Funny feeling after shot...


New member
Took my injection this evening 1.5 cc test prop. Went into the left quad felt normal through shot. Minutes after the shot my left foot and leg felt a little funny. Almost a numbness or tingling feeling. Not sure what would have caused this. Never had this happen before. Any thoughts?
I don't know bro, sounds like you may have "clipped" or irritated a nerve? I would only worry about it if it was very painful/numb and doesn't get better soon. Barring that, you may need to see a doctor.
I'm in the medical field and its not a feeling from a nerve because there was no pain from the needle going in. It arose after the shot. Can oil cause a numbing or tingling feeling it's not totally numb or anything like that its more a strange tingle feeling. Not painful at all.
Just the other day I was searching around for injection site pain information. A number of articles described things like numbing, tingling, and even twitching to be attributed to nerves. As the first reply stated, you may have clipped, or gone through a nerve. I don't think it's guaranteed if you hit a nerve that it will be excruciatingly painful as one may assume it to be.
And thats why I stick to glutes only

Same thing can happen to glutes... It's just a reduced chance. I find delts pain free 9/10 times (as in at work, I will felt a little something)... I have been pinning delts for over a year and a half now. Love em, fave spot.
I pin delts and quads and rotate through them. This was the first time I've ever had an issue. About a day and a half since the shot. My leg isn't as numb feelings but my foot and toes are still a little tingly and the quad area has been more painful then usual. Maybe just an weird shot. I would guess it was the oil sitting on a nerve. Delts are still my favorite but they can only take so many pokes. Ill make sure to post again tomorrow if the tingling and ever had gone away or not.
its typical... dont worry.. its probably the pressure of the oil on a nerve.. should go away as the oil gets absorbed