Super Moderator
Pics would be great. Send em to m if u dont wanna post on the open forum. 3jdiet@gmail.com
Pics would be great. Send em to m if u dont wanna post on the open forum. 3jdiet@gmail.com
whats your current workout/activity routine look like?? get specific please.. include cardio if anyI don't mind uploading my pics here, nothing to be ashamed of ;o)
Just my camera phone, and not very good, I gave up trying to get the light so that you could see what I see, didn't attempt to get my legs at all, but they have a bit of visible separation. Obviously my body fat is higher than it was 4 - 5 months ago, but maybe these (bad) pics can help somewhat. I found an old picture of myself about a few months before I got pregnant, only a midsection picture but I think you get the idea..
whats your current workout/activity routine look like?? get specific please.. include cardio if any
did i not get to u buddy??
No bro, you asled for my age, 28, weight 160 and bf not sure on that id guess no higher than 12
thanls again for your help
well ur activity level is fairly high... but we're gonna have to start somewhere...OK.
Not been as structured lately depending on morning sickness. But even so it looks something like this:
(Side note) - the Dr knows what I do and says if I did it before pregnancy I'm fine to carry on, just don't get overheated)
Cardio - 2 - 3 days, sometimes in morning before breakfast (habit or only time I can do) or evening before dinner, 20 mins moderate pace. Don't monitor hr but holding a conversation would be strained. Being pregnant my hr is around 15 - 20 beats higher than normal although my resting pulse has still been at 55 when tested.
Gymnastics - Afternoon before lunch from 1 - 1.5 hrs. Consists of light cardio for 5 mins, stretching for around 20 mins and then practice for about 30 min - 40 mins. That will be a warm up of handstand practice, holding for 3 minutes straight - wall supported. Unsupported handstands held for as long as possible, split handstands, cartwheels, roundoffs (cartwheel pushed out and twisted like a flip), backbend to bridge and back to standing, walkovers (kick to split handstand and bend the back to land on floor with foot as close to hand as poss, leaving second foot to step out or still in air) If energetic, front flip practices - with spotter! The end of practice has me doing strength exercises like push ups, pull ups, handstand shrugs, V-ups, arches, bridge push ups, deep squats and one legged squats, to keep conditioned. Usually all 2 sets of 10 - 15. Pull ups more like 2 sets 5, getting too tough for me now(
Dance - 2 - 3 days a week. Hip hop dancing, usually try to limit to 20 - 30 minutes, sometimes 45. I get hot and am aware that I shouldn't overheat.
I have a 4 year old daughter so I tend to do a few things with her too - she also does gymnastics so I sometimes coach her a little, take her places, to and from school etc. Everyday housework so some days on my feet almost all day. Work from home with my husband, we own a recording studio in the bottom of our home so I often go down there to do some work. But it's sitting in front of a computer mostly, for around 3 - 5 hours a day.
Calculations will be tough because I know my metabolism will have increased with the pregnancy, and I have days where I can vomit up to 10 times in one day which also messes with my metabolism. My weight has basically stayed the same from when I found out I was pregnant and you can see form my pics that my bump is quite noticeable - at least the side angle anyway. But saying that I have started to gain weight now thank god! Just need my strength back to where I feel better.
A little insight, I used to do sets of 40 push ups non stop, but now, I struggle past 15, have to fight to get to 10!! I know inadequate food is the main reason.
Hope the info is enough for you. Tried to be specific.
