Fun with suspension :D !!

OK I'm sold, I've been wanting to try this for awhile and since I need to top up supplies in a couple of weeks why the hell not. Quick question though, I'm a few weeks into your textbook tren e, mast e, sustanon cycle and running my sust just slightly over a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose @ 250/week to help keep sides, estrogen, and bloat down. Since I only plan on using 2x/week pre workout for bench and deadlift days would I need to bump up my sustanon to 500/week to minimize spikes and maintain more stable blood levels overall? Also would I need to make any adjustments to my adex dose as well (.25mg)? Thx

I wouldn't think you would need to adjust your test level because whether or not you have a stable base at 250 or a stable base at 500 you are going to get a spike. As long as you are controlling your estrogen to begin with I feel you will be fine, you are at a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose anyways, might be a different story if you upped your test to 500.

I was planning on running 1cc 2x a week before legs and shoulders but I did a test run (no pun intended) at 25mg to gauge the pain and had an incredible workout. Since then Ive just decided to run 25mg pre-workout 5 days a week so I get 8 weeks out of a vial (I already have enough AAS in my system, im just using this as a nice pre-workout kick). Because they are smaller doses I also wont be spiking my blood levels as intensely.

Ive seen aquatest in the bowling pins that come in 25mg doses which is what gave me the original idea of trying 25mg. Its 25mg PURE testosterone with no ester weight so it is good still, I tried 50 and it was even better though haha. Im sure 1cc would be killer but like I said I've already got enough in my system and although its hard, some times you just gotta put a cap on it!
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I have read that suspension can have more sides than other esters- is there any actual proof or evidence of increased sides??

Found this on another site

Testosterone is, next to nandrolone, the most suppressive drug of natural testosterone production (4). Side effects may be a little more pronounced with suspension than with testosterone esters due to the speed with which the compound's effects are realized. This includes the fact that endogenous testosterone production will be quickly reduced and shut down when using suspension. This can often reach the point of severe testicular atrophy, even in those individuals that see little to no atrophy when running other compounds, including other forms of testosterone. This often necessitates the use of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) to avoid harsher than necessary difficulties.

Seems to me that It has more pronounced sides because of how rapid acting it is, which makes sense. You also get more testosterone than when injecting an equivalent dose of prop/cp/enanth because there is no ester weight calculated in the dose. 100mg is 100mg of PURE test.
200mg got you shaking with clenched fists? I was running 100mg of susp ed for awhile last year...200mg on back day. On back day i was ready to kill something...the best

Oh man.. the pumps are just like.. what... Like I have post gym pumps before I workout... Insane vascularity and fullness. I like running it once a or twice as opposed to ED, its a nice kick when its needed
I tried 100mg pre-legs workout yesterday because of this thread. I timed it so that i'd be in the gym about an hour after my shot. So I pinned it then went to wash the dishes, after like half an hour I was like clenching my jaw and basically had an insane shoulder/fore-arm pump n was like okay its obviously time to go now..

In the gym I was super pumped and was having a crazy workout. When I was leg pressing as I started to go heavier my head started spinning and sorta felt semi euphoric? Dont know whaaaat the fuck that was but it was too much, I felt like I had an extreme adrenaline rush an I felt light headed and dizzy.

It could be a lack of sleep, havent been getting quality sleep on account of the tren, but I think im going to stick with 25-50mg pre workout because 100 is seriously fucking intense...
I wouldn't think you would need to adjust your test level because whether or not you have a stable base at 250 or a stable base at 500 you are going to get a spike. As long as you are controlling your estrogen to begin with I feel you will be fine, you are at a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose anyways, might be a different story if you upped your test to 500.

I was planning on running 1cc 2x a week before legs and shoulders but I did a test run (no pun intended) at 25mg to gauge the pain and had an incredible workout. Since then Ive just decided to run 25mg pre-workout 5 days a week so I get 8 weeks out of a vial (I already have enough AAS in my system, im just using this as a nice pre-workout kick). Because they are smaller doses I also wont be spiking my blood levels as intensely.

Ive seen aquatest in the bowling pins that come in 25mg doses which is what gave me the original idea of trying 25mg. Its 25mg PURE testosterone with no ester weight so it is good still, I tried 50 and it was even better though haha. Im sure 1cc would be killer but like I said I've already got enough in my system and although its hard, some times you just gotta put a cap on it!

I'll most likely take the same approach and err on the side of caution with 25mg pre workout since I'm already on a cycle. Best to see how my body reacts and I can always bump it up from there