Friend started working out few month ago and......

Get him to check out 3J instead of running female cycles oral only are chics just tell him that might help him change his mind
30% bodyfat? Steroids aren't the right things for your "friend" at this point. He has A TON of work to do before he can think about taking anything.
If he really wants to use steroids anavar is a crappy choice. It's weak and way to expensive. But there is no reason that, at this point, he should use them. Just diet and work out, steroids are not a magic pill.
I explained to him multiple times that cardio and less calories are the key in losing bodyfat.

Today he asked me about winstrol to getting lean (apparently some ripped guy told him about it), i straight up told him yes take it, and waste your fucking money, damage your fucking liver for zero results and stiop asking me about shit like this, I just dont give a fuck about people who refuse to listen.