Hey 3J
Been doing some research and it seems your the guy to ask
Im trying to bulk as lean as i can but not botherd about a little fat,
Not sure if the values fit day has given out are correct as i seem to of stoped gaining weight
i train 3 days a week solid for the last 7 month
monday chest, sholders, tris
wednesday legs
friday back, bis
height 5.11
weight 160 lbs
age 28
bf. not sure i can see top 4 abs when i tense up
Meal 1
oats 100g
1 cup skimmed milk
6 eggs only 4 yolkes
protein 59g carbs 84g fats 32g cals 876
drop the yokes to 2 and up the whites another 3.. drop your carbs to 60g
Meal 2
1.5 chiken breast
1 medium sweet potato
protein 89g carbs 28g fats 27g cals 726
lower ur protein intake
Meal 3
230g lean ground beef
protein 56g carbs 0 fats 42g cals 620
save the lean beef for the last meal of the day.. also make sure to evenly divide your carbs through the day
meal 4
130g tuna
1 avacado
1 soon light mayo
protein 36g carbs 15g fats 34g cals 456
horrible.. you dont get any carbs in the two meals before your workout.. wheres the fuel for the workout??? drop the mayo and add carbs!!
pwo shake
1 scoop whey 1 scoop dexstrose
protein 20g carbs12 g fats 2g cals 100
not got the values of the dexstrose fit day didnt have them
meal 5
300g steak
sweet potato
protein 85g carbs 28g fats 49g cals 912
meal 6
casien protein
1 avacado
protein 43g carbs 30g fats 32g cals 479
protein 388g
carbs 197g
fats 218g
cals 4169
Any advice verry welcome
Thanks in advance
Height-69 inches
BF- 18.65%
Goals- Lower body fat
Workout and Diet:
Meal 1- 1/2 cup oats with 8 egg whites
Cardio for 30 min average heart rate of 135 to 140
Meal 2- Protien shake prue whey isolate 40 grams of protien
Meal 3- 10 of can chicken, 1 oz cashews and 1/2 cup brown rice
Meal 4 and 5 same, some time I switch the protien with turkey fish or beef and sweet potatoes and green vegges
Weight lifting
Protien shake after workout
Meal 6- Lean Beef of Fish
Day1- Legs
Day2- Chest
I try to do cardio 3 to 4 times a week with a average heart rate of 135-140
I have just ran a 8 week cycle of
WINN 40mg every day for the last 8 weeks
well ur activity level is fairly high... but we're gonna have to start somewhere...
2500 calories...
200g protein
250g carbs
77g fats
divide your carbs into the first four meals of the day... so 250/4 about 62g per meal...
200/6- 33g protein
so this is how meal 1-4 should look
33g protein
60g carbs
8-10g fats
meal 5-6 should look like this
33g protein
less then 5g carbs
15-20g fats
look at it this way.. here is ur arsenal of food that is allowed
turkey/chicken breast
lean ground turkey
lean beef (roast beef/london broid/round steak)
talaipa, pollack, tuna...
brown rice
sweet potato
red potato
red kidney beans
extra virgin olive oil
coconut oil
almond butter
natty peanut butter
avocados (my fav)
theres more out there.. these are some of my favs
use fitday.com to figure out the calories carbs fats and protein involved in these meats..
if you go back to post 1 of this thread and look at my sample bulking diet you'll see how i do it...
My activity level also depends on my sickness level, the more sick I am the less I do. But my energy seems to be coming back these days.
I'll definitely have to build up to that food intake because from being so sick in the first 3 months, my stomach shrank considerably, so eating that much per meal will be a tall order - I'll work up to it. But that amount of protein seems high, I was on that amount of macros when I was building my body for competing (figure - did less when getting ready for fitness). Although my muscles do get worked a fair amount it's purely for strength rather than hypertrophy, would I still need that much protein? I know I'm growing a baby, but even still..
I'm assuming vegetables and fruits are also allowed? No mention of those, but guessing just adding that to my total carb calories? Maybe not the green veg as they are high fibre??
Also - What is London Broil? I am in London England but that isn't something we have here..
Anyway, thank you so much for doing this for me, as busy as you are, you are a real gem!I now have something to work towards even though my food quirks have hit an all time high with this pregnancy I can at least have a base to work from.
take your current diet and input it into fitday.com and let me know what your totals are
with my protein shake post workout and half scoop with breakfast..
so if your tdee is at 3700 and ur eating 2100 calories what do u think u need to do?? lol
take ur fats up... at least by 50g