridge push ups etc..) because I do gymnastics, cardio and a lot of flexibility training.
I have a lot of sickness in my pregnancies and go off a lot of food, and have lost some strength as a consequence. I actuahave weigh less than when I first found out I was pregnant from all the sickness. My goal is to increase strength without my muscles getting bigger because it makes the gymnastics harder the heavier I am. Obviously being pregnant with a bump has me working harder anyway, but I obviously want to build it up again.

So BMR TDEE will be hard for me to do right now, but all I can do is what it was before I got pregnant along with my previous diet. Back then I was hoping to drop a small amount of fat but increase my strength. Right now diet is hard to keep track of but definitely less than I should be having even if I wasn't pregnant.

If you think you can help me with a guideline for my eating for strength with keeping in mind I'm pregnant, then I'll send through whatever info you need.

Hope it's not too strange a request.

Thanks for any help you or anyone may give ;o)

haha.. i know a woman who was in her last trimester and still doing jiu-jitsu limitedly...

i think its great if you play it extremely safe..

i think i can help.. but mind u the child comes first... so when i give out this advice i will give it with two things in mind...

1. that u will tell me the recommendations of your doctor and also inform me of any medical issues u may have

2. that you understand that the nutritional information will be about your child first, then you...
Thank you so much!

I certainly wouldn't do anything harmful, and I am grateful you're willing to address all necessary precautions.

I have developed a mild heart murmur from this pregnancy, but the doctor assures me it's very normal for a lot of women and I can carry on doing what I have been, I just need to listen to my body. The baby is fine and thriving even though I still do dance and gymnastics with extreme backbends lol!

My last pregnancy I was in the gym til the end still lifting weights, doing squats.. You name it! I'm in the low risk category so I'm perfectly fine, I can only imagine your advice would improve mine and the baby's health and well being.

What info should I give you for the best start point?

haha.. i know a woman who was in her last trimester and still doing jiu-jitsu limitedly...

i think its great if you play it extremely safe..

i think i can help.. but mind u the child comes first... so when i give out this advice i will give it with two things in mind...

1. that u will tell me the recommendations of your doctor and also inform me of any medical issues u may have

2. that you understand that the nutritional information will be about your child first, then you...
I certainly wouldn't do anything harmful, and I am grateful you're willing to address all necessary precautions.

I have developed a mild heart murmur from this pregnancy, but the doctor assures me it's very normal for a lot of women and I can carry on doing what I have been, I just need to listen to my body. The baby is fine and thriving even though I still do dance and gymnastics with extreme backbends lol!

My last pregnancy I was in the gym til the end still lifting weights, doing squats.. You name it! I'm in the low risk category so I'm perfectly fine, I can only imagine your advice would improve mine and the baby's health and well being.

What info should I give you for the best start point?
ok.. lets start from scratch

bf (i know this will be tough..)

ill figure out your bmr/tdee for you.. just give me this info
Age 31
weight ~149lbs
height 5' 8"
bf% - only access to online calculator did 3 different ones and calculated the mean. Worked out at 22.2%. Don't know about that at all! If need be I'm sure I could post a pic or two to see if that helps any...

Thank you so much, I like being different lol!

ok.. lets start from scratch

bf (i know this will be tough..)

ill figure out your bmr/tdee for you.. just give me this info