frequentt urination at night

Saw the urologist today checked everything and was diagnosed with Benign Prostatic Herperplasia. She is putting me on urotraxal. We talked about Cialis- she says she has to put in a submission for review to get the ins. to cover it. Since I don't have ED she recommended giving the urotraxal a try first. An online search show a much higher rating for Cialis versus Urotraxal versus Flomax. Any thoughts?

btw- anyone know of a reputable online source for cialis if I want to give it a try since I'd have to go without insurance coverage at first anyway?
Saw the urologist today checked everything and was diagnosed with Benign Prostatic Herperplasia. She is putting me on urotraxal. We talked about Cialis- she says she has to put in a submission for review to get the ins. to cover it. Since I don't have ED she recommended giving the urotraxal a try first. An online search show a much higher rating for Cialis versus Urotraxal versus Flomax. Any thoughts?

btw- anyone know of a reputable online source for cialis if I want to give it a try since I'd have to go without insurance coverage at first anyway?

Cialis IS approved for bph treatment by the FDA. Rui (the lion at the top of your screen) has it.
So tried Urotraxal. The good news is that I only awoke once last night to pee. The bad news is that today I was nauseous, dizzy, and tired. The doc wrote a script for Cialis. Says the documentation that I tried another drug first will get the insurance to cover it but it has to go through an approval process. I'm going to pay out of pocket for the first month.

If this doesn't work I might just stop the TRT
So tried Urotraxal. The good news is that I only awoke once last night to pee. The bad news is that today I was nauseous, dizzy, and tired. The doc wrote a script for Cialis. Says the documentation that I tried another drug first will get the insurance to cover it but it has to go through an approval process. I'm going to pay out of pocket for the first month.

If this doesn't work I might just stop the TRT
Stop TRT over BPH? You must not have been hypogonadal for long to be so quick to jump ship.

FYI: Low T can KILL you. No, I'm not exaggerating or trying to frighten you. You have a treatable condition, and cialis from rui is crazy cheap compared to pharmacy prices.
I've become super careful about what I drink and when before bed. No caffeine after lunch, in fact most days no caffeine at all. I try to go easy on anything including water by 7 pm.

are you still having urination issues at night?
are you still having urination issues at night?

Just checking back in. Yes I am still having more frequent urination at night. Now I never get up only once. I will always wake up a second time although most times it is around an hour before I normally wake.

The Cialis might be helping but is not the magic pill I expected. If I take it everyday I do notice back aches as a side effect and have had a flush face once. Also I develop an issue of not "morning wood" but pretty much "all night wood"

I tried taking a half dose of Urotraxal but still felt dizzy so that's not going to work.

I started reading up on BPH more and it looks like it is a very common thing. they say up to 50% of men in my age bracket have issues.

I'm just wondering if the TRT exacerbated it.
Just wanted to follow up with what has happened. So I did some research and decided to get Prostate Artery Embolization since the top doc in the US who does it happens to begin my neck of the woods. It did improve my symptoms somewhat although not as well as I would have liked, I am now trying Saw Palmetto and my first night being on it was great- only woke up once. We will see how this goes. I am also decreasing my Testosterone dose a bit on the thought that it might shrink the Prostate