Friend Wants to lose weight.


New member
ok My friend wants to lose weight. He's basicly fat. he weights 265 pounds. He is 6'3 but most of it is fat. he just started to work out but wants to drop weigh. Can you recomend what diet and what he should go on?... no injectebles. Just pills and drops prefered.
I hope your not talking about setting him up with a cycle ??? I would reccomend he join a Gym and start slow with cardio and weight traing. Getting into it slow is important especially if he has not been a Gym Freak in the past. Going to fast may turn him off and he may not return to the Gym. Tell him to eat clean and keep the carbs on the low side. What does he do for a living ? If he sits behind a desk , he definitely wants to keep carbs low. Good Luck
I don't know much about clen , as I have never done it , but I'm sure someone will chime in here soon.
Yes if he is a "active" person and does construction as a job I am sure that his mind and body are a bit more in tune with each other than a sedentary individual that "sits behind a desk".
I think a good workout regimen and 2 wks on and 2wks off with Clen would be fine and would show great results.

gymlion77 said:
Yes if he is a "active" person and does construction as a job I am sure that his mind and body are a bit more in tune with each other than a sedentary individual that "sits behind a desk".
I think a good workout regimen and 2 wks on and 2wks off with Clen would be fine and would show great results.


can you recomend a work out and how much and when clen?
I think you should tell him to first start a diet. I was 250 lbs and went all the way down to 197lbs. I did a diet of high protien low carbs and eating about every 3 hours and at night only a protien shake with water not milk. (small portions for the meals and only protein) Carbs in the morning. I also started the gym and made sure to include at least 45 min at the end of my traing of cardio. After about 4 months of eating clean and working out 5 times a week. I did my cycle of Primo and Winstrol (winny) and it did wonders. I tried Clen before but it made me shack too much!....But again this is me and everybody is diffrent. But first tell him to do the diet and Cardio to get him statred and in the routine of things.
Get him on EC.

Clen can only be used effectively for a few weeks before the beta II receptor sites shut down. The fat burning effects of EC actually increase over time.
any way you could tell me exactly how his day should go. what he should eat exactly how his work out should be like what to do and when and what is EC? sorry for such questions im new at this also.
EC= ephedrine and Caffeine

Do a search on it.

As for training, you friend should do cardio 5 days a week and start a lifting plan. I'm not going to go into specifics, there is plenty of good info out there. Same goes for diet.
dude tell your bro to cut all the shit out of his diet. he sounds just like I did over 70lbs ago. tell him to up his protien, moderate the carbs, and cut out fats(except EFA's) sugars and refined flours. Also exercise is key here. get him on a cardio routine AND hit the weights as hard as possible. It'll be tough since he's cutting carbs but if he doesn't he'll lose alot of muscle mass instead of fat. I went from 262 to 205 on my own version of the atkins(I know, I know:rolleyes: ). I lost weight but I was the weakest mofo. I used to work out with around 300#'s(bench) and when I finished dieting I couldn't put up 150#'s more than 3 times. after that I wised up, started eating clean and lost another 16lb's cut body fat significantly and added muscle mass as well. Oh and I only do cardio 2x's a week. I do however hit the weights hard. I think that has helped me the most. Supps are very important. It can be done w/o AS(I'm not using and have never used AS) but it's more difficult of course. I do use creatine, ECA stack, ZMA, and take EFA's and good multi. Not sure if those supps help as much as they claim to but I dont' think the hurt any. Eating at least 5 meals a day, even when he's not hungry is important. This helps regulate insulin levels all day. have him look into MRP's if getting regular meals is unrealistic(which it usually is for most of us). Good luck to your bro!
He needs to learn how to diet, not look at "pills and drops."

He needs to count what he eats, every day, or on paper if he wants. From there he needs to add it up and average it out through the week if his eating is irregular (which also would need to be fixed).

If he is eating 4,000 calories a day I would start by dropping ~750 from his daily diet, and improving the sources of food he eats as well, to improve his body makeup and not just drop pure weight.