
Mr. dB

Angry Old Curmudgeon
dB Labs first batch is done. I converted 20g of enanthate into 80 ml of 250mg/ml. I used 1% BA just for the hell of it, and cotton seed oil. I made some silly mistakes, but nothing that affected the outcome.

Some random observations:

1: Next time I do a conversion, I'm doing it in a beaker instead of a large vial. I put all my "powder," BA, and oil in a fresh 100 ml vial; getting the enanthate through that tiny hole was a chore, I had to break it up into tiny chunks. I thought I was gonna have significant losses due to all the "powder" caked up around the opening, but fortunately when I added heat to dissolve the stuff, the caked goo at the top melted and ran into the rest of the solution.

B: Drawing the last 10-20 cc from the bottom of an unsealed 100 ml vial is no fun either. Sure wish I had a 3"-4" 18g needle.

III: BA will dissolve the markings on a syringe. I imagine it would also take the letters off of a computer keyboard, but I was smart enough to wash my hands before finding out the hard way. It will take the paint off of furniture too.

Next on my agenda is 10g each of deca and eq.
Mr. dB said:

III: BA will dissolve the markings on a syringe. I imagine it would also take the letters off of a computer keyboard, but I was smart enough to wash my hands before finding out the hard way. It will take the paint off of furniture too.

Right on bro. congrats! Definately grab some graduated beakers. it makes a big difference.

I remember the first time I got ba on shit and started stripping everything. stinks on the fingers too.
Did my first homebrew injection this morning, 0.5cc in the left biceps. Nice and smooth. That was the acid test, 'cause I fucking hate biceps injections.
never liked Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) in bi's, sometimes tri's. only the small stuff like slin,hgh, and hgc.

looks like you got it right
ld50 said:
never liked Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) in bi's, sometimes tri's. only the small stuff like slin,hgh, and hgc.

looks like you got it right

You do slin and hgh IM?
I always run slin IM using humalog.

I have run hgh IM, and interestingly get CT symptoms from lower doses like 2iu, where as I am now at 4iu Sub-q and not getting the symptoms. still trying to figure that one out.
Fun, Part Deux:

For dB Labs' second batch, I whipped up 10g of boldenone, which worked out to four 10ml vials @250mg/ml. This was much easier than the enanthate.

My bold "powder" came in a sealed vial. I was a bit worried when the flip-cap had some printed warning about paralyzing agents. I guess that was a joke from my source. I tried to draw the "powder" with a syringe, but it was too thick to draw with an 18g needle and a 10cc syringe, so I just pulled off the seal and poured it.

Not having learned from my mistakes last week, I once again mixed everything up in a large vial, 'cause I've been too lazy to go out looking for a good graduated beaker. The 50ml vial I used this time, though, wasn't any trouble, I was able to reclaim the oil with no significant losses.

Even though it probably wasn't necessary, I heated the "powder," oil and BA mixture before filtering, thinking the heat would help completely dissolve the "powder", and the hot oil would be thinner and therefore easier to filter. After a few minutes of heat, I put a stopper in the vial and gave it a few vigorous shakes, then let it sit for a minute while I put the cat outside. As I was walking out, the stopper blew off the vial like a champagne cork. I still haven't found it. :)

The rest of the process was uneventful, and the vials are now sterilizing in the oven.

I'll probably do the batch of nandrolone later tonight, after which my role will change from manufacturer back to consumer.
The nandrolone was a mess, that stuff has the consistency of tahini. Squeezing it all out of the little baggie was a bit of a challenge. I used a credit card as a squeegee.