Originally Posted by Hanns
age 31
weight 79.1kg 172 pounds
height 5ft 11”
bf 10.8%
goals.. Lean muscle growth and see my stomach muscles again. Not looking to be a 280 pound monster just some good muscle size and be cut.
Current diet.
7.15am pro/carb/fat/cal
Oats 60g 6.6/37/4.8/220
Milk 200ml 6.8/10/3.4/98
Handful of dried fruit
9.30am pro/carb/fat/cal
Snack bar 1.5/26/3/133
Apple 0.4/19/0/72
12.30pm pro/carb/fat/cal
Potato 9.5/77.5/0/350
Tuna 32.5/0/0.65/130
Mayo 0/2.2/8.2/82
3.30pm pro/carb/fat/cal
Banana 1.3/27/0.4/105
4.20pm Workout – Chest and triceps or Back and Biceps(a little stomach) or Shoulders. Normally 4 to 5 times a week.
Where is your leg routine???? Please tell me you arent one of these perfectly built guys with stick legs
LOL legs are fine for the time being with just football. Stick arms are the real issue
6pm pro/carb/fat/cal
Weight gain shake 18/25/2/185
7pm pro/carb/fat/cal
Chicken breast 27/0/7/175
Wheat wrap 6/35/4/200
10pm pro/carb/fat/cal
Oats 60g 6.6/37/4.8/220
Milk 200ml 6.8/10/3.4/98
Handful of dried fruit
Total pro/carb/fat/cal
Monday only no training as I play football for 1 hour at 6pm.
BMR formula #1 (if you bf is high, use this one... you need an accurate bf reading)
BMR (men and women) = 370 + (21.6 X 69.7 lean mass in kg) = 1875.5
BMR formula #2 (only to be used if your bf is low)
Men: BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x 172.18 weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x 71 height in inches ) - ( 6.8 x 31 age in year ) 1830
Not sure if 10.8% is high or low. I’ve used the high BMR results for TDEE.
Low, how did you get this measured?
At my gym. two electrodes on my right foot and two on my right hand. Then she put my height and weight in the machine. It give fat, water and hydration.
Iv started cycling to work 2.5 miles each way 4 days a week. I’m considering increasing the distance by cycling to the gym after work. So I have some options:
While cycling is excellent cardio, 2.5 miles is not much, it will take 5 or 10 minutes to do that. I dont see any significant benefit to doing this unless you take a long way to work and a long way home. Ultimately, you want to get 30-40 minutes of cardio in each session. 15 & 15 really isnt very helpful
House to work and back is 2.5 miles at 7.30 + 2.5 miles at 4pm.
Work or house to gym is about 6 miles each way.
See above......Is it all uphill one way? and downhill the other? or flat? its more about slow and steady or balls to wall in short bursts. Preferably slow and steady for a decent amount of time.
I could cycle to the gym. That would be mostly up hill for 30-40 min. That would be at about 4pm so not on an empty stomach. I'll have a think how to get 30mins cardio in the morning before food
Whats your advice on when and what route. Should I cycle to work and the gym every day? Only cycle to work when I train and do a longer ride when im not training upper body? What’s the best combo. I have lots of options.
See Above.....For leaning down there is no better option then empty stomach cardio in the morning (low impact heartrate >130)
greater than 130 is low impact?
I will always play football Monday night but what cycle option I use decides what TDEE I guess so I worked out 3. This is just a copy of yours apart from the yams but I can keep it if its good for me?
Working out 5x a week and doing cardio will put you at a minimum of 1.55 probably closer to 1.725. What is your job? are you active at work at all? or sitting at a desk all day long?
desk for 8 hours. So im looking at 2900 min. I'll start working on amounts.
If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR 1875.5 x 1.375 = 2579
If you are moderatetely active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR 1875.5 x 1.55 = 2907
If you are very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR 1875.5 x 1.725 = 3235
I haven’t worked out quantities yet until TDEE is sorted. Iv had to change yams as im in the uk and never seen one. Unless its called something else?
Yams=sweet potatos
meal1 7am cal/fat/carb/pro
whole eggs
egg whites
1 cup oats
meal2 9.30am cal/fat/carb/pro
chicken breast w/o
sweet potatos
1/2 tablespoon olive oil
meal3 12.30 cal/fat/carb/pro
turkey breast
Brown rice or Pasta
1 tablespoon olive oil
meal4 3.30pm cal/fat/carb/pro
red kidney beans
pwo 6.30pm cal/fat/carb/pro
whey shake
meal5 7pm cal/fat/carb/pro
chicken breast w/o skin
1 tablespoon olive oil
meal 6 10pm cal/fat/carb/pro
london broil
1 whole avocado